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What are some of your pet peeves?

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12 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

That's what I use, but a couple of phone videos (the ones were they don't hold the phone right) got through though.

I have some auto play on news sites anyway -it makes it better but it is still a problem.

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2 hours ago, Gatogateau said:

It's not just the quotes. I don't know about any of you but this software really blows. I'll refresh a page or move to the next page and BAM! there are all the people I've blocked and their posts right there! It is next to impossible not to read something, and from that crew it is nearly always eye-rolling fodder at the very least.

Yuck - I've never experienced that, no matter how many times I refresh the screen.  The only time I see posts of people I have blocked is when they are quoted.

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44 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Yuck - I've never experienced that, no matter how many times I refresh the screen.  The only time I see posts of people I have blocked is when they are quoted.

Occasionally, when I make a post and someone on my list posts just before or at the same time, I'll see their post AND the blocked message. It's either the forum software or the internet "hiccupping". My money is on the software.


Edited by Selene Gregoire
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3 hours ago, Orwar said:

   Oh, okay.

   . . . So, pet peeve: cats. I mean come on, how could anyone ever form an emotional connection with those repulsive, pointless little fur-balls? And attribute them with characteristics!? They have three modes; 'I want attention either because I'm hungry or because I threw up a mouse in your bed and I need to distract you until I've forgotten I'm in trouble', 'I'm asleep, leave me alone' or 'just leave me alone, I'm going to pace around as if I were up to something - but obviously I'm not as I stop at every turn to try figuring out where I'm going'. And the argument that 'Oh but you know, even the Egyptians knew to worship cats'? That statement is A) factually wrong and B) the Egyptians also thought that corpses should be scooped out clean, salted and wrapped in perfumed cloth interleaved with 'magical amulets', pfft! 

   But the one thing more annoying than cats themselves is, of course, the 'cat people'. As in, people who like cats, not people who think that they are cats - they're a whole 'nother chapter of their own - but they just can't give any rational argument ever, no matter how many times you point out that dogs are superior they just won't see reason!

   Disclaimer: this post is sarcastic. In the event of there being any discomfort in the readers' posterior section, please refer to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, page 42. 


Your point?



But just lookit that face!!!!

Honestly, Orwar, I don't know where to begin listing your fallacies in this completely off the wall rant of yours. Cats are adorable. That's just a fact. Anthropomorphic cats, are even more adorable. More fact. You are entitled to your own opinion but you can't have your own facts, and the facts are clearly on my side. Plus, ask Scylla. She knows. I give good toe kisses. *Some* people have discerning taste. (And don't make that into a joke about how cats taste! That would just be gouche.)

:::turns around three times for no good reason:::


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Human peeve: How come I never get the memos? Like, a few weeks ago I didn't know when engaging a Knight Errant, that that was her MO. Could have saved all of us a lot of eye rolling and typing had I known DO NOT GO THERE. Miss Information I learned about several months ago, but again, AFTER the fact. So tonight, toward the end of the "hot" topic (end so far tonight that is) I read "You know,. I've seen your drama-stirring many times over the years, am not interested in seeing it again now..." and it is all like Oh FFS. I have to reinvent the wheel each time??? It can't just be "pssst. nudge. wink wink"? I need a good skritching.

Edited by Gatogateau
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Peeve: Reading 8 pages of (mostly) bollux (debateable) until my eyeballs dry up and I look like a goldfish, finally flop into bed exhausted, only to not be able to sleep for 3 hours due to brain still processing 8 pages of bollux!  😡

...Not this thread btw! (though that is also "debateable" sometimes! lol).

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2 minutes ago, Dano Seale said:

Peeve: Reading 8 pages of (mostly) bollux (debateable) until my eyeballs dry up and I look like a goldfish, finally flop into bed exhausted, only to not be able to sleep for 3 hours due to brain still processing 8 pages of bollux!  😡

...Not this thread btw! (though that is also "debateable" sometimes! lol).

So you are kept awake at night by day dreaming about testicles? Interesting...

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25 minutes ago, Dano Seale said:

Peeve: Reading 8 pages of (mostly) bollux (debateable) until my eyeballs dry up and I look like a goldfish, finally flop into bed exhausted, only to not be able to sleep for 3 hours due to brain still processing 8 pages of bollux!  😡

...Not this thread btw! (though that is also "debateable" sometimes! lol).

