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Second Life is filled with petty and rude people.

Ashlyn Voir

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Truth is many people are absorbed with themselves, they can't see further than their own nose. There are people who want to take and there are those who like to give. I have met some really good friends while mentoring in SL.  Mentors are selfless and donate their free time to assist new players. Ofc as many said, there are bad apples everywhere. So if you want to meet some of the nicest people on SL its a place to start :).

Some of the new players have been rude to me too, often for no reason . I have learned to brush it off. Same goes for older residents. They can only get you if you allow them to. SL gives you some great tools to help with that: block and derender. Works like magic.

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I usually get a feel for the chat when I land in a place.. Like a club for instance where I just feel like dancing and having fun..

If it sounds like people are talking gossip or about drama or politics and stuff,I'll just head out until I hear a fun crowd..

Then when the time is right and I feel comfy,I'll jump in and mingle..

I always leave my ego at the door as well.. I like to bring in humor a lot..I just love trying to make people giggle..

It's a big world and lots of places to explore to find fun people.. They are out there for sure,because if they weren't,I wouldn't be wasting all the money I do on shopping for clothes and everything else to go out in..


hehehe :D

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9 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

Do you share the same sentiment as I do for this game? 

Not in the least. SL's anonymity does allow people to behave badly without fear of retribution, but that's not unique to SL. And SL's tools make such people so very easy to avoid. My experiences in SL have been very largely positive.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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11 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

Do you share the same sentiment as I do for this game? 

Apparently not.

I will go so far as to say there are imbeciles everywhere but in my experience they are by far the minority.

On the forums right now I have 18 accounts blocked.  10 of those belong to one single person and I suspect a few of the rest are alts of other people and others still no longer post any more but all in all, I have at most 9 people blocked.  With that, I avoid a good 90% of all ***** behavior.  I don't know the number of accounts that have posted on these forums since the latest version was create but I do feel a close educated guess would be that less than 5% of the people are responsible for 95% of the assholeness.

I also don't fault you for your opinion that this is a game but I do feel otherwise.  I wont argue or try to change your mind because I see this more of a telling of each individuals personality than a cut and dry answer.  In other words I see it subjectively rather than objectively and try to discern what a person's answer means to them and what can I learn about them.

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I know a lot of SL users are not typical gamers but it's worth pointing out that there has never been a clear, narrow definition of "videogames" and all electronic entertainment, whether it be visual novel, social platform or educational software, tends to be lumped under the title "videogame" so long as it has elements consistent with most other videogames. The term "videogame" is so broad and undefined that some in the industry who argued that it should be replaced with a more suitable term (such as "electronic entertainment") precisely because a lot of videogames are not really "games".

 Second Life uses an OpenGL rendering engine similar to many 3D videogames and is bound by the same limitations, aside from the small technical variations you typically find between game engines there is no difference between creating content for SL and creating content for any modern videogame. You interact with SL in the same way you'd interact with many videogames. Second Life is no less a "videogame" than something like, say, "Animal Crossing" which also has no real goals beyond those you set for yourself.

 Second Life is, and always has been, a videogame under this broad understanding of the term.

Now, I'm totally in the camp that believes we need a better term for what we commonly call "videogames" but looking down your nose at someone who calls Second Life a videogame, as if using that word somehow marginalizes any opinion they have about SL, has never been productive and only lends credence to the OP's claim that SL has an exceptionally high percentage of users who are fixated on being rude.

 And don't get me wrong, I know that wasn't the intent of everyone who decided to pick on that point, but it certainly was for some in this thread.

Edited by Penny Patton
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1 minute ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

And so is Excel, ResortSuite or Schlumberger's Oil Field Manager if you want to go by that description.

Dunno about ResortSuite and Schlumberger, but Microsoft does employ game psychologists and designers on the Office team to maximize endorphin production while using their tools, hopefully without diminishing productivity. I wish I could find the article, it was interesting.

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5 hours ago, anna2358 said:

OK, so what can we do to make you feel at home?

