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The "We know it so well we think others know it" Thread

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One learnt from my early days.  I don't know if this on duty thing is still around but here goes.   If you ever get a random menu pop up saying you are giving birth in 9 days.  YOU AREN'T.  Don't freak out and think but i was only dancing.  Its not happening, someone bumped into you with one of these things and nothing is going to happen, just ignore it.  Don't worry about staying offline for 9 days.  You won't give birth

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- *Taking time to go through the preferences to configure stuff to your liking.

[in Firestorm]
- If you prefer moving using the WASD, check the box under Preferences -> Move&View -> Movement > Pressing letter keys ...  ... local chat
- if you prefer to cam around with some privacy, under Preferences -> Privacy -> LookAt -> My look at targets (check the boxes accordingly)
- you can remove the camera constraints under Preferences -> Move&View -> View
- you can 'show friends' only, which hides all other non-friend avatars in the viewer under World -> Show Friends Only
- I often press Avatar -> Avatar Health -> Refresh Attachments if I TP about, so as to not have any invisible body parts (am using maitreya). 
- Preferences -> Firestorm -> Limit Select Distance (check / uncheck), helps when cam shopping

- have as little script as possible being worn when travelling by vehicle, i.e., sailing, flying, etc
- normal chat range is 20m, whispers are 10m and shouts are 100m. 
- Organise the inventory otherwise it might get cluttered over time
- clearing items/vehicles/poseballs that you rezzed out before TP-ing away

- ctrl + 4 is build
- ctrl + shift + R shows wireframe mode
- ctrl + shift + alt + U shows/hides the updates being done by objects, represented  by coloured squares
- ctrl + alt + T shows / hides transparency
- ctrl + alt + shift + T while selecting an object shows you the texture informations used on said object

Edited by LucidiaErsatz
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10 minutes ago, LucidiaErsatz said:

- Organise the inventory otherwise it might get cluttered over time

It's never too early to start organizing your inventory.   You will probably later change or refine how you organize it, but even that will be easier if you already have some sort of organization in place.

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I think Skell mentioned this one, but it was a bit buried in a list.

  • To put something on, right click it in inventory and use ADD.  Using Wear replaces anything else on that attachment point or clothing layer slot with the new item.

My procedure for getting dressed:

  • Stand on a pose stand
  • Go to the Worn tab in inventory and take off all clothing and my hair.  Remove any other body parts I'm not going to need, too.
  • Wear a mesh body and/or head (optional)  Be sure to wear (add) the relevant HUDs and alpha masks.
  • Find lingerie clothing layers, or appropriate applier for mesh body
  • Add clothing.  Include any texture HUD(s)
  • Adjust alpha masking of mesh body so clothes don't look moth-eaten
  • Add shoes
  • Add nail appliers for mesh hands/feet (optional)
  • Add hair
  • Add jewelry (check avatar complexity.  Cut back if necessary)  Use Edit to adjust position of attachments
  • Get off pose stand, check to see if alpha mask needs adjustment for moving avatar
  • Right click self, select Edit>Edit Outfit>Save As, give outfit a name.  Now I can just use a mouse click the next time, instead of going through the above.
  • Remove any adjustment HUDs, leaving only the ones I need...AO, facial animations, hugger.
Edited by Lindal Kidd
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If a HUD is blocking your view, right click it, choose Edit, and drag it to another place on the screen with the positioning arrows.

If you can't see the HUD at all, right click and Edit any one that you CAN see, then scroll your mouse wheel backwards to zoom beyond the screen borders.  Find the "missing" HUD and edit it back within the screen edges.


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Hitting ESC changes the focus of the cursor from the chat or other window to the main window.  Typing "E" when the cursor is in the main window instead of Chat will cause you to leap into the air.

When you do that, chat "/me is excited!" or something similar so that there is an outside chance people will think you meant to do it.

