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Dakota Linden

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I started SL in July of 2015, about a month later I had a stroke, this greatly increased my available time for SL while I recovered, and probably contributed to my becoming addicted. I recently changed my approach, being more of my self than before. I have always been interested in art and created art, this has transfered over to SL. Today I am 95% or so recovered from the stroke, though I am reminded every day that it happened by the ways it still affects me. And still as in those early days when I couldn't get out of bed, SL is the one place I can be 100% recovered.

Edited by Ayeleeon
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   Good to read about you @Ayeleeon. As someone who also suffers from medical issues, I know what you mean about being reminded every day that it happened. Good work on being 95% recovered from your stroke though, because I know that it was (having had friends who have had strokes too). Glad your here in SL.

   @xLunaea, how could you smoke Mary Jane; such a nice girl like that. I mean she may have red hair, but you don't need to light her u... OOOhhhh... you meant the other thing. Nevermind lol... 😁

   And @karenx0, or should I say Agent Cabbage, your secret is safe with us (unless some of us are vegetables of course. In which case your screwed lol)...


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6 hours ago, BjorJlen said:

   Good to read about you @Ayeleeon. As someone who also suffers from medical issues, I know what you mean about being reminded every day that it happened. Good work on being 95% recovered from your stroke though, because I know that it was (having had friends who have had strokes too). Glad your here in SL.

   @xLunaea, how could you smoke Mary Jane; such a nice girl like that. I mean she may have red hair, but you don't need to light her u... OOOhhhh... you meant the other thing. Nevermind lol... 😁

   And @karenx0, or should I say Agent Cabbage, your secret is safe with us (unless some of us are vegetables of course. In which case your screwed lol)...


What's the point of eating veggies even though your body part gets sick >.> I fed my tummy veggies few days ago and it became sick,,,how DARE it? So ungrateful

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I never saw myself doing things like these but I actually don’t really see a reason why I shouldn’t so…

Hi I’m Scarlet. I’ve been on SL for a few years now but I’ve inactive for more than a year. All I’ve been doing for the last 2 or 3 days was updating everything I have and boy, that entire process really had my back hurting and my eyes strainingHad good friends who showed me the ropes in SL when I started but, sadly, I have not seen them go online at all ever since I got back.

Irl, I’m a nursing student so you can come talk and discuss with me stuff about health or interesting anatomy. I can’t diagnose anything for you though. I hope there’s a clinic near you if ever. 😅 I’m also into content like those from BuzzFeed Unsolved/Supernatural. I also have Asian roots and I like talking about Asian culture but please don’t come at me if I don’t know about some stuff. I don’t know everything but I’m always eager to learn. 

I don’t want to write a book in this forum so if you feel that we would be able to connect (even if if it’s just a slight feeling), feel free to send me an IM. 

Hope you are all having a great day so far 😊

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Hello, My name is Alma and I'm a SLholic.

I was asked (in 2005) to join SL by my Division Chair to see if it was a viable platform for academic pursuits. I still have that Avatar, and another, and Alma is my third--the one that stuck. For a number of years I guided graphic design students through SL, teaching basic texture creation, tiling textures, alpha textures, basic 3D modeling (prim cobbling) with the purpose of introducing students to Maya. I also taught digital illustration which was my main outside income aside from teaching full-time. (Helpful hint: if you really want to piss off a PhD tell them that you have no interest in tenure because you are making more money working outside the ivory tower part-time than I ever would working inside full-time). 

In 2015 I ended up at the hospital with a spinal injury. They operated, took out seven (all) sections of my cervical vertebrae (Posterior Spinal Laminectomy). They told me I needed two other surgeries for thoracic and lumber vertebrae. It took me three years to recover from first surgery. I am permanently disabled but I can walk-ish and most importantly--I can still draw and paint although at significantly lower productivity levels and I do it from bed. I live with chronic pain, and tell my neurosurgeon that the only way he is getting me back on the operating table is when I can no longer physically kick and scream to keep myself off of it. 

