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Why Isn't There a Combat Section in the Forums?

Parx Oran

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Lmao, all this talk of orders, people in charge, people following commands, using the same tiered weapons, raids, groups, ranks.....

Yeah, you're not roleplaying anything at all.  Actually, now that I've thought about it, and read all of your posts describing *your* combat..yours is far closer to rp than mine ever will be, even IF I think my av is still playing a badass character when she goes out to shoot. I literally go out, and just shoot, no orders, no groups, no raids, no ranks, no tiered weapons, no "let's make this fair", no strategy...just kill or be killed, end of. You're chock full of strategy, game plans, orders, ranks, gameplay..etc...the only thing missing is emoting your actions as/right before you're doing them.

I told you folks to quit im-ing me and sending ncs inworld about your shenanigans. I've even been quiet in this thread, but you insist, and persist....so I shall too. Anyone that thinks what you're doing is flat out combat with no rp involved whatsoever, has a few screws loose, lol. There are absolute rp elements in what you do-whether you want to call them rp, or not. 

I'll just be over in my corner of the sl universe where folks that want to just have combat...no need for all the extra baggage...just enjoy combat. Where we generally just have fun, with no other requirements at all....and we don't get butthurt if someone calls it rp..because we're not that ***** retentive, we actually like having fun.  So please, for the love of all that is holy...stop im-ing me, and stop sending others to do it too, lol. You're not going to convince me that it's "only combat" when you take it to that level. I've clearly hit a nerve, and it's not because I'm wrong ;) 


Also, I'll take Maddy's skills with a flamethrower over ANY of yours, any day of the week. She's a skilled master with that thing, it takes way more skill to use a flamethrower properly and not burn down everything in sight than it does to shoot a gun ;) 

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1 hour ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

the way Maddy uses one, most definitely. of note is her ability to set up a target.

Sounds fun, should pop by HERE , and test it out. Our guys are defending against SH right now, but you are welcome to join the fight. The OIC defense will probably ask that you stick with escalation though. A flamethrower coming in could complicate things with the current raid. Unless SH has already escalated to flamethrowers.

but you do you. Just don't get upset when you teleport home because you died. Make sure you know how to set your home in the spawn, and join the according landgroups ^^ have fun



I also don't know how many time's I've said this already but here goes again~

Ranks and positions aren't for the sake of playing roles, they are for organization and administration.

In a raid, there are two OICs (Officer in command) OIC Attacker, and OIC Defender. Both are in constant communication with each other and their respective teams. They make sure the raid goes smoothly and people are following rules. 

An OIC isn't a rank, it is an appointed responsibility usually decided by whoever is the highest rank online.

Ranks are determined by how much the owners of the group think you can represent the group's decisions properly in situations when the owners aren't online or are busy. They are positions of trust and are usually earned over the course of many years of being in the group.


As for the function of a flamethrower relative to it's skill use i'd have to disagree.

A flamethrower in SL typically spits out large balls of damage prims that either roll, or stick to the surface it's shot at via raycast, or physical projectiles. An average size for a flamethrower's damage prim is around 2-3 meters diameter spat out just fast enough to make it look like a particle stream. So maybe 5-600 RPM. An assault rifle requires more aiming capabilities, and doesn't act as an AOE. You are required to be a bit more precise with your shots with a rifle. As for "being careful not to burn everything down." You can't... prims don't burn down, and it would be stupid for a sim build to be able to burn down at the request of a flamethrower. Maybe in certain roleplay sims there could be scripted fire that burns down scripted buildings, but that is not the case, nor has, or ever will be the case in the SLMC. 

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1 hour ago, Tari Landar said:

Also, I'll take Maddy's skills with a flamethrower over ANY of yours, any day of the week. She's a skilled master with that thing, it takes way more skill to use a flamethrower properly and not burn down everything in sight than it does to shoot a gun ;) 

...carefully aims at some extra baggage she left on your front porch, then pulls the trigger and sneezes, burning down everything on the sim except your front porch and the baggage on it.

You were saying?

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3 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

...carefully aims at some extra baggage she left on your front porch, then pulls the trigger and sneezes, burning down everything on the sim except your front porch and the baggage on it.

