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Security Orb Creators and Owners

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That partially happens already. Suppose you have a 1024 parcel. An orb somewhere in it, set to a range of, say, 2000m, will only deal with avatars that are on or over the parcel - right into all the corners of a parcel of any shape. It doesn't matter how far the range is set.

Protecting a building that is smaller than the parcel, and leaving the rest of the parcel unprotected, is different. Maybe that's what you mean. It might be good to do.


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Aethelwine wrote:

I would think that functionality to protect your home, within its walls or precisely defined areas would be a selling point.

No it isn't because so many people in SL couldn't care less about others. Second Life has a very strong culture of distrust and selfishness. It's I, Me, Mine and Nothing Else Matters. That is the essence of the problem and there's no techonological solution to it because any such feature is worthless if people can't be bothered to actually use it.

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ChinRey wrote:

Aethelwine wrote:

I would think that functionality to protect your home, within its walls or precisely defined areas would be a selling point.

No it isn't because so many people in SL couldn't care less about others. Second Life has a very strong culture of distrust and selfishness. It's I, Me, Mine and Nothing Else Matters. That is the essence of the problem and there's no techonological solution to it because any such feature is worthless if people can't be bothered to actually use it.

I travel quite extensively on the waterways, there are few I haven't travelled and that isn't my experince at all.

The number of long term problem parcels I could probably list on one or two hands. Owners in Brazos, in Pierce and in Gama being the ones that immediately spring to mind.

It goes up alot more now with orbs restricting the airways, but since i don't fly that much. I can't really comment on that except to cite the information from the wiki....

On the wiki it says "5 to 10% use entity orbs to restrict access. From these, the majority use a higher eject time (over 10 seconds). Only a few are very aggresive and are set for less then 5 seconds. Also, only a few teleport people to another parcel. "

So that suggests that to me at least that there is a strong sense of community on SL, and a desire to allow people the freedom to explore. The selfish are a small minority that spoil it for others.

Also at least for sailing things seem to be improving recently, the route from the East River community to Bay City is much easier now, and there is also a route up around the East of the Nautilus continent, making it possible to circumnavigate by going through Corsica in the North.

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Aethelwine wrote: So that suggests that to me at least that there is a strong sense of community on SL, and a desire to allow people the freedom to explore.

Oh yes, there is that too fortunately, it's not all dark. But as you say, the selfish - or maybe it's more about the thoughtless actually - spoil it for others. It isn't actually hard for landowners to set up their land with good security and minimum disruption to others, and - to see it from the other poitn of view - it shouldn't be hard for travellers to understand that they can't just barge in everywhere and act as if they owned the place.

Most of those problems are unnecessary. There shouldn't really be a need for this discussion at all but there is of course.


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ChinRey wrote:

Aethelwine wrote: So that suggests that to me at least that there is a strong sense of community on SL, and a desire to allow people the freedom to explore.

Oh yes, there is that too fortunately, it's not all dark. But as you say, the selfish - or maybe it's more about the thoughtless actually - spoil it for others. It isn't actually hard for landowners to set up their land with good security and minimum disruption to others, and - to see it from the other poitn of view - it shouldn't be hard for travellers to understand that they can't just barge in everywhere and act as if they owned the place.

Most of those problems are unnecessary. There shouldn't really be a need for this discussion at all but there is of course.


In most cases a polite message to the owner of the parcel sorts the problems out, because the settings affect others they don't see the impact until some one tells them about it. Alot of the time the owners are apologetic and tell me how much they hate banlines themselves.

If I am in a rush I just send them an open seas project info card (if anyone is interested they can pick one up from my Parcel in Fudo and Snug Harbor (SH5 Meg Island).