In the intervening years between 2006 and today, SL has been an escape, a pressure release, an academic venture, physical therapy, mental therapy, and liberation from the confines of my bedroom. It has also been a dark place, a place of unapologetic binging, a lie and a RL relationship torpedo. 

Today SL for me is a place of moderation, acceptance, and peace. Like the pain pills I take by the handful, SL can be abused, but when regulated, it can be a tool for which I am profoundly grateful to have access.

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Maybe I'm newer than most of you here, I accidentally discovered second life in an advertisement a year and a half ago. 🙂 

And when I got into the game, it really impressed me. Sometimes in real life we do not have the opportunity and chance to do everything we want. It is possible in this life. I am a girl who can communicate easily with people, loves to make new friends, and loves to discover new things,I am from Turkey 😊 I'm an oriental girl and I love the arts and dances of eastern countries, I'm also interested in belly dancing in real life. I am a girl who is very fond of old and antique things, I like a vintage style for myself. Old movies, old music, old pictures... I'm a nostalgia freak!I love spending time in nature, picnics with friends, hiking, swimming... all of these are doable in second life, so I am very lucky. 🌷but anyway, if you want the original, I don't have many friends here yet, so I decided to introduce myself.I think we can get along with everyone who has a respectful behavior, I know how to accept people with their differences,each person is a different color. my hobbies are mostly spiritual things, hanging out in mystical and esoteric places (I have a fortune teller that I always go to in real life), spending time in nature, dealing with art history, dancing and wandering around the bookstores... My taste in music is usually mixed, but I usually like to listen to light things. Waltz music, tango music and orientalist music. I haven't had much experience here yet, just a friend of mine helped me a lot when I first started, I miss him.I am sincere and understanding, I love people and animals,I am generally always in a cheerful and positive mood, I always try to make it a habit to be happy. With so many bad things happening, happiness is like a shining pearl in the dark. I love old Hollywood movies. Rita hayworth, Marilyn monroe and Elizabeth taylor are my favorite actresses.

I guess that's the best way to describe myself. I can't think of anything else, I want to find new friends here and have a good time, like everyone else... 😊🌷

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Probably should have written this post before writing other posts, but anyway. Barn doors and horses and so forth and...Oh? It's on? We're on? Oh -

I have been off and on in SL for years, and only just returned to the grid a little less than a month ago? Maybe less. All the same, if I think about it now...maybe 12 years or more in one form or another. That's wild. I've known SL longer than some cities I've lived in. Known its culture (or the parts of it I did know) and the people in that culture more than most real world experiences and people I have had. Not, of course altogether, just in terms of a span of time. Right. ANYway

I have been involved in a number of...adult activities during my time here. Sometimes more than might be considered healthy, and sometimes exactly enough to be emotionally fulfilling and surprisingly rich and deep. Certainly more than some of the same activities outside the grid. But I also wish I spent more time at poetry readings. Art exhibitions. Drama performances. Things I would be doing out in the real world were it not for this madhouse we're living in lately. But also things I feel I've sorely missed in my long time here. I never scorned or spurned or ignored them - I always just sort of wistfully thought of going to them. Like traveling to a far away country I knew I'd feel at home in, if I had the time, or the resources, or what-have-you

It's a little difficult, making friends, to be honest. I babble (a LOT, as can probably be seen from above) and I am always worried I've taken a conversation far afield, which has gotten me in trouble from time to time (not serious trouble, just being chided and reminded to stay on adult topics in adult places) But it's also difficult to meet people who have no interest in that area of SL. Maybe I need a pick in my profile to say that a lot of the time I'd prefer great conversation to naughty bits, I have no idea. And of course, when one has friends, what do you do? Granted that's a problem for me inside and outside the grid - I'm never quite sure exactly what to talk about with people, and I don't want to be...you know...boring...so I talk. And then I feel I talk too much, or things are too much about myself or...well you get the idea. Rambling. Again <----

So yeah, that's me. How and who are you? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

New avatar. New name. I deleted mine long ago.  The recent buzz in the investment world is the "Metaverse".  Been there seen that.  I just wanted to see what is new:  The place where everything started about twenty plus years ago.