Just testing, because I think we can actually say bollocks, the forum software doesn't recognise it as a swear word. 

Pet peeve - forum software that blocks words like tit which is a bird and ***** which is a kind of a meatball and ***** and ***** because they are just great stress-relievers. 

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6 hours ago, Gatogateau said:

Human peeve: How come I never get the memos? Like, a few weeks ago I didn't know when engaging a Knight Errant, that that was her MO. Could have saved all of us a lot of eye rolling and typing had I known DO NOT GO THERE. Mis Information I learned about several months ago, but again, AFTER the fact. So tonight, toward the end of the "hot" topic (end so far tonight that is) I read "You know,. I've seen your drama-stirring many times over the years, am not interested in seeing it again now..." and it is all like Oh FFS. I have to reinvent the wheel each time??? It can't just be "pssst. nudge. wink wink"? I need a good skritching.

Sometimes listening to a song with fun animation can be as good as a skriching, like this one:

And my pet peeve is that there's just not enough of them!

Edited by Luna Bliss
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2 hours ago, Gatogateau said:

So you are kept awake at night by day dreaming about testicles? Interesting...

That's utter bollocks Stop talking bollocks or you're going to end up proper bollocksed!*

BTW. did you know Royalty used to use de-clawed fluffy kittens as toilet paper? Bring back the "good olde days" I say!


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Peeve - One of my dearest friends keeps trying to convince me that there is a giant conspiracy lead by George Soros that somehow makes Trump the good guy and everyone else is the bad guy and Fox News is the only news source that can be trusted.  It drives me crazy that I can't pierce through the brainwashing and I hate to argue politics anyway.  She keeps saying I don't think you respect me.  I love her and she's a good person but she's right, I think she is an idiot to believe what she believes.

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3 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

Peeve - One of my dearest friends keeps trying to convince me that there is a giant conspiracy lead by George Soros that somehow makes Trump the good guy and everyone else is the bad guy and Fox News is the only news source that can be trusted.  It drives me crazy that I can't pierce through the brainwashing and I hate to argue politics anyway.  She keeps saying I don't think you respect me.  I love her and she's a good person but she's right, I think she is an idiot to believe what she believes.

Yup. I had to drop a SL (more than a) friend because of just incredible 4chan type rants he believed. sigh It was hard. But I just... couldn't. Up until you said "she" I thought I knew who it was from the old forum (not that it matters).  2016 ushered in a new wave of unbelievable rifts in our worlds, 2020 is like a tsunami of it.

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6 hours ago, Dano Seale said:

That's utter bollocks Stop talking bollocks or you're going to end up proper bollocksed!*

BTW. did you know Royalty used to use de-clawed fluffy kittens as toilet paper? Bring back the "good olde days" I say!


You do know that I know what bollocks means, right? :) So much BBC and Channel 4 and PBS, so little time.

Kitties are little trolls sometimes.♥

(That statement is gonna come back and bite me in a screenshot sometime. Oh well,  eff em if they can't take a joke, eh?)

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Human peeve: Being told that I'm really nice but... (how come there's always a "but"????) (mew) I sometimes tend to get a little bit wound up.


:::me starts purring:::


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11 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Maybe they meant to add another t?

Teh grammars don't quite work out on that, "That I am really nice butt..." But I'm guessing you meant that as "That I have a really nice butt..." so 

/me purrs, walks up on my toes, leans into your lower leg, rubs (lower leg, lower)...

Thank You! It's adorable, of course. :)

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20 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

Teh grammars don't quite work out on that, "That I am really nice butt..." But I'm guessing you meant that as "That I have a really nice butt..." so 

/me purrs, walks up on my toes, leans into your lower leg, rubs (lower leg, lower)...

Thank You! It's adorable, of course. :)

Sure you am really nice butt. Really nice butts am cute. You am cute. You am really nice butt cute. You am really nice cute butt.

Why do I feel like I am writing a Don LostBalls crappy gor novel?





@Amina Sopwith

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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4 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Sure you am really nice butt. Really nice butts am cute. You am cute. You am really nice butt cute. You am really nice cute butt.

Why do I feel like I am writing a Don LostBalls crappy gor novel?





@Amina Sopwith

I have no idea why. That isn't even a fraction as bad as Nobhead's screed. (It is worth noting that even the most die hard Goreans agree that the books are execrably written.) Have a lobotomy, down a bottle of neat tequila, fall out of a tree and try again.

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