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Why Isn't There a Combat Section in the Forums?

Parx Oran

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3 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

And people going off half cocked at me in im, sending me ncs and other stupid stuff because I've offended their flavor of combat..nope...that's just not kosher. 

For reals? That is absolutely beyond the Pale. Not to point out the obvious but that suggests some anonymous person is relaying this thread to a Group or a related private forum and the members of same are coming at you Inworld instead of engaging with you here (as several obviously have, knowing that's what forums are for).

Kind of ironic, given we're talking about COMBAT people. Feeling free to yell at you Inworld (knowing you're not permitted to copy/paste or even call them out by name HERE is kind of)....


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Combat is an activity people do

Roleplay is an activity people do

Roleplaying combat looks like this: /me unholsters their revolver, reloads the drum swiftly, and lines up the sights just right so that the barrel is ever so perfectly facing the back of their head. (Dice roll for effectiveness or what have you)

Combat looks like this: 

Or this:


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14 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

When I go out to shoot/engage in combat, I'm pretending Tari is a badass that likes to shoot people, no storyline, no emoting, no building up to anything, just go out there...shoot and try not to die myself...Is she really like that, in every other facet of her sl? Nope, she's pretty mild, and doesn't much interact with a whole lot of other people-outside of the few activities I enjoy participating in with other residents, because she tends to wander the grid a LOT. 

Which is fair. Second Life is exactly as the name suggests. I'm not a 6' robot, although I wish to whatever powers that be that I was. You're not one to go out guns a'blazing like Rambette. We all characterize ourselves as someone we would like to be, at least most of us. What I'm saying is, you have to look past the concept that SL is itself a program where you assign yourself a very specific role, however I believe RPG in general has guidelines that allow you to tell it apart from other types of role play. For example, Bloodlines (eww) could be widely distinguished as being different from, say, a medieval-type setting where vampires don't exist for some peculiar purpose. You can easily tell when you join an SLMC that it's absolutely different than other types of genre you would expect to see in SL. It's not story driven, there's no principles or forced "/ me" interactions that are meant to make a story arc. Try to see Second Life as the "real life" of your experience in-game rather than equating it to a story.

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4 minutes ago, Parx Oran said:

Combat is an activity people do

Roleplay is an activity people do

Roleplaying combat looks like this: /me unholsters their revolver, reloads the drum swiftly, and lines up the sights just right so that the barrel is ever so perfectly facing the back of their head. (Dice roll for effectiveness or what have you)

Combat looks like this: 

Or this:


If you had just lead with this particular post at the start of the thread, even with pointing out that you emphatically do NOT consider what you're doing roleplay, nobody would have batted an eye. Some would argue your definition of RP but only the purists would bother posting about it.

It looks like someone did a whole lot of hard work to make all that exist. Anyone looking for combat who is into just that aspect I'm sure would want to know more. Again, it's not for me. For one thing there does not seem to be any opportunity for flirting. I mean, come on! Seriously though: it would have worked fine if you'd just posted this.


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10 minutes ago, Dillon Levenque said:

If you had just lead with this particular post at the start of the thread, even with pointing out that you emphatically do NOT consider what you're doing roleplay, nobody would have batted an eye. Some would argue your definition of RP but only the purists would bother posting about it.

It looks like someone did a whole lot of hard work to make all that exist. Anyone looking for combat who is into just that aspect I'm sure would want to know more. Again, it's not for me. For one thing there does not seem to be any opportunity for flirting. I mean, come on! Seriously though: it would have worked fine if you'd just posted this.


I feel the exact same. Could have saved us all a discussion or two and some time. ^^

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18 minutes ago, Dillon Levenque said:

It looks like someone did a whole lot of hard work to make all that exist. Anyone looking for combat who is into just that aspect I'm sure would want to know more. Again, it's not for me. For one thing there does not seem to be any opportunity for flirting. I mean, come on! Seriously though: it would have worked fine if you'd just posted this.


If I could go back and edit the initial post I would.

