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Kemonos getting banned for "Ageplay"


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Cornyflowerz wrote:


Nope, it's people who choose to use these childlike avatars in sexual situations who risk getting reported for sexual ageplay. 

What I don't think people in this forum are understanding is that kemonos EVERYWHERE that "look childish" or similar to my previous avatar, ARE being used in various adult sims, and seem to be accepted. That's what I'm talking about. This doesn't have anything to do with "oh you must be sick, blah blah blah." It has nothing to do with "what I like" or "what I'm attracted to" so why the hell do people keep bringing that up?

This isn't a forum about me complaining that I can't wear a child avatar in an adult sim. This is not about that, stop making it about that. People wear kemonos, everyday, everywhere. It's the 
as to who gets banned and who doesn't that is upsetting me. It's the fact that some kemonos (who all look the same) get banned while others are left to walk freely. Either ban all or ban none is what I say.

This is your average kemono. Obviously dressed in an adult way. Does this look childish to you? Would you ban this user from SL for ageplay? This person looks identical to the person who got banned and everyone seems to accept people like this every day. 

A mod for the kemono. Notice the "youthful features" in the display picture. This is a common appearance. These avatars are everywhere, and the majority of them are left alone by people. It's the fact that an angry user can appraoch a kemono wearer and get them instant-banned for ageplay because he or she doesn't like their avatar.

That's what's got me upset.

The people who get banned are the people who get reported. I can't control that. You can't*. LL can't. There will, unfortunatey, be inconsistencies in this kind of policy. LL does not have a bunch of cops wandering the grid looking to ban people. They wait for reports, investigate (at least, the best evidence is that they investigate) and ban based on their investigations. I, and others throughout this thread, have made this point over and over. You insist on ignoring that.

I didn't make it about you. I said that people using childlike avatars in sexual situations will risk being reported. People. Not you, specifically. ANY people. You, me, those who got banned already, those who get away with it. You are the one making it about you.

LL do not give one microscopic coprolith whether Kemono avatars are anywhere, nowhere or everywhere. They look at Abuse Reports and the situation around them. Kemono avatars are perfectly fine in many situations, so banning outright them would be nonsensical. Toddler avs are fine in the right context, totally wrong in a sexually orientated situation. Should they be banned too?

As I have pointed out before, no-one can know why a given Kemono av receives a ban other than the Linden employee issuing the ban (and perhaps, if they were honest with themself, the person getting banned). Resident X gets banned while wearing a Kemono av... was the av the reason they were banned? None of us can tell.

I wouldn't ban anyone for ageplay based on either of those avatar images. I will assume you mean sexual ageplay: as I said before, playing a role not of your actual age is perfectly acceptable. The first is indeterminate based on the image. The second isn't even an entire avatar, just a torso. Both images would put me 'on alert'. If I was in a postion to make a decision, I'd be very concerned about the use of either one in a sexual scenario. In either case, the image alone wouldn't be enough; the exact circumstances would be needed to make a decision.

*You can, obviously, reduce the risk of being banned yourself by not engaging in risky behaviours. We all have that much control, and no more.

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Cornyflowerz wrote:

You report them
and put them at risk of getting banned
, just because YOU think they might ...

i cross out the bit in the middle bc is not true

as been said a zillion times to you already. You not at risk just bc somebody report you bc they think you might

if that was the case then I probably would have been banned about a million times already. Same pretty much every other person in the world

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Cornyflowerz wrote:

s when a person like you walks into an adult sim and sees an average kemono user? You report them and put them at risk of getting banned, just because YOU think they might look childlike. This puts nearly every default kemono wearer at risk. As much as I don't like looking taller and more muscular, at least I'm no longer at risk. But the thing is, so many people still are.

You never know when that angry disagreeing user will come along and start swinging accusations around.

Nope, you're absolutely wrong. Someone who may dislike a look, does not put them at risk for being banned. What puts them at risk is not only looking child-like, but engaging in some type of activitiy defined as sexual. People can report others to their heart's content, people cannot control whether or not someone gets banned, however. That is up to LL. So if someone doesn't like kemono avs, sure they can report them, but if those avs don't like child-like, there is no problem. If they do look child-like, and are not engaging in sexual activities, or in close proximity to them, there is no problem. It is when you mix the look, with the activities that it becomes a problem. Merely being on an adult sim, isn't going to get anyone banned, regardless of how they look, and regardless of how many people do not want them there(or even hate the way they look).

You seem to be under the impression that even those with a great prejudice against a specific type of look can put others at risk. That's simply not true. LL is not going to ban child-like avs that are NOT breaking the TOS. The solution is much more simple than you think.

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I would take her side of the story with a huge grain of salt.  In my experience, most people who are banned won't admit that they were in the wrong.  When they tell their side of the story they make themselves look completely innocent and blame it on the person who reported them.

BTW, if she is back in SL now in an alt, she is again breaking the TOS because once you are banned you are not allowed to come back in an alt.  So she is showing a blatant disregard of the TOS.  Don't be surprised if her alt(s) gets banned too.

The very fact that one Kemono avatar got banned and you haven't heard of any others should tell you it is NOT the avatar that got her banned by LL.  You can believe what you want as to the reason.  Because LL will not ever show you any 'proof' that she was guilty of ageplay.  They won't even discuss it with you because it is a private matter.