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i just pick on some points raised here, from a script project pov. I use beacon rather than orb

1) sitting: use this in conjunction with "moving" to help with people on vehicles. While target is moving the beacon wont kill the target, upto some larger n of 2/3/etc minutes, when the mover is beyond some range from the beacon

2) delay: can prevent the owner operator from setting the beacon delay to less than n seconds. [if input > n then delay = input]

3) ping: the beacon responds with its settings (location, range, delay, etc) on a publicly known responder channel when pinged by a vehicle radar

4) parcel dets: when pinged the beacon can also respond with the parcel settings

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ps. just add about 3)

can script the beacon to announce when pinged what the corridor for safe passage is. When the vehicle strays outside the corridor then the vehicle radar and/or pilot/driver/sailor is advised to change course and keep moving or they will be terminated

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  • 2 years later...
On 6/15/2016 at 11:42 PM, CassieMaia said:

Ich erkunde das Festland normalerweise über Straßen, Züge oder Wasserwege. Wenn ich einen interessanten Build sehe, kann ich über Paket hinweggehen, um einen genaueren Blick darauf zu werfen. Ich kann mich ehrlich gesagt nicht erinnern, wann ich das letzte Mal automatisch von einer Sicherheitskugel nach Hause geschickt wurde. Auf dem Boden habe ich festgestellt, dass ich eher auf Verbotslinien stoßen würde als auf Sicherheitskugeln, aber selbst Verbotslinien sind in Gebieten, in denen ich bisher war, nicht üblich.    

Die eine Art von Paket, bei dem ich im Allgemeinen auf Sicherheitskugeln gestoßen bin (obgleich mit einer Warnung von 30 Sekunden oder so), waren Pakete (in der Regel sims), die sich im Besitz der großen "Sky Platform / Dome" -Vermietungsgesellschaften befinden (zwei davon erinnere ich an die meisten wahrscheinlich). Diese Pakete erscheinen jedoch in der Regel auf der Minikarte mit ihren Logos, die das Paket oder die Sims bedecken, sodass sie leicht zu erkennen und zu vermeiden sind. 

There are still property owners who set the security for the whole sim with  0 seconds warning time and this  next to the airport which are in 411 meters high. Public waterways are also overlapped. It's not the people flying over it or driving past it to keep it out. I think you can fly over it in 100 meters without disturbing anyone. In RL it would not be otherwise just with more hight. However, an owner who set the orb below 30 seconds or is overlapping a seaway wants to make trouble for others or have no idea how to do it. In the second case, you can help them in the first case, sheet happens. You will always find assholes how don't can see when other people have fun. With all other people, you should talk and try to find a solution for both. Nobody will be harmed if someone is driving or flying over and it's not asking too much to act in this way that you don't others are disturbing. A door is swinging in both directions. By the way, I find it sad that we have to talk about something like that.

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1 hour ago, KayneDawson said:

There are still property owners who set the security for the whole sim with  0 seconds warning time and this  next to the airport which are in 411 meters high. Public waterways are also overlapped. It's not the people flying over it or driving past it to keep it out. I think you can fly over it in 100 meters without disturbing anyone. In RL it would not be otherwise just with more hight. However, an owner who set the orb below 30 seconds or is overlapping a seaway wants to make trouble for others or have no idea how to do it. In the second case, you can help them in the first case, sheet happens. You will always find assholes how don't can see when other people have fun. With all other people, you should talk and try to find a solution for both. Nobody will be harmed if someone is driving or flying over and it's not asking too much to act in this way that you don't others are disturbing. A door is swinging in both directions. By the way, I find it sad that we have to talk about something like that.

I don't think Cassie is going to care any longer since her last post on this thread was 3 years ago. In case you didn't notice.

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I don't think people use orbs to keep those with vehicles from moving quickly through their lands; unfortunately, they fall victim when an orb is necessary to keep stalkers and harassers from entering a person's land. You might say just ban the person, but when that person uses an army of alts then the only solution is to use an orb that keeps everyone one out except those on the white list or in your particular group. At least using an orb, rather than setting to group-only, prevents the unsightly mess of ban lines. I understand the frustration of those who like to experience traveling in SL, but I think the landowners right to exclude unwanted people from their land supersedes the rights of travelers.