Also fun fact, every mesh you see in those videos was scripted, meshed and concepted originally by and for the respective members of each faction. (Everything is free)

First video you'll see Chaos indivism: Content creators include, Hadet Sonnenkern, Dread Hudson, Tyro Gutter, SaeraSong (prolly missing some)

First video about an hour in, you'll see them fighting CDF: Imploding scientist meshes, for the most part, varying scripters

Second video is of the Alliance Navy: Content creators are Vaughn Vendetta, JDB, Cozmo, Radeur NG, Sufferot (Prolly missing some)

Fighting the Coercion Combine: Content creators are Adonis Cobalt, Alaskan Flamingo, Parx Oran (Kobi), Wulfravenheart, JDB, Cozmo, Burnha firehawk, Kion, Berc, Nicole zarco, Decrypted, Zechi, TJ Cattaneo, AI Fallen, and a couple more. I am certain I'll get yelled at for forgetting one or two in Discord.

Just thought I'd Credit the creators best I can. We've been working for years to get where we are and will continue working for many years to come. Thanks for taking notice.

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1 minute ago, Parx Oran said:

Second video is of the Alliance Navy: Content creators are Vaughn Vendetta, JDB, Cozmo, Radeur NG, Sufferot (Prolly missing some)

I did nearly all the soundwork for that group, so, y'know. Consider me for your future foley and soundwork needs.


That's something neat about the combat scene, personally. Ripped mesh is frowned upon in the community, and most groups encourage their content creators to make completely original gear. Each military has some unique theme and it really lets artists shine.


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1 hour ago, Parx Oran said:

Roleplaying combat looks like this: /me unholsters their revolver, reloads the drum swiftly, and lines up the sights just right so that the barrel is ever so perfectly facing the back of their head.

Well, since we're being chatty, I'll nitpick just a bit. Mind you, I'm an American so I will talk about American naming. In a revolver, what gets reloaded is called here the cylinder. It's really the reason a revolver is even called a revolver—as the action works, the cylinder revolves to bring the next cartridge in front of the hammer.

In other English-speaking nations that naming may not be common. I have often seen in literature many handguns referred to as 'revolvers' when in truth the writer is talking about a semi-automatic pistol using a magazine in the grip to hold/feed the cartridges. Revolving would be a bad thing there. Only time I've seen 'drum' used as regards a weapon is when it's been a circular magazine on a semi-automatic or an automatic, like the old Thompson .45 Tommy-gun (which Maddy used to shoot up Snugs' stop sign).

Edited by Dillon Levenque
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1 hour ago, Parx Oran said:

Roleplaying combat looks like this: /me unholsters their revolver, reloads the drum swiftly, and lines up the sights just right so that the barrel is ever so perfectly facing the back of their head. (Dice roll for effectiveness or what have you)

See, THAT is where we differ on our definitions...and it's perfectly ok, in my mind anyway, that we do. :D

MY rp combat, doesn't look like that, at all, lol. There is no /me, no emoting at all, the only typing you'll see is occasional chatter in local...just me shooting people, other people shooting people...and all of us making some kind of effort to not die/get harmed...all in good fun, all entertainment, all a type of game we're playing, or, rather, our sl avs are playing as the case may be for some. Now whether or not the others out there with me shooting feel the same, or define it the same, I have no clue. I don't ask, we're not there to debate it, lol. I can only explain my own experience(s).  I fully enjoy playing with weapons, shooting people, and generally having fun. There really is no goal to my combat, other than "don't die in the first couple of minutes" and "kill other people". There is no raids, no fighting factions, groups, etc...we're all just having fun as individuals, even if we may sometimes work in conjunction with one another to knock some other player out, it's still just a bunch of us shooting/using weaponry and trying not to die, lol. But, again, it's because what I participate in, is not the same as what you participate in. Different strokes and all that...

Though, I do agree, this kind of post would have stopped the merry go round a few pages ago :P 

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14 hours ago, Parx Oran said:

SL is a first-person shooter with cool things for me, and only that for many many people that do combat. I suggest you go outside, go to a bar or a coffee shop and meet people. If your life is so out of order that second life is a drug-like escape from reality for you, fix your life first, don't make a new one, and only look back because it's fun. 

When I say SL is not a game, I do not say SL is an escape from reality. I am saying SL is a platform, a creative sandbox.

Good to see though you have your life so perfectly sorted out that you have so much time to spend with actual important stuff, like arguing on the internet. Bravo!

Got to go now, need to fix my life.

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Ten days ago, on page 1 of this thread, Hunter Stern said the following:

On 24/11/2017 at 5:27 AM, Hunter Stern said:

this is a Feed Back forum, not a Suggestions or Petition forum. Infact there is a channel for such things. You can use the Help>Support>Open a Ticket route infact. LL may not respond to you on this, or they might, but atleast they will see the proposal clearly that way.

