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Hostility increase in SL

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It's just something I've noticed lately and what happened today really seemed to drive this point home.

I was in the Firestorm Support group asking for a solution as to why my viewer keeps going to the log out screen as soon as it gets off the loading screen. I waited a full 5 minutes, no-one responded so in a lighthearted, if not annoyed manner, mentioned it with the sentence '...Wow okay thanks, helpful as ever-.-"

Then there were 2 or 3 people who proceeded to attack me over me voicing my annoyance for not getting a response, belittling me and calling me rude names that weren't called for.


I tell this story because I've noticed this about the residence of SL over the last year, if not 2 years or more. Hostile people have always been around in SL, but it seems like they have drastically grown in numbers over the last couple of years. Something as simple as me politely pointing out a typo in someone's profile had them telling me I should delete my account as well as other things I will spare you from so my question is. Do you all think that, as SL grows in Popularity, that it also attracts a lot of hostile people as well?


Edited by IvyLarae
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I wouldn't do much so hostile people as people who are so touchy-feely that they will often go out of their way to interpret things in a way that that they find offensive so they can then have a whinge session and get sympathy from other like-minded people. Unfortunately, it's part and parcel with two particular socio-economic groups - the overprivileged (perceived or actual) and the Gen-Yers. 

And I am fully expecting members of these groups to have a big whinge and prove my point.

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38 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

It's just something I've noticed lately and what happened today really seemed to drive this point home.

I was in the Firestorm Support group asking for a solution as to why my viewer keeps going to the log out screen as soon as it gets off the loading screen. I waited a full 5 minutes, no-one responded so in a lighthearted, if not annoyed manner, mentioned it with the sentence '...Wow okay thanks, helpful as ever-.-"

Then there were 2 or 3 people who proceeded to attack me over me voicing my annoyance for not getting a response, belittling me and calling me rude names that weren't called for.


I tell this story because I've noticed this about the residence of SL over the last year, if not 2 years or more. Hostile people have always been around in SL, but it seems like they have drastically grown in numbers over the last couple of years. Something as simple as me politely pointing out a typo in someone's profile had them telling me I should delete my account as well as other things I will spare you from so my question is. Do you all think that, as SL grows in Popularity, that it also attracts a lot of hostile people as well?


Did you repeat your issue a second time before making that comment?

I was on the support team for 5 years prior to taking a 4 year hiatus from SL and that sort of comment was all too common then as it is now. It usually isn't done in good humor. It's also one of the myriad of reasons I will not rejoin the team.

If there is someone on and in the group that can help they will as soon as they can. You may have to wait for that help much longer than 5 minutes. Be patient and repeat the issue after a few minutes. It may take several repeats before someone can respond. You may also have to wait until one of the actual team members is online to get the help you need. Try to be patient. You will get the help you need at some point and just ignore any snide remarks.

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4 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

It's just something I've noticed lately and what happened today really seemed to drive this point home.

I was in the Firestorm Support group asking for a solution as to why my viewer keeps going to the log out screen as soon as it gets off the loading screen. I waited a full 5 minutes, no-one responded so in a lighthearted, if not annoyed manner, mentioned it with the sentence '...Wow okay thanks, helpful as ever-.-"

Then there were 2 or 3 people who proceeded to attack me over me voicing my annoyance for not getting a response, belittling me and calling me rude names that weren't called for.


I tell this story because I've noticed this about the residence of SL over the last year, if not 2 years or more. Hostile people have always been around in SL, but it seems like they have drastically grown in numbers over the last couple of years. Something as simple as me politely pointing out a typo in someone's profile had them telling me I should delete my account as well as other things I will spare you from so my question is. Do you all think that, as SL grows in Popularity, that it also attracts a lot of hostile people as well?


So sorry to hear you having such an awful experience ☹️

I think you're onto something.. as SL popularity increases, the greater exposure you will have to different types of people... and some people just enjoy being aggressive. There's also the keyboard warrior phenomenon.

But as Selene Gregoire has said, if you wait it out, not everyone's like that so you will get responses from the more helpful peeps ?

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5 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

I waited a full 5 minutes, no-one responded so in a lighthearted, if not annoyed manner, mentioned it with the sentence '...Wow okay thanks, helpful as ever-.-"

Then there were 2 or 3 people who proceeded to attack me over me voicing my annoyance for not getting a response, belittling me and calling me rude names that weren't called for.

I sometimes reply in groups, but I am not on duty there, and if I don't know the answer, why should I reply and say  "I don't know"?

I can be helpful, but only if I can help, and if I am in the middle of something that I have to give my full attention, that is my priority, not the group chat.