I must say, I had a blast for many years.  They were amazing times!  Some of the folks I partied with (like Anshe Chung), made it to the cover of the biggest business magazines.  Many were simply incredibly talented folks that made what SL is today.  Others, like me, just enjoyed the times and partied hard.  I met so many amazing people from all over the world!  A few, I stay connected with IRL.

 I am now a newb. Everything has changed.  I need to learn how to move, how to... EVERYTHING!

Darko and Paris...  Juro's Cannabis Cathedral...  Man... Those were the days!

Look forward to this no doubt new adventure.  I surely hope the spirit, the attitude from back in those early days, has not died.  See you around!

ps. I left SL because two good friends asked me to come with them and explore World of Warcraft in 2007...  I got hooked.


Tito Gomez

Katu Gatto

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I currently roam in world as Jerralyn. That should be my display name once I log back on.

SL? I'm more of a roamer than anything else, really. Always looking for the next spot to photograph... or take a nap in.

I also love to tinker with items in SL. Vehicles are my favorite. There's got to be a TRON lightcycle somewhere, I haven't seen one yet. Other than that I love to check out open homes, museums, empty offices... basically any spot that works out well for self portraiture, or adding an alt or two to make the photos less... lonely for lack of a better word. 

When the mood strikes I will engage in inexpensive hunts to add to my wardrobe, but I'm also fond of grabbing good looking (or sometimes weird and eccentric) freebies/cheap stuff! Most of the time I love to tip some of my L$ towards awesome creators in world, whenever I see a sim that overwhelms my senses.

I am a bit of an Alt-O-Holic!!! I have several, including a voluptuous (to me) science nerd trans alt who roams 90% of the time as a female with an explosive 'rocket' (OMG LOL RAWR IT HURTS SO MUCH 😆 🤪 ), a traveling 20-something salesman who recently got around to upgrading himself a little, and a really active elderly couple, hahahah!!! Love 'em all!!! I am considering adding a couple of kids/teens and maybe a few furries soon. This might lead to acquiring the Premium level with my account sometime in 2022, we'll see. Imagine that, my own little commune of sorts.

RL... was a cover band dude (as a bassist) for a few decades, after high school. Very hard work, and it really paid the bills for me. But life gets in the way, and in my mid 30's decided to attend a community college for a different line of work. Landed a IT job after graduation, and now quietly living the single life.

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  • 2 weeks later...
18 hours ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

no man can be my equal.

You do know what that means for all us girls? ;) Girls FTW!!! (Did you not read Lord of the Rings? [teasing])


I came over to SL for my third(?) time trying this out more than year ago now. Brought a (male) partner from another game who has since left the SL platform for RL reasons, and despite having tried SL in the past, this time it finally clicked. I must have dabbled at least two previous times in SL way back when.

I was aware of the quirks and hard things to get used to from previous tries, struggled through the initial frustrations of BOMs and bodies and clothing newbie things, spent (and spend) far too many L buying clothes, tweaking my shape into a realistically proportioned* 5'9" tall early 30s woman, tried a few alts ... and except for the male version of me got rid of them all (who can keep track?!, honestly, and without sharing of items I was rebuying stuff constantly) and then found how creative and open this place is and stayed.

Have become a bit of a SL-holic. I jump around from parcel to parcel whining that I have to move things (virtual first world problems, eh?), but have settled into a nice little parcel and have set up both an in-world and MP gallery for my one-off abstract digital artworks that pays the clothing bills. I let some folks I have met use some of my prims for skybox homes cause why not. I have few close friends and I often forget to say hello when I'm online, sorry!

I sail Blake in an Oceanic and often just anchor and (virtually) suntan, though as a redhead with pale skin and freckles I use lots of sunscreen. I hang out at dance places like Franks and Foxxies and some live music spots, have a handful of friends who know me, and ward off fast come-ons from guys who see the avatar and don't realize until I tell them (or they read) that I'm male RL and all female in SL. Then they scamper off cause "ewww a guy RPing girl, and wants to dance, and ewww, was even flirting back at me!" and I'm just swaying by myself at Franks once again. The worst is when they simply stop talking and then poof away a few minutes later ghosting me. I'm a big girl, you can tell me "not my thing" and end the conversation like an adult. Please?

