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What are some of your pet peeves?

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3 minutes ago, Sassy Kenin said:

😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀 being trolls and calling others trolls is hilarious. some us have to go work everyday for a living to make sure government daddy gives you that monthly handout.


Now that we can safely say I'm officially unblocked, lemme ask you, does this usually actually work for you? Like calling me an 'emotional tampon' or suggesting I take government handouts? Was I meant to get real upset now? Or real riled up? LOL. I've done counseling, like 10 years ago, in several abuse recovery groups. Trust me, your wee jabs are nothing. 🤭 Round the same time this was a great hit:



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12 minutes ago, kiramanell said:

Was I meant to get real upset now? Or real riled up? LOL. 

No,  I am giving you what you came back on the forum for.. here I am you just have to ask yourself will this one go down like the past ones?

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7 minutes ago, Sassy Kenin said:

No,  I am giving you what you came back on the forum for.. here I am you just have to ask yourself will this one go down like the past ones?

What this thread is for is to talk about pet peeves, hence the title "What are some of your pet peeves" I politely ask that you take the petty drama somewhere else

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8 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

What this thread is for is to talk about pet peeves, hence the title "What are some of your pet peeves" I politely ask that you take the petty drama somewhere else

You all couldn't live without the drama to save your life..Ivy you made me laugh.

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

So now, anytime I see/hear someone say 'OK Boomer', they immediately go on my list of folks that I have very little respect for.  Anyone using the Karen diss is also on that list.

It doesn't faze me. If someone uses one of those weak come back terms I take it as they just don't have the intellect to carry on the fight, so I win by default!  🙂

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

This ^^.  So now, anytime I see/hear someone say 'OK Boomer', they immediately go on my list of folks that I have very little respect for.  Anyone using the Karen diss is also on that list.


Ok, I didn't even know 'Ok Boomer', but the Karen one I don't care for either. :( 

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Is it time to "IBL" this thread?  My mother and I are both "boomers", if you concatenate the date ranges often used to make that assertation.  And her name is Karen.  So you can all go have a drink now.  You've earned it.  My pet peeve?  I'd have to say people making inconsiderate generalizations about other people.  Naming diseases after their victims.  Attaching "popular culture memes" to people's names.  I could go on but it's pointless in this crowd, I would say.

Edited by Ardy Lay
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1 minute ago, Ardy Lay said:

Is it time to "IBL" this thread?  My mother and I are both "boomers", of you concatenate the date ranges often used to make this assertation.  And her name is Karen.  So you can all go have a drink now.  You've earned it.  My pet peeve?  I'd have to say people making inconsiderate generalizations about other people.  Naming diseases after their victims.  Attaching "popular culture memes" to people's names.  I could go on but it's pointless in this crowd, I would say.


Just in case it wasn't clear, I like the Karen name just fine; just not the Karen diss.

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22 minutes ago, Dano Seale said:

It doesn't faze me. If someone uses one of those weak come back terms I take it as they just don't have the intellect to carry on the fight, so I win by default!  🙂

Dont you have to be running a blog for another virtual world right now?thats my pet peeve  today a journalist without integrity ..thanks for your help.😀

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3 minutes ago, Ardy Lay said:

Is it time to "IBL" this thread?  My mother and I are both "boomers", if you concatenate the date ranges often used to make that assertation.  And her name is Karen.  So you can all go have a drink now.  You've earned it.  My pet peeve?  I'd have to say people making inconsiderate generalizations about other people.  Naming diseases after their victims.  Attaching "popular culture memes" to people's names.  I could go on but it's pointless in this crowd, I would say.

First, question, whats IBL stand for? Genuine question because I have no idea lol

Second, noone save for maybe one  (That I've noticed recently anyway) has actually used it as an insult, the rest of the posts have been simply talking about what it means and the context in which it is used.

Thirdly I understand your feelings towards it, I truly do and I am in no way saying that you or your mother have done this, I don't know if you have or not, but I have heard more insults coming from the Boomer Generation aimed at the younger generation than I have the other way around. I admit because of this I have participated in it a couple times, I don't anymore and I haven't in a few years, I will say this though, it is a little bit annoying when the generation who is throwing the jabs and insults at the younger generation(s) are the ones calling us disrespectful when we start throwing it back at them. I guess as the saying goes "If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen" If you can't handle it being thrown back, then don't be the one throwing it first. Again I am in no way saying its okay to generalize, people of any generation, age, sexuality etc, its not. But either ALL of it is okay, or none of it is. there can't be an in-between with this or otherwise it becomes a double standard and unfair

Sorry for the novel post but I guess the TL:DR version is : My peeve is double standards and generalizations

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I only see it here.  IBL, In Before Lock or in before the lock.  Usually the person saying it adds a picture.  Sometimes the picture depicts a person or animal at a closing gate or door.  They are predicting the current forum thread is about to be locked by a moderator.

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Just now, Ardy Lay said:

I only see it here.  IBL, In Before Lock or in before the lock.  Usually the person saying it adds a picture.  Sometimes the picture depicts a person or animal at a closing gate or door.  They are predicting the current forum thread is about to be locked by a moderator.