Eight days ago, on page 2 of this thread, I said the following:

On 26/11/2017 at 12:01 PM, Skell Dagger said:

In short: it's been suggested in this post that you open a support ticket with your suggestion, so why not do that? You'll either get an answer (positive or not) or you won't. But here you're showing all of these names and giving all of these reasons in these posts to other residents, not to the people who can actually do something about it.

So now, thirteen days and five pages into this thread, I'm going to ask you the following:

Have you done that? Have you set in motion the possibility of getting a combat sub-forum here, by opening a Support ticket that will be seen by the only people who can actually do something about it?

If you're not prepared to do that one thing to set the ball rolling, all you're actually doing is sitting here and complaining to other residents, none of whom can do a damn thing to help you get what you want. You need to get those boots on the ground, soldier.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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"Why post here, and not in a place where people can do something?"

       - Publicity of the issue, and feeling around to see what kind of arguments I'll run into when speaking with somebody who CAN do something.

"These people need a better representative."

       - I completely agree, who's going to step up?

"Rules lol."

       - That's a prompt, silly goose. A clear solution people can discuss, support, or argue. 



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1 hour ago, Parx Oran said:

"Why post here, and not in a place where people can do something?"

       - Publicity of the issue, and feeling around to see what kind of arguments I'll run into when speaking with somebody who CAN do something.

Ahh, I see. So this entire convoluted post is just a recce, so you can prepare your counter-tactics in advance. *nods*

Tell me: what will your counter-tactics be if the answer is simply, "No"?

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I doubt it will just be simply "no" and they'll have some reasoning such as "the game wasn't made for it" or "if we let you guys have one, other people will want one" etc. The Lindens do try to satisfy customers, and "no" would be a very immature response.

But for devil's advocate if they WERE to say "no" i'd digress with no other choice other than to ask, "can we get a reason?"

I'm sure from that point it'd fizzle out.


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  • Administrators

Wow, you guys sure have discussed quite a bit around this topic, its great to see conversation taking place! That being said, here are my thoughts on the topic at hand;

If we made a sub-forum for every community, we would have sub-forum's, for days! If we made a sub-forum for even the most active communities, we would still have sub-forums, for days. We have quite a few large, and active communities. I believe that someone in the first page of this thread, gave the best advice on how to go about posting for your particular interest, and it would be the following:

- Games: to talk about combat games
- Events: to advertise specific combat games/event coming up
- Favorite Destinations: To give note to specific Combat sims

Some additional advice, you can start a thread in the General Discussion area, for just talking about Combat related stuff in Second Life, you can make it one massive, long running thread, similar to how Bay City does in the land section and they just post their stuff there. 

There are plenty of places, and ways to engage the combat focused community here on the forums, without the creation of an additional sub-forum.

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On 12/1/2017 at 10:55 PM, Parx Oran said:

Roleplaying combat looks like this: /me unholsters their revolver, reloads the drum swiftly, and lines up the sights just right so that the barrel is ever so perfectly facing the back of their head. (Dice roll for effectiveness or what have you)

I'd never warn a victim via emoting. I just wait for someone to provoke me, and then set them on fire. If nobody provokes me, I set them on fire for failure to provoke. This saves me the effort of deciding who to incinerate. I'm only burdened with when.

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3 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I'd never warn a victim via emoting. I just wait for someone to provoke me, and then set them on fire. If nobody provokes me, I set them on fire for failure to provoke. This saves me the effort of deciding who to incinerate. I'm only burdened with when.

in combat, there is no provoking (maybe in roleplay sims where combat is balanced in). just having a gun in a place where other people on other teams have different but similar guns. Being in a sim means you're there to fight. Typically people will step forward and agree to use the same tier weapons that you are. I'll create a guide and an instructional video on how the SLMC does its fighting eventually, but recently things have been crazy IRL.

So in your situation let's say you came onto Coercion's base with a flamethrower. Your best option would be to burn everybody in different armor than yours because they will be coming after you. Say after a while of them pot shot you with pistols, you start to get better with the flamethrower. After a while, an officer or 'OIC' will give the order to even out escalation. This means that they will be allowed to use whatever you're using. In our case, the even escalation for a flamethrower is usually our 'Ice Cannon'. This evens out the fight and both parties are forced to rely on their skills rather than their weapons. (if there is any skill involved in a flamethrower really)  


^ ^ ^ image of the ever so feared ice cannon ^ ^ ^

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