But hey, it's still a fun time.

I hit the conversation places, try to help newbies get past the clamouring SL idiots who goof around and f-bomb the Nearby chats constantly at the newbie spots, and check out other artists and the well designed sims that look so good. Oh, and I decorate a lot. Apple Fall and a few other places are my kryptonite. Well, and the good clothing stores. :)

There's always one more outfit to buy, one more good conversation to have, and one more amazing sim to explore.

I even said hi to @BranScanlon once in world, he's not as bad as he makes himself out to be. :)

And that's me. 

PS. The plan is that when the mortgage is paid off to own a nice, natural looking homestead (if they let us own without a full sim) where nature rules and to make it a photographer's delight. A small home on the shore next to my gallery and a few skyboxes for friends. 

* Note on human proportions: This means, girls, your crotch is exactly half way up your body. Not where your belly button should be, like it seems to be on every bloody default female shape in SL. Yeah, human avatar heights and shapes are a pet peeve of mine from spending too many hours in life drawing classes. Dancing with a male avatar who stands 7'-something where the top of my head is barely up to his chest is creepy and wrong. I'm not short, you're too tall. Come on, dare ya .. get realistic.


Edited by Katherine Heartsong
spelling, always
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On 1/18/2022 at 1:04 PM, Katherine Heartsong said:


* Note on human proportions: This means, girls, your crotch is exactly half way up your body. Not where your belly button should be, like it seems to be on every bloody default female shape in SL. Yeah, human avatar heights and shapes are a pet peeve of mine from spending too many hours in life drawing classes. Dancing with a male avatar who stands 7'-something where the top of my head is barely up to his chest is creepy and wrong. I'm not short, you're too tall. Come on, dare ya .. get realistic.


Hey, I'm 7'1" (without high heels on) and my height is realistic... for a Noldor Elf. 😁

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, y'all! Guess I'm finally here enough to do this...

I've had an on-again-off-again relationship with Second Life for years, and this time it seems to be sticking. It helps that I'm overcoming my shyness bit by bit and actually doing things other than standing in my skybox!

I'm Risk, and I'm a nonbinary lesbian who appreciates Second Life for letting me play with my presentation in ways that would range from impractical to outside the laws of physics IRL. Sure, right now I'm sporting a sort of light futch look, but check back in a week and I might have a TV for a head or be a deer or be made of liquid metal or...

IRL, I'm a freelance writer/copyeditor on top of working as a program assistant. I'm 31, taken, and very happy. Obviously, with the pandemic, things have shut down IRL for me, and it's been nice having a way to explore, spend time outside, and just enjoy life. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all! 🖤

I am Northern European woman in my early 30's, been around SL ... *counting*  8years, about.. ☺ 
Found my RL husband from SL 2 years ago and nowadays living under the same roof, cannot be any happier 💘

My biggest passion in SL is exploring all around. Isn't it amazing how there is always new places what you haven't seen yet? 
I love horses & horse riding, sailing, fishing, play games, car trips and voice chatting with people, sadly I don't have much people to voice chat with 😅
Clubbing & live singers are nice to spend some time too!
Oh and, I love decor new houses, specially Bellisserian ones.

So far SL been giving me mostly positive energy only, that's why I like it here.
I love to make long lasting friendships, friends that you can trust and keep for years and years, talk about everything and have long deep conversations...And I got them - but always open to make more, you are free to IM me if you are looking for new friends to spend time with. Age & genders doesn't matter for me that long as you are a good person and you share passion for exploring! ☺️