You were saying?

thats roleplay though...

we don't roleplay...

or have porches...

or even houses for that matter...

also nothing can burn down... lol. go to any sim, and fly around and shoot your flamethrower at anything and everything. you'll find that nothing 'burns down' and your fire particles are attached to a temporary prim that should disappear after a moment.

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... i don't quite understand

are you guys always 'in character' of sorts?


Cuz we don't even do that lol... That would slow you down and distract you from actually killing anything. You'd be more focused on making 'your character' look cool than actually competitively getting kills.

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For those of you still confused about how none of us in certain combat groups roleplay, I encourage all of you to watch one of Chaos Indivism's streams as they are examples of how combat is done, and what people act like when fighting in VICE sims, and SLMC sims. 

You're there to kill people, not feed a character plot.


This video should explain why we want combat to be separated entirely from roleplay, and should clear some things up on how we see, and treat SL.

Like a game.

I understand that people treating this game like a game can be an upsetting subject for some. Hearing that we're not here to escape or live an alternate life that is more exciting than our own real lives, but rather to just have fun and make stuff can be a very challenging thing to wrap your head around. But I implore you to try it out as it is quite liberating.


I won't be touching on why the SLMC and various combat communities don't RP any further, as the Lindens have corrected the issue, and spread our threads to OTHER various incorrect subforums. It'd be beating a dead horse if I were to continue


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3 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

Parx? You may be taking certain things a wee bit too literally/seriously here ;)

I'm patiently waiting for Skell's photo-op follow of combat boots and uniform fashion over in Your Avatar forums. Can't beat that with a stick. Oh wait, is beating with a stick still combat?


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I'm pretty sure my point was made for me, pages ago..but these last few "explanation" posts most assuredly, make my point for me....I didn't even have to post them myself ;)

Nope, no rp here at all...just rules..and acting out specific war scenes with specific agendas, specific plans, specific players.....and, and, and....hahahahahahahahaha

OK, I'm done now. 

I'm glad sl offers everything it does for us, regardless of our likes, dislikes, or definitions :)  I'm also glad LL has now made it abundantly clear why there isn't going to be yet another subforum, even if all they did was reiterate what was said on page one :) 

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10 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

...carefully aims at some extra baggage she left on your front porch, then pulls the trigger and sneezes, burning down everything on the sim except your front porch and the baggage on it.

You were saying?

Well, my sim DID need some redecorating, after all. I'd still say that takes some mad skill. 

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44 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

after 6 pages i still only see mainly one is confused about what RP is

Actually, I am growing a feeling that you guys are just happy you found a new topic in the forums you can troll. 
In the end it doesn't matter what Pax writes or how he does it. Tari Landar will only read the parts she feels like reading Skell Dagger will still
be judging unimportant details up from his high horse (no ide who put him there) and the rest will have a giggle. 
You people pretend to be some eloquent, upper class, elaborated inner circle, but in the end you are helping this discussion as much as the last row in class that will always do their own thing during presentation. 

So, from here you got the choice to react in different ways: 
You can be upset that I dared to point the finger at you guys. 
You can shake your head in silence. 
You can try to plug my comment apart. 
Or you can reflect your manners and get a bit more serious. 

Choose wisely.

Edited by Grevan Snowdrop
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16 minutes ago, Grevan Snowdrop said:

So, from here you got the choice to react in different ways: 
You can be upset that I dared to point the finger at you guys. 
You can shake your head in silence. 
You can try to plug my comment apart. 
Or you can reflect your manners and get a bit more serious. 

Choose wisely.

Ooh, decisions, decisions! Hmm, lemme think for a bit...

OK, got it!

/me laughs his arse off.

(Your list was kinda limited, and I don't like fitting into other people's definitions :D)

Edited by Skell Dagger
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26 minutes ago, Grevan Snowdrop said:

Actually, I am growing a feeling that you guys are just happy you found a new topic in the forums you can troll. 
In the end it doesn't matter what Pax writes or how he does it. Tari Landar will only read the parts she feels like reading Skell Dagger will still
be judging unimportant details up from his high horse (no ide who put him there) and the rest will have a giggle. 
You people pretend to be some eloquent, upper class, elaborated inner circle, but in the end you are helping this discussion as much as the last row in class that will always do their own thing during presentation. 

