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That moment when a friend gives you full creative control of their empty Linden Home and you say, "that would be a mistake" and they say "No no no I trust you.  Have fun."  I tried once more to voice my concern that in this case their trust might be misplaced. "No," he says.  I'll be RPing anyway. Do whatever."

Okay. I descended with my alts to furnish his house.

A week later I sent him a hat he had to wear.  He was game to play along, but I could "hear" the concern in his typing...

Welcome to Conspiracy Cave, Arty.

The house is open.  Feel free to visit.  https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Atkins Depot/104/116/0



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I haven't posted here for a very long while after getting my hand slapped for having a signature on my photos when others do and have no issues.  That didn't sit well with me.   But this turned out so great I am going through the extra steps and posting.   


Floating ...   taken at my new spot at Babbage in the Canals district :D.  I have always loved Babbage.  

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3 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:



I haven't posted here for a very long while after getting my hand slapped for having a signature on my photos when others do and have no issues.  That didn't sit well with me.   But this turned out so great I am going through the extra steps and posting.   


Floating ...   taken at my new spot at Babbage in the Canals district :D.  I have always loved Babbage.  

Good to have you back!

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38 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

I haven't posted here for a very long while after getting my hand slapped for having a signature on my photos when others do and have no issues. 

I wonder if they've been cracking down on that.  I've not seen hardly any signatures lately, even on the pictures from people that used to sign them.  The few that I've seen are pretty small signatures that are barely noticeable.

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8 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

That moment when a friend gives you full creative control of their empty Linden Home and you say, "that would be a mistake" and they say "No no no I trust you.  Have fun."  I tried once more to voice my concern that in this case their trust might be misplaced. "No," he says.  I'll be RPing anyway. Do whatever."

Okay. I descended with my alts to furnish his house.

A week later I sent him a hat he had to wear.  He was game to play along, but I could "hear" the concern in his typing...

Welcome to Conspiracy Cave, Arty.

The house is open.  Feel free to visit.  https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Atkins Depot/104/116/0



Do you give tours? 🤣🤣🤣

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1 hour ago, Chic Aeon said:



I haven't posted here for a very long while after getting my hand slapped for having a signature on my photos when others do and have no issues.  That didn't sit well with me.   But this turned out so great I am going through the extra steps and posting.   


Floating ...   taken at my new spot at Babbage in the Canals district :D.  I have always loved Babbage.  

I had no idea that watermarking or “signing” your pictures that you post was an issue in the first place.  I always put a little watermark on mine?

Is it stated somewhere that we can’t?

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9 minutes ago, Sofia Gray said:

I had no idea that watermarking or “signing” your pictures that you post was an issue in the first place.  I always put a little watermark on mine?

Is it stated somewhere that we can’t?

I've never read anything in the community guidelines prohibiting it specifically.  I have a feeling it was a.specific thread that one person was whining very vocalling in.  They probably reported every single post with a name on a picture claiming self promotion or some such rubbish.  Luckily, the forum person doesn't wander in too often but when they do, they almost always stir up some kind of nonsense.  My forum title is in response to their shenanigans.


Edited by Rowan Amore
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