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The thing I can talk about the most is music. I listen to a bit of every genre and I do not regret it. I was bullied in school for liking K-Pop, back when K-Pop wasn't as popular as it is now. I speak through music. My style ranges from gothic to kawaii. I had joined SL 8 mo. ago, so I'm still considered a newbie. I didn't get into SL right away, but now I'm really into it. I quite literally spend hours making avatars that fit both of my styles. I enjoy going to some clubs and listening to live DJs, so if I'm not making avatars, that's usually what I'm doing. I also enjoy shopping and exploring the grids. I enjoy photography as well! I'm a huge animal lover.. so I can talk about animals all day too. I'm from the US, CST. I am a college student majoring in Psychology. Mental health awareness is important to me. If you're ever struggling and need someone to talk to, feel free to IM me. I'm always looking for friends, so if you're interested, lemme know. ♥

Edited by Kittopia
Needed to add something.
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On 2/13/2022 at 11:22 AM, MaiBeso said:

Hey all! 🖤

I am Northern European woman in my early 30's, been around SL ... *counting*  8years, about.. ☺ 
Found my RL husband from SL 2 years ago and nowadays living under the same roof, cannot be any happier 💘

My biggest passion in SL is exploring all around. Isn't it amazing how there is always new places what you haven't seen yet? 
I love horses & horse riding, sailing, fishing, play games, car trips and voice chatting with people, sadly I don't have much people to voice chat with 😅
Clubbing & live singers are nice to spend some time too!
Oh and, I love decor new houses, specially Bellisserian ones.

So far SL been giving me mostly positive energy only, that's why I like it here.
I love to make long lasting friendships, friends that you can trust and keep for years and years, talk about everything and have long deep conversations...And I got them - but always open to make more, you are free to IM me if you are looking for new friends to spend time with. Age & genders doesn't matter for me that long as you are a good person and you share passion for exploring! ☺️

Hey hon! I'd love to be friends! I have a huge passion for exploring the grids, finding new sceneries and shops. I love making long lasting friendships as well. I find it comforting to know someone trusts you with their deep thoughts, leading to deep conversations. Age and gender doesn't matter for me as well. It's all about the personality ♥

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Hi - Might as well toss something up here.  If I sound interesting or someone you'd like to meet, drop me an IM.  A guy and his lady looking for some just well adjusted adults to enjoy time with.

Well adjusted married guy, successful and well educated IRL.  In game I'm working on building a little side hustle building 3D Mesh clothing, for my RL sailboat fund so I can take my family on a circumnavigation sail and show my wife and kids something amazing.  Pretty wide pallet of things I like from art, to flying aircraft RL, sailing RL or in game, guns, riding horses, working cattle, big trucks, creative writing (I'm working on a novel), classy women, strip clubs and pool halls, beach bars, surfing, diving, whiskey, shooting pool, watching movies in a hottub with cool people.  I'm a foreign policy / national security buff, really could care less about modern social issues people freak out about these days.  Could care less about politics, I've served under 5 presidents in the military, so its whatever.  They are all full of Sh**.

In game, I mostly just chill at our house while I work RL either on my full time job from home, or my 3D mesh work and portfolio work.  So having company drop by, or having the lady and a friend soaking in the pixel rays on the patio is a welcome distraction.

I (we, wife and I) play games periodically.  I'm normally a Paladin style raid tank, or enjoy MILSIM stuff.  I'm a Star Citizen nerd when the mood strikes, and we run a little tavern on an RP server in Conan Exiles.  She's your typical Hunter with pets DPS type.  We enjoy RP and enjoy kind of on the fly RP focusing on immersion.  Doesn't seem like SL has much of an RP community, or anything I find interesting.  But might be fun to hang out and just be in character, I dunno.

Guess I'll leave it there.  Snoop our profiles, we put some ice breakers, hit us up.  We can grab a pixel drink, or toss a movie on our theater screen and toss a few jokes and pixel drinks back in the hottub.


I'm definitely interested in making some guy friends.  Where I live IRL, I'm not from here so I don't know anyone locally.  And we live out on a ranch, so going into the city to bars isn't really possible.  Plus we're buried in #parentlife ... so yah, hard to find time for social adult fun.  We thought we'd jump back into SL and see what we can stir up.

We're not really sure where to go to meet people.


So yah, hit either of us up.  Have a great one, thanks for reading.  First drinks on us.