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Personally, I understand those who want to travel wanting the freedom to do that, but then I play a combat game and should have the freedom to do what I like, too. I don't want people coming to my home to attack me, and so a 0 second orb is available to those playing the game who want them (I don't have one but do use banlines as I don't want anyone on my parcel at all, but then I also am not on Mainland & have no problem if people fly over)

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I hate ban lines and won't use them unless it's an extreme situation. Security orbs are much preferred to ban lines IMO. 

I tend to turn my orb on and off when I remember. I don't care if anyone enters the land when I'm not there. I have had a stalker in SL for many years. This person would enter my land take photos of me and then PS them into photos of him RL and then post them in various places. So while that behavior isn't likely to hurt me RL it is still disconcerting and I wish to limit his access to me, so I have an orb. 

What I wish an orb would do is automatically turn on when I enter my home and turn off when I leave it. Does such a thing exist?

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1 hour ago, Blush Bravin said:

I hate ban lines and won't use them unless it's an extreme situation. Security orbs are much preferred to ban lines IMO. 

I tend to turn my orb on and off when I remember. I don't care if anyone enters the land when I'm not there. I have had a stalker in SL for many years. This person would enter my land take photos of me and then PS them into photos of him RL and then post them in various places. So while that behavior isn't likely to hurt me RL it is still disconcerting and I wish to limit his access to me, so I have an orb. 

What I wish an orb would do is automatically turn on when I enter my home and turn off when I leave it. Does such a thing exist?

Would it not be easier to just put that person into the ban list? Yes, I know - unknown alts. But if it is happening when you are there then you can add them as it happens, right? Yes, and orb CAN be set to do turn on and off based on your presence - though you'd need to modify the script using the scanner function of LSL. Maybe grab the free Alyssa orb script and experiment? :)

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17 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

Would it not be easier to just put that person into the ban list? Yes, I know - unknown alts.

You have no idea the army of alts this person has. I'd rather set the orb to on and forget about trying to discover which of the crazies hanging around the parcel are his alts. 

I am clueless when it comes to scripts. Sure I can fill in some parameters into a notecard or with proper examples even modify parameters in the actual script but even that is difficult for me. I can draw and sculpt all day long .. make me do math and I'd rather just pull the covers over my head and stay in bed. 

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2 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

You have no idea the army of alts this person has. I'd rather set the orb to on and forget about trying to discover which of the crazies hanging around the parcel are his alts. 

I am clueless when it comes to scripts. Sure I can fill in some parameters into a notecard or with proper examples even modify parameters in the actual script but even that is difficult for me. I can draw and sculpt all day long .. make me do math and I'd rather just pull the covers over my head and stay in bed. 

Ah yes. I have some scripts that are based on the presence of an avatar... It would seem logical to me that one could make that into the presence of a specific avatar. I was introduced to a scripter who loves scripting for the sake of scripting. I asked him to make a custom script for me and he refused payment, I wish I could remember his name. But anyway, it may be worth seeking out someone who could do that for you (if that's what you'd like an orb to do).

As for orbs in general, it is unfortunate that it is only an LL "guideline" that they are set to a ten-second warning. Way too many are set to three seconds or worse: zero. (!). I'd rather see ban lines than orbs, I hate them. Though, in your case, I can see the benefit of an orb. In almost every other case I cannot. Because the truth is that your place just isn't very interesting to me that I would want to spend any time jumping around on your furniture and I cannot possibly steal anything... so... Ego, maybe? LOL:)

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20 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

I don't think people use orbs to keep those with vehicles from moving quickly through their lands; unfortunately, they fall victim when an orb is necessary to keep stalkers and harassers from entering a person's land. You might say just ban the person, but when that person uses an army of alts then the only solution is to use an orb that keeps everyone one out except those on the white list or in your particular group. At least using an orb, rather than setting to group-only, prevents the unsightly mess of ban lines. I understand the frustration of those who like to experience traveling in SL, but I think the landowners right to exclude unwanted people from their land supersedes the rights of travelers.

You know what? No one has to see the unsightly mess of ban lines, and if I had regular trouble with griefers I personally would set up ban lines.


