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How does your avatar look today ?


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22 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I so much want your (virtual) life.

I feel calmer just seeing this, Moira. It's lovely.

Thank you very much. That means a lot to me.   

I just set these two adjoining parcels up a few weeks ago, and I was really pleased with how they turned out.  My goal is always to create a home space inworld that is relaxing for me. 

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So yesterday I was standing around on the new skypad I had just rented when I got an out of the blue IM from someone I have never met.  We conversed for a little bit and at the end of it, he asked me to a "prom" which will be starting soon.  Here's the pic of me looking all prettiful and waiting to see it he shows up.  

I'm not holding my breath.



Edit - Good thing I didn't hold my breath.  Another case of all dressed up with no place to go....

Edited by Jordan Whitt
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2 minutes ago, PermaRuthed said:

Beauty school dropout,
No graduation day for you.
Beauty school dropout,
Missed your mid-terms and flunked shampoo.
Well at least you could have taken time,
To wash and clean your clothes up.
After spending all that dough,
To have the doctor fix your nose up.



Such an iconic beauty. ❤️

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On 8/21/2020 at 8:48 AM, Atosuria Daviau said:

Downloaded the new EEP Firefox cant say i care for the lighting in EEP

this is just to dark and brooding even for me


FS Beta EEP... the default Windlight settings are dark. Well sort of the default settings. There are the Shared Settings which you may have set to be sticky, meaning they don't change as you move region to region. If not set to be sticky then the viewer will take the settings from the region you just entered and the region owner may not have changed the region for EEP, in which case I think those defaults are too dark.

If you use FS' Phototools the first tab is WL. You can set the WL Sky setting on that tab to 'default'. I think this makes things look more like the previous non-EEP FS version. Unfortunately this "default" setting is just another WL set of settings with the name 'default' and I don't consider it a real universal 'default'.

I fly and sail so I have my FS set to keep whatever WL I start with as I cross region to region. I don't like the day changing with every region boundary I cross. But that means if I want to see a region as the owner wanted I have to manually force the viewer to use the local custom default.

When I enter a region for photos I change that WL Sky setting to 'Shared Environment'. It is at the very top of the list of environments in the drop down. The first time or two you use the shared setting you'll notice the result is some 'named' environment, which is the name of the WL set the region is set to use. It is often from that set of settings that I begin tweaking my Personal Lighting for the photo.

While people are changing over to EEP, we will have to manually adjust things to suit us. I expect this to be a problem until FS releases the beta as a final version and even for several more months until people make the changes in every region.

I do use the FS Beta EEP when I am using FS. I figured at some point I would have to get used to the new UI. I am starting now.

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