I would think "rude" if I read that, but I would not bother to reply, just close the chat. And think that people get more and more demanding and impatient, not able to search in information posted online.

And yes, the only way to read that is "sarcastic" or rude.

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A lot of the group chats I hang out in are all pretty well behaved and helpful..

Myself I think it's actually better than it used to be,but then again,I'm not in a lot of the same kinds of groups I used to be in..It's been years since I've had any conflict with anyone in SL really..

It's been pretty good for awhile..

It's a big place and I don't think the whole SL would follow such a pattern,but areas of it yes,it's very possible..

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6 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

I waited a full 5 minutes, no-one responded so in a lighthearted, if not annoyed manner, mentioned it with the sentence '...Wow okay thanks, helpful as ever-.-"

I'm one of the 'bold text people'. I work as a CSR and moderator for a store support group that contains approximately 23,000 users.

Where you see light-heartedness, I see sarcasm. (And, being British, believe me I'm fluent in all of sarcasm's little nuances.)

  • Was the chat generally moving along, with people talking in it? If so, your question might simply have been lost in the scroll. Solution: ask your question again, and be patient.
  • Was anyone with bold text (moderator/CSR) talking in chat? If not, they might be helping several people in IM already and simply be too busy to reply to you. Solution: wait for a little while, then ask your question again, and be patient.
  • Was the chat completely silent? If so, then the moderators/CSRs might have been busy helping people in IM and the rest of the group may not have known the fix for your problem. Solution: wait for a little while, then ask your question again, and be patient.

CSRs and moderators are usually not required to be on duty every second that we're logged in. Most of us, however, will keep the group chat open so that - if we notice someone is asking questions and the other CSRs are clearly busy - we'll step in. At that point, a day off becomes a 'day on'. The only time I close the support chat I work in is when my partner logs in and I want to give him all of my attention instead. Even then, I still get IMs dinging in, all of which receive my autoresponse that tells them I'm AFK/busy and suggests that they join the group and ask their question there.

A couple of weeks ago I was helping three individual people in group chat, all at the same time. One was a newbie who needed 'hand-holding' all the way through a step-by-step routine to do something. Another was a 'regular' who asks tens of questions a day, just does what they're told, then comes back and asks the same questions again several days later because they don't actually listen or take in what they've been told. The third was being helped and was asking for other help: wanting links, and landmarks to be given to them instead of searching for that stuff themselves. While all of that was going on, I also had two people in IM that I was helping, which quickly became a third IM because the newbie I was helping in chat was getting thoroughly confused by all the other stuff going on in chat. The chat questions were coming in so fast that I could barely type quickly enough to keep up with them, while switching from tab to tab to keep up with the people in IM as well.

If you'd come into chat at that moment, asked your question, and then five minutes later you'd come back with  "...Wow okay thanks, helpful as ever-.-" (which, believe me, I have seen people do when we've been slammed busy with work like I just described) then you bet a few other people in the group might have called you out for "voicing your annoyance at not getting a response".

Edited by Skell Dagger
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6 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

I was in the Firestorm Support group asking for a solution as to why my viewer keeps going to the log out screen as soon as it gets off the loading screen. I waited a full 5 minutes, no-one responded

Yeah, well that happens... "Normal" SL people would expect that, because, the people currently in a group and currently online *MIGHT* be, you know, in the middle of something...

"Cant answer now, plane is crashing!"

6 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

so in a lighthearted, if not annoyed manner, mentioned it with the sentence '...Wow okay thanks, helpful as ever-.-"

Obviously, people didn't find you as amusing as you believe your self to be.

6 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

Then there were 2 or 3 people who proceeded to attack me over me voicing my annoyance for not getting a response, belittling me and calling me rude names that weren't called for.

That tends to happen when people start whining that the other members in the group, didn#t immediately drop everything they were doing and pander to the whims of the "Queen of SL", but instead start muttering dirty revolutionary talk about lynching some "self entitled self important special snowflake"...

6 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

Do you all think that, as SL grows in Popularity, that it also attracts a lot of hostile people as well?

It's NOT growing in popularity, it's in genteel decline, with an aging population who, as as we get older, get less and less tolerant of "self important self entitled special snowflakes" making demands of us...

I don't suppose it occured to you that most of the people in the group ARE NOT FS TECH SUPPORT STAFF...

They do NOT get paid to drop everything that 's going on in THEIR SLives, just to meet your FOOLISH expectations of prompt VIP Customer Service.

Even the ACTUAL FS Support Staff are unpaid, AND have their own SLives...