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Say "There is so much lag, im going to crash anytime soon", before you hit the quit button.
That saves a lot time you would waste for a long conversation including a "no, i wont stay for another hour" or a "yes, i will come back for sure" 😅

Edited by Resi Pfeffer
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42 minutes ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

Say "There is so much lag, im going to crash anytime soon", before you hit the quit button.
That saves a lot time you would waste for a long conversation including a "no, i wont stay for another hour" or a "yes, i will come back for sure" 😅

and the next day ... "i couldn't get back,must have been some connection issue ..."

more or less the same as  "i have a headache"   :)

Edited by Ethan Paslong
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1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

If a HUD is blocking your view, right click it, choose Edit, and drag it to another place on the screen with the positioning arrows.

If you can't see the HUD at all, right click and Edit any one that you CAN see, then scroll your mouse wheel backwards to zoom beyond the screen borders.  Find the "missing" HUD and edit it back within the screen edges.


I am 10 years old... I only learned last year that i can rightclick the HUD which is not visible on the screen, in my inventory. Then I choose EDIT from the menu and, with the build window now visible, I use the position up / down buttons to bring the HUD into visible screen area.

Emma :)

Edited by Emma Krokus
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1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:


  • To put something on, right click it in inventory and use ADD.  Using Wear replaces anything else on that attachment point or clothing layer slot with the new item.


And, be careful what you are right clicking on. Wearing your whole clothing folder doesn't end well  😭

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1 hour ago, Emma Krokus said:

I am 10 years old... I only learned last year that i can rightclick the HUD which is not visible on the screen, in my inventory. Then I choose EDIT from the menu and, with the build window now visible, I use the position up / down buttons to bring the HUD into visible screen area.

Emma :)

Also, you can right-click and edit any visible HUD, and then use the scroll wheel on your mouse, or the zoom control in the camera controls floater, to zoom out and bring stuff that's off-screen into view.

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Hmmm, handy tips... Let's see...

11 hours ago, moirakathleen said:

To expand on the sitting on something so a griefer can't move you - if you suddenly realize that you need to quickly sit down and you are wearing mesh clothes or mesh hair or a mesh body - right click on whatever you're wearing that is mesh and choose 'sit down' from the menu. This results in a ground sit.

DON'T click on things inworld when under griefer attack... An old griefer trick is the sit scripted invisible follower, a large phantom sphere, that surrounds your avatar, so any attempt to click on your self will result in you clicking on the griefer prim which then tries to do it's evil...

If you want a fast no-click ground sit, press Alt-Shift-S...

9 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

by right clicking an avatar and then selecting More from the pie menu

NEVER assume anyone else in SL, let alone "noobs needing help" uses those bloody awful pie menu things, most new people will be using proper rectangular menus that don't HAVE a "More" button...


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16 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Not really what I had in mind for this thread but.... ok. ^_^

Oh, I know it was mostly about technical advice... but many new players are roughly as unaware of these social issues too—and perhaps more vulnerable to them precisely because, being the human side of it, they think they’re already prepared for them. Experience tells me most aren’t, though.

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3 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I think Skell mentioned this one, but it was a bit buried in a list.

  • To put something on, right click it in inventory and use ADD.  Using Wear replaces anything else on that attachment point or clothing layer slot with the new item.


In Firestorm, you can set an option to "always add instead of wear".  I set that option and can then just double click an inventory item to add it.

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12 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Calling cards can be given by right clicking an avatar and then selecting More from the pie menu then Give Calling Card.

Open your Calling Cards folder once in a while. Especially after you've been in world for more than a few weeks or even years. You'd be *amazed* at how many you've collected. Double-clicking on one will open that person's profile. If you want to try a fun social experiment, send an IM telling them you found that you have their calling card (which usually means you were on each others' friend list at one time) - so strike up a conversation and catch up. You never know, things change all the time, you can always befriend each other again. :)

9 hours ago, Callum Meriman said:
  • For Catwa heads, the outside eye corners are rigged to your eyebrow bushiness, to stop the sideways S eye look, adjust your bushiness. It's on your hair base, under eyebrows.

This applies to most mesh heads, though for Genus, it is the Eyebrow height that affects the outside eye corner *heavily*. Thus, if you're going for the cliche "Asian" look, use Eyebrows to help with that. And different eyebrows from different creators have different effects, for example: Eyebrows that come from Catwa have a different effect than eyebrows that come from Genus, or LAQ, etc.

