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What are some of your pet peeves?

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41 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


There is a tendency among novice writers, certainly, to think of editing as a sort of fine tuning of what you've already decided to say. My own experience (and what I've been taught about writing) suggests that editing is, in fact, also a crucial part of composition rather than merely correction and smoothing, in that the process of thinking about how you've said what you want to say very often leads to new discoveries and ideas. When I edit (and I write discursively and analytically rather than creatively), I frequently end up with something that is not merely written "better," but that is actually "smarter" and more 

The real writing takes place in the rewriting. Get your first draft down, it doesn't matter how bad it is, you can change it, that's what first drafts are for. It's usually easier to edit than to write the first draft because at least you can see what you don't want rather than a total blank sheet. Be merciless, kill your babies.

And don't throw a bloody strop at me when I do it for you. It's a collaborative process, I'm not taking it over but I can see it from a better distance than you can. Yes, I know it took you aaaages and you luuuuurve it. I also get red penned, I get it. Don't take it personally. Look up what Ezra Pound did with The Waste Land. Legend has it that in addition to all this, he scribbled, "Balls!" all over about half of it.

Sorry, that last bit wasn't aimed at you. Breathe, Amina. 

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21 hours ago, Amina Sopwith said:
22 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I kind of trust raw, unfiltered, sub-conscious expression (with limitations!) more than expressions filtered heavily with the mind, even though I can also feel annoyed an individual made no effort on my behalf via considering their audience. So in this sense I find the less-edited expression more honest or 'true'....the "true voice" 

Someone once told me that your first reaction to something is what you've been conditioned to think, while your second, more considered response is who you really are. I don't know how well it works as a hard and fast rule, but I thought it was interesting.

That is interesting, and the scenario you point out would seem to trust in the mind to overcome conditioning, whereas I tend to see the mind more as the way people trick themselves through psychological defenses such as rationalization, projection, and compartmentalization.
I imagine the results differ from person to person related to how well their particular mind serves them in a healthy way, and from the specifics of a situation too (for example, is someone spontaneously reacting to a situation they encounter in day-to-day life vs an endeavor like creative writing/editing where they are making a structured effort in the attempt to arrive at their desired destination, or engaging in a forum post which seems to be a combination of the two).

Some theories in Psychology say that our feelings, our visceral responses, are simply a shortcut reaction indicating what we truly think, even if we can't immediately describe those thoughts in words. Cognitive behavioral therapy believes that understanding a conditioned response and repeating constructive thoughts will change maladaptive responses, but the more 'body' types of therapy believe it's vital for the unconscious to be accessed in order to effect a permanent change and so 'talk therapy' is limited.

So,  while I believe the initial, visceral response could well be a conditioned one, I don't trust that the mind can easily create one that is less conditioned by culture. 

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10 hours ago, Amina Sopwith said:

Be merciless, kill your babies.

Sometimes I kill my babies and no live children remain in the end...lol     :(

I have edited with good results though, but rarely (talking about a poem, song, or visual art....a forum post being a different matter).

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

Sometimes I kill my babies and no live children remain in the end...lol     :(

I like the flower metaphor better for my work...hard pruning so that more and stronger beauty can come forth. Disbudding many side buds so I have fewer but more amazing camellias or long-stem single roses. 🌹

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On 1/5/2020 at 1:56 PM, Fauve Aeon said:

I like the flower metaphor better for my work...hard pruning so that more and stronger beauty can come forth. Disbudding many side buds so I have fewer but more amazing camellias or long-stem single roses. 🌹

Now that, is a lovely metaphor :)

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I thought with so much talk and info on proportions and attention to posing and emphasis on mocap animations,  people would have gotten past the tiny hands and ‘broken wrists’.

  • The tiny hands badness, anyone can fix, a rough guide is to just make your hands large enough to fully cover your face from forehead to chin...
  • the ‘broken wrist’ poses are either
  1. old pre-mesh-hand poses/animations that WILL distort mesh hands, or
  2. lazy creators that don’t make sure the kinematics are correct on NEW poses, animations, dances etc. 

RAWR. it’s some creepy-looking stuff.

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[04:34] dude (somedude) is online.

[04:35] dude (somedude): hi
[04:35] dude (somedude): hows you
[04:36] Second Life: dude (somedude) is offline.

[04:36] dude (somedude) is offline.
[04:37] girl (somegirl) is online.

[04:37] girl (somegirl): hi
[04:37] girl (somegirl): hows you
[04:41] Second Life: girl (somegirl) is offline.


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Those things that shove you off the landing point in some stores.

I mean, I get it. Some people just stand there forever. But I don't like being shoved the moment I rez in.