And yes, I used to do tech support for a living, RL, and if you'd used that tone with me, you'd have been lucky if your ears didn't bleed by the time I'd finished "calling you rude names" (British, working class, ex-military, and able to walk into a dockside bar and have sailors come running out 5 mins later with their hands over their ears...).

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7 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

I'm one of the 'bold text people'. I work as a CSR and moderator for a store support group that contains approximately 23,000 users.


It's true, you are very helpful ?


7 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

Where you see light-heartedness, I see sarcasm. (And, being British, believe me I'm fluent in all of sarcasm's little nuances.)



... ?

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8 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

I was in the Firestorm Support group asking for a solution as to why my viewer keeps going to the log out screen as soon as it gets off the loading screen. I waited a full 5 minutes, no-one responded so in a lighthearted, if not annoyed manner, mentioned it with the sentence '...Wow okay thanks, helpful as ever-.-"

Then there were 2 or 3 people who proceeded to attack me over me voicing my annoyance for not getting a response, belittling me and calling me rude names that weren't called for.

I’m sorry they were rude to you, but your “light-hearted” sarcasm invited it.

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The problem with text chat is that it's just that: plain text. No tone of voice, no facial expression that can make people understand you were posting this in a lighthearted manner. To me this plain text sentence looks very rude and sarcastic. 

I'm part of the volunteer Firestorm support team (not a mod in the English group) and all of us try our best to help people along. unfortunatly there isn't a 24/7 coverage for support but apart from that there are a lot of very helpful and knowledgable people in the support groups that aren't part of the team. Usualy if someone is online that knows the answer, they'll just give it to you.

Next time, please show a little more patience and just repeat your question again after a few minutes, people come and go all the time!

Please remember that people can only read the words you post and that not everybody has English (or American) as their original language.

Have fun!

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11 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

Do you all think that, as SL grows in Popularity,


6 hours ago, Hollie Leavitt said:

I think you're onto something.. as SL popularity increases


SL isn't growing in popularity.  It hits its high point about a decade or so ago and has been on a very slow decline ever since.


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5 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

I'm one of the 'bold text people'. I work as a CSR and moderator for a store support group that contains approximately 23,000 users.

Where you see light-heartedness, I see sarcasm. (And, being British, believe me I'm fluent in all of sarcasm's little nuances.)

  • Was the chat generally moving along, with people talking in it? If so, your question might simply have been lost in the scroll. Solution: ask your question again, and be patient.
  • Was anyone with bold text (moderator/CSR) talking in chat? If not, they might be helping several people in IM already and simply be too busy to reply to you. Solution: wait for a little while, then ask your question again, and be patient.
  • Was the chat completely silent? If so, then the moderators/CSRs might have been busy helping people in IM and the rest of the group may not have known the fix for your problem. Solution: wait for a little while, then ask your question again, and be patient.

CSRs and moderators are usually not required to be on duty every second that we're logged in. Most of us, however, will keep the group chat open so that - if we notice someone is asking questions and the other CSRs are clearly busy - we'll step in. At that point, a day off becomes a 'day on'. The only time I close the support chat I work in is when my partner logs in and I want to give him all of my attention instead. Even then, I still get IMs dinging in, all of which receive my autoresponse that tells them I'm AFK/busy and suggests that they join the group and ask their question there.

A couple of weeks ago I was helping three individual people in group chat, all at the same time. One was a newbie who needed 'hand-holding' all the way through a step-by-step routine to do something. Another was a 'regular' who asks tens of questions a day, just does what they're told, then comes back and asks the same questions again several days later because they don't actually listen or take in what they've been told. The third was being helped and was asking for other help: wanting links, and landmarks to be given to them instead of searching for that stuff themselves. While all of that was going on, I also had two people in IM that I was helping, which quickly became a third IM because the newbie I was helping in chat was getting thoroughly confused by all the other stuff going on in chat. The chat questions were coming in so fast that I could barely type quickly enough to keep up with them, while switching from tab to tab to keep up with the people in IM as well.

If you'd come into chat at that moment, asked your question, and then five minutes later you'd come back with  "...Wow okay thanks, helpful as ever-.-" (which, believe me, I have seen people do when we've been slammed busy with work like I just described) then you bet a few other people in the group might have called you out for "voicing your annoyance at not getting a response".

Are you sure you aren't on the FS support team? Because that is exactly what happens in the main FS support group. :D

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As one of the moderators of the Maitreya Lara Friends group, 20,000+ members, I assure you that Skell's description is also what we see day in and day out. And just as those who provide support in the FS support group, none of us are paid. We are there because we want to help. So, next time when you are asking for help, please use your words more carefully, repeat your question and patiently wait until someone is available to help you. 

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