So, from here you got the choice to react in different ways: 
You can be upset that I dared to point the finger at you guys. 
You can shake your head in silence. 
You can try to plug my comment apart. 
Or you can reflect your manners and get a bit more serious. 

Choose wisely.

you forgot one, and since you are as you say 'pointing fingers' (which could be considered a combative act) we could in the list of given choices, report you for .... flaming xD

/me ducks

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1 hour ago, Grevan Snowdrop said:

Choose wisely.

lmfao ... last time somebody told me that is quite some years ago ...

the guidelines are here  ...  let's skip yours

1 hour ago, Grevan Snowdrop said:

it doesn't matter what Pax writes or how he does it...

no of course doesn't it matter, because what you do is RP,

so my advice... choose your category wisely next time: Roleplaying

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2 hours ago, Grevan Snowdrop said:

Or you can reflect your manners and get a bit more serious.


1. If you go around calling your selves "SL Marine Corps" or "Centauri Stormtroopers" or "Solarian Armoured Space Wombles of Chaotic Doom"... That is "roleplay" bvecause you are NONE of those things. You might be at the extreme opposite end of the RP Spectrum from the equally irritating Elite Para Immersion Novella Writers of Ultimate Boredom, but it's STILL roleplay.

2. There are hundreds of subcultures in SL that outnumber the ePeener vs ePeener brigade by a factor of 10 or more, and basing demands for a subforum of their own based on "look how many people are in these two groups" will automatically put them back of the line behind those larger subcultures, who being 10 times more numerous and popular, will be 10 times more deserving

3. Spurious arguments about how OBVIOUSLY the SL grid was made specifically for them because theres an option for 'LL damage' built into the game engine, coupled with the "we were here first, my account stepped off Welcome Island 15 mins before Philip Linden clicked the new account Join button" attitude, doesn't help their case whatsoever, it just makes them look even more like narrow minded self entitled ePeen vs ePeen jerks

4. The whole "Oh noe! We don't RP because thats way to close to that icky ERP stuff, ewww, we're real gamers here not filthy weirdo-sexual furry bdsm ERPers, like all those deviants who don't ePeen vs ePeen", yeah that makes them look real good doesn't it

5. Automatically claiming that anyone who disagrees with their BS, and doesn't enjoy what they enjoy must be some person who "lost a fight once... hahahahahah" makes them seem so mature and well manners, yes?

6. ePeener vs ePeener fans have the same reputation on EVERY non ePeen vs ePeen based system online. "This place would just get 1000% better if the devs listened to us, gave us our own forum and made spawn camping noob gank compulsorary for everyone!" etc.

Over on STO, the ePeener vs ePeener advocates (all 5 of them) demanded that ePeen vs ePeen should be enabled by default for all new characters, with a hard to find opt out button in the config panel, and there was nothing wrong with the idea of Level 1 noobs being slaughtered on the Earth space Dock Transporter pad by Level 60's, the moment they arrived on their first non tutorial non-combat mission to collect their orders and new ship.

The reason given for this was that "any noob who dislikes being slaughtered 10 or 15 times in their first 10 mins in the game doesn't belong here anyway"...


Lets be realistic here, they are not the pre-eminent subculture in SL, never were, never will be, and are almost certainly back of the line for the "self entitled subforum of your own" waiting list, that LL ignore anyway.


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14 hours ago, Parx Oran said:

For those of you still confused

You know, if the only people agreeing with you are other combat folks........................


If it walks and talks like a duck.......................

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4 hours ago, Grevan Snowdrop said:

You people pretend to be some eloquent, upper class, elaborated inner circle, but in the end you are helping this discussion as much as the last row in class that will always do their own thing during presentation. 

I am totally offended!

I don't know about everyone else but I am not pretending.
OK, maybe about being eloquent.
Or upperclass.
And nothing is very elaborate.

Well, now I'm flatter that you think I am part of some inner circle.  Thank you!
/me fans her face with her hand, touches her chest then waves to the crowd.


Actually I have been letting this thread slide by until I saw someone other than the 2 primary participants replied.  I thought it might actually have something different.  It did have something different but not abut the topic.  :(



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