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1 minute ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

You know what? No one has to see the unsightly mess of ban lines, and if I had regular trouble with griefers I personally would set up ban lines.


Different strokes!

At least I don't invite people onto my parcel and then chase them off with wasps.

Edited by Blush Bravin
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Orbs are not necessary and only exist because people in SL seem to think this is RL. If I'm on my property, and I see someone is there who shouldn't be, I ask politely what their business is and if they'd move on, please. If they refuse, become stupid, I simply eject and ban. On a 1 to 1 basis. Simple! If I'm not there, Why in gods name do I care if they are there? I don't care what someone does on my land when I'm not there. They literally /can't/ steal from me, and If they litter, I can simply refresh objects list, find their name, return all. It takes literally 2 seconds to handle anything and it isn't a hassle. What's a hassle is when people own land that extends across entire waterways *cough cough Yeppeun cough cough* and remove access from anyone except select groups/people. This isn't what was intended when mainland waterways were created, and instead of people using logic and sense, they just couldn't give less of a crap and ban avatars. It's the sort of thing that makes you wish you could legit ban them from SL. People like that don't belong on Mainland and I think LL needs to step up and start protecting mainland passage or they're going to lose what has proven to be a very loyal group of clients. I may just start a group on SL that shames and blasts avatars who ruin the enjoyment of SL for others with 0 second orbs, and access lines. Because they deserve to be shamed. They are terrible and self centered people. As is proven by their disregard for others. 

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20 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

Different strokes!

At least I don't invite people onto my parcel and then chase them off with wasps.

If I invite them to my parcel I add the person to the safe list,

Unless I forget.

If they wander on at random, the buzzing of the swarm makes me smile and think... oops got another one.

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4 minutes ago, BlackBlade Smit said:

This isn't what was intended when mainland waterways were created,

If said land was created as a waterway it is protected and as such cannot be affected by orbs. If you find an orb that is ejecting from protected land you can AR it. If it's on private property how are you any less selfish in demanding what people do with their land. 

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6 minutes ago, BlackBlade Smit said:

Orbs are not necessary and only exist because people in SL seem to think this is RL. If I'm on my property, and I see someone is there who shouldn't be, I ask politely what their business is and if they'd move on, please. If they refuse, become stupid, I simply eject and ban. On a 1 to 1 basis. Simple! If I'm not there, Why in gods name do I care if they are there? I don't care what someone does on my land when I'm not there. They literally /can't/ steal from me, and If they litter, I can simply refresh objects list, find their name, return all. It takes literally 2 seconds to handle anything and it isn't a hassle. What's a hassle is when people own land that extends across entire waterways *cough cough Yeppeun cough cough* and remove access from anyone except select groups/people. This isn't what was intended when mainland waterways were created, and instead of people using logic and sense, they just couldn't give less of a crap and ban avatars. It's the sort of thing that makes you wish you could legit ban them from SL. People like that don't belong on Mainland and I think LL needs to step up and start protecting mainland passage or they're going to lose what has proven to be a very loyal group of clients. I may just start a group on SL that shames and blasts avatars who ruin the enjoyment of SL for others with 0 second orbs, and access lines. Because they deserve to be shamed. They are terrible and self centered people. As is proven by their disregard for others. 

Seems to me the terrible and self centered people are the ones that think they can tell people what they can and can't do with their own private parcels

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3 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

If they wander on at random, the buzzing of the swarm makes me smile and think... oops got another one.

It is a security orb by any other name. Just because it uses wasps to eject doesn't make it any less a security orb. So you are as guilty of it as anyone you are accusing.

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52 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

It is a security orb by any other name. Just because it uses wasps to eject doesn't make it any less a security orb. So you are as guilty of it as anyone you are accusing.

I'm not accusing anyone of anything. Zero warning security orbs are just fine with me, and at least my wasps don't send you home.

Plus its not a security orb, you can sit on my furniture and not be pushed by the wasps.

Which reminds me, I need to place them in my new park.




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