And by the way: Not all Asians have the "slanted eyes" - so stop it already, to look Asan you should focus on the other features, like head length (Asians have flat faces and smaller noses), etc. LOL

Edited by Alyona Su
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4 hours ago, Emma Krokus said:

I am 10 years old... I only learned last year that i can rightclick the HUD which is not visible on the screen, in my inventory. Then I choose EDIT from the menu and, with the build window now visible, I use the position up / down buttons to bring the HUD into visible screen area.

Emma :)

Don't forget to scroll with the mouse wheel to see it so you can move it. ;)

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5 hours ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

Say "There is so much lag, im going to crash anytime soon", before you hit the quit button.

PRO TIP: In all viewers, you can create Graphics Presets, it's the little icon in the top-right of your window. The one setting that is always there is "Default" - this is the default graphic settings your viewer has set based on your graphics card capabilities for optimal performance and experience.

Chances are that you have changed your graphics setting to beef things up (computer ability notwithstanding) - so be sure to click the SAVE button and give that a name, I call mine "Main".

After saving that, now create another one that has the *MINIMUM* settings: non-imposters to 4 or 5, no "Advanced Lighting" turned OFF (this is the biggest slowdown and cause of Computer-side lag, I believe) - turn down draw distance to really short, like 96 or 128, turn all sliders down to minimum except, maybe avatars or a few other things, like LOD to 4, etc..

Save this prest and name it. I call mine "Crowds".

Now, when lag starts really creeping up on you, pass your mouse over that little icon in the upper right and choose your minimum settings. Congratulations! You have just given your computer a VIagra pill! This also works when arriving at a really crowded place, too. I always set my display to "Crowds" then go walk around and get to where I want with almost ZERO LAG, if Scripts or rubber-band-walking are happening then that is certainly server lag, but you won;t be in for a crash, that's for sure.

Once in my chosen position where I will hang out, then I set to my "Main" and since most content (and avatars) are already rezzed, the rest is now added in about 2 seconds. :D

2 hours ago, Klytyna said:

NEVER assume anyone else in SL, let alone "noobs needing help" uses those bloody awful pie menu things, most new people will be using proper rectangular menus that don't HAVE a "More" button...


Though I prefer another viewer other than Firestorm, I still use it once in a while and in Firestorm I have *turned OFF* the pie menu. Never, ever presume people use a pie menu, though Firestorm is popular, if you are assisting someone then chances are they may not be using Firestorm.

Besides - the Pie menu is actually *slower* at doing things. Try this experiment:

Choose something to derender: right-click on it with pie menu:

  • More
  • More
  • More
  • Derender
  • Blacklist

Normal menu Rightclick:

  • Drender + Blacklist

Bahaha - You go ahead and keep using that Pie menu because you think it's superior. If it were a six-shooter and we were standing off, I'd out-gun you every time.

2 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

...throws more pie at you.

/me makes a Chinese HEX symbol with her hands then THROWS IT AT YOU.

PRO TIP: Linden Torley was *the face* O fLinden Lab waaaay back when. The old "Torley" videos are a GOLD MINE of usability tips and tricks. Even though many are really *old* and even created in the version 1 Viewer, most of what he showed off is still relevant today (except facelights, he invented those and the grid has been hating him for it ever since) - so have a look-see and learn or re-learn some AWESOME SL tricks you never knew or forgot that your knew! (And his Estate/Private Region is STILL on the grid!)


Edited by Alyona Su
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In firestorm, there is a recent tab where you can see only your recently opened items.

you can further sort your recent tab though in options, so that it will only display items within a certain time frame with the newer than or older than button.

I think it’s options, I usually post from my phone when I’m posting here, so maybe someone can help me out.

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2 hours ago, Klytyna said:

NEVER assume anyone else in SL, let alone "noobs needing help" uses those bloody awful pie menu things, most new people will be using proper rectangular menus that don't HAVE a "More" button...


Ever stop to consider typing "pie menu" just might be one of those habits I spoke of in the OP?


Didn't think so.

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2 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

While the majority of people in SL do use FS, let's try to avoid being viewer specific please. TPVs tend to have features the official viewer doesn't have.

Thank you. Ditto this. Besides, though I'm sure it's not intended, it feels elitist and presumptuous at best, I won't mention how it looks at worst. 

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