Why do we have to , or should, make anyone feel at home? Are we  bound or obligated or given a tangible incentive to do so? I do not think so. If OP is willing to pay me $100.00 US (I take paypal too) per hour, I would be more than willing to make one feel at home. Otherwise, I am not under obligation nor contract to accommodate anyone for that matter.

5 hours ago, anna2358 said:

For a start we don't see it as a game, we see it as a social platform where we play a role.  Some of the roles we play are not cuddly, I admit, but it is almost always just an act.

While I don't see it (Second Life or its components) as a game, per se, I do find it to be a tool and opportunity, with many functions, reasons, and rewards.

Roleplay. How can I be playing a role when therefor I simply am. I am the avatar and person I present myself as in retrospect to popular belief as evidenced through other social networks where I am known as 'Hunter Stern'. My function as such simply varies is all, but that is not Roleplay, in full context. Oh and if anyone wants 'Cuddly' that will be another $100.00 US B|


5 hours ago, anna2358 said:

So, how about we start on a fresh footing?  Welcome to the General Discussion Forum.

I would advise one to to be leery of where and what one is stepping into with said foot in regards to the General Discussions Forum, that which even 'Angels' fear to tread. :D

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40 minutes ago, Penny Patton said:

looking down your nose at someone who calls Second Life a videogame, as if using that word somehow marginalizes any opinion they have about SL, has never been productive and only lends credence to the OP's claim that SL has an exceptionally high percentage of users who are fixated on being rude.

Thank you. This bugs the crap out of me. 

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26 minutes ago, Hunter Stern said:

would advise one to to be leery of where and what one is stepping into with said foot in regards to the General Discussions Forum, that which even 'Angels' fear to tread. :D

This is the most restrained public forum I have ever posted in. It gets snarky but because of mods, not vicious. 

Edited by Pamela Galli
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After two months in SL, I haven't seen much petty rudeness in SL from avatars. I've been in the steampunk regions, the newbie regions, the adult regions, and the biker regions. Just not a big problem. There's some snarkyness, but that's part of the fun.

Real estate, though... I'm really annoyed by those "eject from your property in zero seconds" security orbs, ban lines that trap avatars, and "object entry allowed, scripts cannot run" parcels. That's  griefing.

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As others have mentioned, there is rude in and out of SL, in and out of the internet.  IMO, there is a bit more of it online because of the anonymity.  However, I also think that if you go into any situation expecting something negative, then you will definitely see more negative.  Combine that with some people's definition of rude simply being people that don't agree with them and yep, some people are definitely going to think that there is an extreme amount of rudeness out there.  I do see rude and negativity here on the forums and at other internet sites, but I definitely do not think it is the majority and most especially not "everyone".  

You state that you have not encountered "one decent person".  To me, that simply sounds like an extremist statement - like using the words 'always' and 'never' even when those words are not accurate. You also state that you wouldn't "recommend the game to anyone".  If all of that is truly what you think and feel, then I have to ask "Why are you still here?".

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45 minutes ago, Hunter Stern said:
6 hours ago, anna2358 said:

OK, so what can we do to make you feel at home?

Why do we have to , or should, make anyone feel at home? Are we  bound or obligated or given a tangible incentive to do so? I do not think so.

Well that's a good question -- why should we try to make anyone feel at home? I think it's because they're new and at a disadvantage -- they have less of an idea what's going on here, and we might misinterpret them because we don't know them well. So yeah, we have more power and so offer a bit of protection toward the new people, or should.
Like in RL...a group meeting where a new person arrives...so you say "hi, pull up a chair...and the like".

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

You state that you have not encountered "one decent person".  To me, that simply sounds like an extremist statement - like using the words 'always' and 'never' even when those words are not accurate. You also state that you wouldn't "recommend the game to anyone".  If all of that is truly what you think and feel, then I have to ask "Why are you still here?".

Well it looks to me like she had some bad experiences with SL....and that she came to a different space to get some support regarding it. So far I don't think she's accused the forum of being mean.

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