...sometimes I turn on movelock, stand  there for a few seconds while it attempts to push me, and then move on my own. >:|

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A really interesting item that is for sale at higher-than-normal pricing (>L$700) and does not specify which mesh body it's compatible with (zero mention of any mesh body whatsoever) in advert image or Marketplace description and no demo or in-world place to see it.

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38 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

A really interesting item that is for sale at higher-than-normal pricing (>L$700) and does not specify which mesh body it's compatible with (zero mention of any mesh body whatsoever) in advert image or Marketplace description and no demo or in-world place to see it.

When that happens, I just assume it’s Maitreya.

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I don't know if I'm just feeling more grumpy than usual but creators rigging non-tail bento items to the tail bones.

Lots of people in SL have tails! Nekos, furries, demons, even a lot of humans have some kind of tail items. So rigging your wiggle nipples, hair and unmentionables to the tail bones makes things break.

Rig to the hind legs, almost nobody uses those.

Edited by Cinos Field
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55 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

When that happens, I just assume it’s Maitreya.

That's a moot point. Would you be willing to experiment L$700 away to find out? Then find out that even if you're right, it doesn't fit well. The point is if that creator cannot bother to give such simple details in their description, at least - how well-done is their work in general?

As for assumptions: I would assume "Standard five sizes" - except maybe less than five.

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Just now, Alyona Su said:

That's a moot point. Would you be willing to experiment L$700 away to find out? Then find out that even if you're right, it doesn't fit well. The point is if that creator cannot bother to give such simple details in their description, at least - how well-done is their work in general?

I feel you.

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18 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

People with outrageous shapes such as giant wide hips or butts with tiny heads and dinosaur arms. Yet, calling my avie too skinny or big headed because it doesn't look like their unproportionate ones. 

I concur. Not as much that they look like they come from some different planet, but rather the hypocrite attitude. As avatars running around in world, I see no problem with it. But when they are used in wardrobe advertising, I tend to never buy - not because the look is off-putting or otherwise could be designated a "freakshow" - but rather because I get the impression that item must be designed for that looks or otherwise not well-designed for more realistically-looking human shapes.

Isn't advertising supposed to to be appeasing? They already over-photoshop so they may as well use supermodels, right?

Edited by Alyona Su
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Geez, between the fact that these work computers are still Windows 7 (totally unsupported now) and all of the crap that they have installed to run in the background to make sure I don't do anything bad on it, it took a full 30 minutes to patch, reboot twice, and get background processes running such that I could actually do anything on it.

Sometimes my SL pet peeves and frustrations pale in comparison.



OMG - And now the stupid thing says it needs to reboot AGAIN for updates.  I HATE Windows so bad.  And if Microsoft has stopped creating updates entirely for Win 7, what the heck kind of updates can it possibly need to apply?  Geez.

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5 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Geez, between the fact that these work computers are still Windows 7 (totally unsupported now) and all of the crap that they have installed to run in the background to make sure I don't do anything bad on it, it took a full 30 minutes to patch, reboot twice, and get background processes running such that I could actually do anything on it.

Sometimes my SL pet peeves and frustrations pale in comparison.



OMG - And now the stupid thing says it needs to reboot AGAIN for updates.  I HATE Windows so bad.  And if Microsoft has stopped creating updates entirely for Win 7, what the heck kind of updates can it possibly need to apply?  Geez.

We upgraded to windows 10 at my office last Thursday and Friday. I logged out last night and got “update and restart” “update and shut down”. At least it didn’t force the update while I was working.

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20 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

We upgraded to windows 10 at my office last Thursday and Friday. I logged out last night and got “update and restart” “update and shut down”. At least it didn’t force the update while I was working.

Our laptops pop up a restart countdown box - giving us 30 minutes to finish whatever and let the reboot happen.  It is highly frustrating, especially when it happens twice in the same morning - and the first reboot was actually 2 reboots.  We used to be able to do a 4-hour delay, twice, before it forced the reboot.  Those delays would at least let me finish the work day before doing the reboot.  Given how each time takes 15-30 minutes, that at least prevent some of the irritation.

I'm still sometimes can't believe that we are still on Win 7 - though given how so many companies like to delay upgrades for as long as possible, I'm not totally surprised.

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3 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Our laptops pop up a restart countdown box - giving us 30 minutes to finish whatever and let the reboot happen.  It is highly frustrating, especially when it happens twice in the same morning - and the first reboot was actually 2 reboots.  We used to be able to do a 4-hour delay, twice, before it forced the reboot.  Those delays would at least let me finish the work day before doing the reboot.  Given how each time takes 15-30 minutes, that at least prevent some of the irritation.

I'm still sometimes can't believe that we are still on Win 7 - though given how so many companies like to delay upgrades for as long as possible, I'm not totally surprised.

It’s nice to take a little break. That’s what I treat it as.

I’m really surprised we switched so fast. We still use telnet connected to a mainframe.

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