Ah okay, gotcha

And to be entirely honest I hope it doesn't get locked but at the rate its been going lately it wouldn't surprise me * sighs sadly*

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5 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

Thirdly I understand your feelings towards it, I truly do and I am in no way saying that you or your mother have done this, I don't know if you have or not, but I have heard more insults coming from the Boomer Generation aimed at the younger generation than I have the other way around. I admit because of this I have participated in it a couple times, I don't anymore and I haven't in a few years, I will say this though, it is a little bit annoying when the generation who is throwing the jabs and insults at the younger generation(s) are the ones calling us disrespectful when we start throwing it back at them. I guess as the saying goes "If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen" If you can't handle it being thrown back, then don't be the one throwing it first. Again I am in no way saying its okay to generalize, people of any generation, age, sexuality etc, its not. But either ALL of it is okay, or none of it is. there can't be an in-between with this or otherwise it becomes a double standard and unfair

Sorry for the novel post but I guess the TL:DR version is : My peeve is double standards and generalizations

The answer is to respond to people as individuals, not as unelected spokespeople for an entire generation. If you do that, silly attempted insults like "OK, Boomer" never come into play at all. 

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1 minute ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

The answer is to respond to people as individuals, not as unelected spokespeople for an entire generation. If you do that, silly attempted insults like "OK, Boomer" never come into play at all. 

The "OK Boomer" insult never woulda even became a thing if the older generation weren't pretty much ALWAYS saying things like "You/ The younger generation can handle this, the Younger generation expects everything to be handed to them/ want the easy way out of everything, This new generation is too sensitive" to the generation after them. I hear this alot in just my family alone, it was worse for a while on social media. For the generation that demands respect, they make it really hard to do that when they are usually the ones throwing the insults. Its kinda like asking the victim of a bully to respect the bully simply because their older than them, if that makes sense.

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White women get mad at being called Karen, but been calling black women Shaniqua and Shanaynay for decades along with tons of other things that are far worse to actually be called. Guess they don’t like when it happens to them, lol.

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3 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

White women get mad at being called Karen, but been calling black women Shaniqua and Shanaynay for decades along with tons of other things that are far worse to actually be called. Guess they don’t like when it happens to them, lol.

You really have a thing for pulling race into everything don't you? Last I checked talking about current and older Generations involved all races

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Every generation thinks the older generations screwed everything up and the younger generations are currently screwing things up. It’s the way of the world. The Silent Generation gave us world wars and Vietnam. The Boomer gave us AIDs and 9/11. We Xers are currently giving us a pandemic, and we’re just getting started. Millennials are going to give us something terrible, too, in a few years, and then Gen Z will come along and burn everything to the ground.

Every generation is horrible and wonderful. 

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In my lifetime*, the Beatles/Elvis fans got it. The mod's (scooters) and rockers (bikers) and skinheads got it. After them came the hippies, then the 70's with it's fashions, then punk and new romance era's. Things kinda quietened down a bit until the Goth's and emo's arrived and here we are!
Older people always give sh*t to younger people, it's a fact of life and the way of the world....deal with it!  I was young and got sh*t, now I'm old and feel it's my turn to give it! It'll be your turn soon if lucky....or unlucky, depending.

* UK version.

8 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

White women get mad at being called Karen, but been calling black women Shaniqua and Shanaynay for decades along with tons of other things that are far worse to actually be called. Guess they don’t like when it happens to them, lol.

Never heard anyone in the UK (or elsewhere) call a black women those names. "Karen" trips off the tongue much easier than that! Don't know why it's seen as a 'slur' anyhow? It's just the female equivelent of the "get the hell off my lawn" guy after all. Still, I bet all the Sharon's and Tracy's are much happier now!  😆

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The Karens are the privileged white women who call the police on a black family having a BBQ in the park, or on black kids having a lemonade stand, etc.

It’s a real thing and a real problem... but no one on any thread I’ve ever read here has ever displayed Karen-level behavior.

Defaulting to calling every white woman a Karen diminishes the reality that there is a certain sector of women who yell to the heavens that they aren’t racist while dialing 911 because there is a black kid walking down their street while ignoring the white kids beating up an old lady a few feet away. 

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Scratch that... I’m wrong.

A Karen is a privileged white woman who demands to speak to a manager because the waiter looked at her funny.

It’s the Beckys that are calling the police on black kids.

Edited by Beth Macbain
Ducking autocorrect
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37 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

The "OK Boomer" insult never woulda even became a thing if the older generation weren't pretty much ALWAYS saying things like "You/ The younger generation can handle this, the Younger generation expects everything to be handed to them/ want the easy way out of everything, This new generation is too sensitive" to the generation after them. I hear this alot in just my family alone, it was worse for a while on social media. For the generation that demands respect, they make it really hard to do that when they are usually the ones throwing the insults. Its kinda like asking the victim of a bully to respect the bully simply because their older than them, if that makes sense.

You are generalizing again. 

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27 minutes ago, Dano Seale said:

Never heard anyone in the UK (or elsewhere) call a black women those names. "Karen" trips off the tongue much easier than that! Don't know why it's seen as a 'slur' anyhow? It's just the female equivelent of the "get the hell off my lawn" guy after all. Still, I bet all the Sharon's and Tracy's are much happier now!  😆

I’m talking about America. I have no clue what goes on in the UK and I’m sure there are names BW are still called to demote as a stereotype. Some people are truly unaware due to ignorance. It’s not your fault. 

40 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

You really have a thing for pulling race into everything don't you? Last I checked talking about current and older Generations involved all races

I had seen someone talk about calling certain women ‘Karen’ and I see a lot of people getting really upset at it when black women and other women of color of been called derogatory names for decades. 

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