Edited by Valion Foxclaw
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Multiple Choice answer:

A.  A middle-aged, introverted, overweight American woman who's real life sucks, so she plays in Second Life because it's cheaper and easier than going out in the real world to do stuff.

B.  Second Life resident who's been in SL since 2009. I came in when flexi was new and have seen all the fads come and go since. I've been SL homeless, a renter and a landlord, owned over a quarter of region, helped managed a sandbox sim that tanked, made and sold prim furniture and Petite clothing, modified my houses, Edited and landscaped my land, made dozens of notecards full of LMs for different themed places, and helped countless newbies find freebies and become more comfortable in SL.

C. A currently unemployed lab technician/ production technician with a BS in Biology, who also identifies as an eclectic pagan witch. 

D. An interesting weirdo who looks normal and boring.

E. All of the above.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I am Eros, and I'm a West-European guy in my early 50s.
I've been around in SL for very long, and have done lots of things in SL, and even had a SL+RL relationship for 4 years once.

Due to RL (few heart attacks, and my dad passed away 5 years ago), I had to leave SL quite a few years ago.
Now I'm a returning player, but it seems a lot has changed.
First I noticed that I need to upgrade my avi to mesh, and so far I'm doing good, but can't find the type of hairstyle I want yet.
Second, I guess that I need new friends, as my whole friends-list is pretty much offline nowadays.
So I love to make new, long lasting friendships, friends that you can trust and also keep for years and years.
Friends with who you can talk about everything and have long deep conversations, or maybe even start things like a business even.
Another tiny problem is that I'm from Europe, so the US-timezones are not perfect for me.

In world I like clubbing (I like tons of styles, from Dance tot Trance to Rock to K-Pop), exploring new places, nudism/naturism, and love taking photo's (from PG to extremely NSFW).
However, lot's of places that I knew are gone, and the few that are still there, are mostly totally empty.

RL I have been a Radio-DJ for quite awhile, but I'm working in ICT nowadays.
I just love music, photographing, nature, nudism/naturism, and so on...
I also game outside SL, mostly things like GTA V, Guild Wars 2, and Read Dead Redemption 2.
I can be a serious gamer, but also like to goof around a laugh a lot.

If anybody is interested, just simply send me a IM.
Age and genders doesn't matter to me, but females are preferred.

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8 hours ago, Eros Megadon said:

Hi all,

I am Eros, and I'm a West-European guy in my early 50s.
I've been around in SL for very long, and have done lots of things in SL, and even had a SL+RL relationship for 4 years once.

Due to RL (few heart attacks, and my dad passed away 5 years ago), I had to leave SL quite a few years ago.
Now I'm a returning player, but it seems a lot has changed.
First I noticed that I need to upgrade my avi to mesh, and so far I'm doing good, but can't find the type of hairstyle I want yet.
Second, I guess that I need new friends, as my whole friends-list is pretty much offline nowadays.
So I love to make new, long lasting friendships, friends that you can trust and also keep for years and years.
Friends with who you can talk about everything and have long deep conversations, or maybe even start things like a business even.
Another tiny problem is that I'm from Europe, so the US-timezones are not perfect for me.

In world I like clubbing (I like tons of styles, from Dance tot Trance to Rock to K-Pop), exploring new places, nudism/naturism, and love taking photo's (from PG to extremely NSFW).
However, lot's of places that I knew are gone, and the few that are still there, are mostly totally empty.

RL I have been a Radio-DJ for quite awhile, but I'm working in ICT nowadays.
I just love music, photographing, nature, nudism/naturism, and so on...
I also game outside SL, mostly things like GTA V, Guild Wars 2, and Read Dead Redemption 2.
I can be a serious gamer, but also like to goof around a laugh a lot.

If anybody is interested, just simply send me a IM.
Age and genders doesn't matter to me, but females are preferred.

The Naked sim is still active and covers 11 regions now, I think. They specialize in sunny beaches, art exhibitions, and having plenty of water for nude sailing. People do not have to join the group to use the sim, but joining the group allows more access to some of the furniture.

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