I think you are going way overboard with your paranoia.  If you want to be sure you are not banned then don't wear the kemona avatar and go to sex sims.  Don't engage in sex with it, and don't be near where sex is occurring. 


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I think that there's a fatal flaw in your thinking which is quickly revealed in the thread title.  While you're speaking of one avatar being banned, the title is using "Kemonos" as a plurl.  The thing about it is that there is an edge to appearance possible with the Kemono avatar which could look like someone in their mid to early teens, even in an Anime context. (>_<)

There's a range of appearance in 'short, lean, and cute' which will simply be very risky to be involved in adult situations.  At the same time, people need to weigh their surroundings, as much of appearance in SL are relative and open to interpretation.  If ever you see stumpy avatar like mine in a situation surrounded by the 8-foot tall Hulk Manchunk and Boobzilla Frankenbarbie crowd, I sure as heck would not consider getting into a bonk with anyone one of them. (=_=)


Just be aware of your appearance, intended and relative.  Be aware of your situation, intended and relative.  And consider how well you get along with the peopole in your surroundings.  Be mindful of that much and you'll be fine. (^_^)

Oh, and here's my alt in her Kemono. =^-^=


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I've kind of come to the conclusion that the OP is being almost deliberately obtuse and I'm beginning to wonder about his RL age. The arguments he keeps making are the type you hear from a young person that is focused on on aspect and won't listen to anything else.

One more time, THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR AVI, ALONE, WON'T GET YOU BANNED. IT'S THE ACTIONS, NOT THE LOOK. The girl the OP is speaking about HAD to have engaged in a convo that triggered the ageplay banhammer. In the 7+ years I've been in SL, I've not heard of LL being arbitrary. In the estate I'm an admin in we had a griefer that was a revenge griefer. We got hit with probably every griefing tool on the market...You should try getting rolled over by a wave of replicating 10M cubes with porn on them some time. He even had a megacube that was the size of a sim and went up at least 400 meters that we had to get LL to come and get rid of. It took us 3 months of hard work and eventually, all his alts were banned and he was MAC banned from SL.

The point is, LL investigates thoroughly. Ageplay is investigated quickle because of the zero tolerance policy and the risk LL is at because of child pornography laws all over the world.


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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

I've kind of come to the conclusion that the OP is being almost deliberately obtuse and I'm beginning to wonder about his RL age. The arguments he keeps making are the type you hear from a young person that is focused on on aspect and won't listen to anything else.


Oh blah blah blah. Once again, yet again let me repeat myself so that you can understand. Had the person who got banned been ACTUALLY DOING something, I would have not even made a post. If they actually were RPing as a child, I wouldn't have made a post. If they were using a sex pose ball or dancing o na strip pole, I wouldn't have made a post. It's the fact of the matter that they were just STANDING in an adult sim, wearing a kemono, and were reported for "looking underage" by an angry user, and got banned.

Do you understand why now it is about the appearance and not the action? The person claims they weren't banned for any action. The person claims they were banned for "looking too young in an adult sim." So YES, by that reason alone  YES LL has banned for "appearance." I'm sorry, but you telling me i'm wrong isn't going to cut it. It happened. I met the person it happened to. I know other people who witnessed it. It HAPPENED. 

THAT'S why there's the scare. That's the reason i've changed my appearance to "look older" to please more and upset less. And don't bring out the whole "LL ALWAYS INVESTIGATES" blah blah blah because I've seen people here say they don't, so i'm willing to believe that they don't investigate sometimes. Stop flaunting your 7+ years seniority like it gives you any more credit than anyone else posting. 

FYI, I'm 24, so f off -.-

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Cornyflowerz wrote:

Bobbie Faulds wrote:

I've kind of come to the conclusion that the OP is being almost deliberately obtuse and I'm beginning to wonder about his RL age. The arguments he keeps making are the type you hear from a young person that is focused on on aspect and won't listen to anything else.


Oh blah blah blah. Once again, yet again let me repeat myself so that you can understand. Had the person who got banned been ACTUALLY DOING something, I would have not even made a post. If they actually were RPing as a child, I wouldn't have made a post. If they were using a sex pose ball or dancing o na strip pole, I wouldn't have made a post. It's the fact of the matter that they were just STANDING in an adult sim, wearing a kemono, and were reported for "looking underage" by an angry user, and got banned.

Do you understand why now it is about the appearance and not the action? The person claims they weren't banned for any action. The person claims they were banned for "looking too young in an adult sim." So YES, by that reason alone  YES LL has banned for "appearance." I'm sorry, but you telling me i'm wrong isn't going to cut it. It happened. I met the person it happened to. I know other people who witnessed it. It HAPPENED. 

THAT'S why there's the scare. That's the reason i've changed my appearance to "look older" to please more and upset less. And don't bring out the whole "LL ALWAYS INVESTIGATES" blah blah blah because I've seen people here say they don't, so i'm willing to believe that they don't investigate sometimes. Stop flaunting your 7+ years seniority like it gives you any more credit than anyone else posting. 

FYI, I'm 24, so f off -.-

Oh BS.

Now, I've been pretty nice, and tyring to explain, along with everyone else this whole thread, but you insist you MUST be right, and everyone else..even those with far more experience(both in sl, AND with LL) MUST be wrong.  It is the other way around buddy. You see, experience does a little something, it's actually pretty nifty so pay attention....it gives you knowledge. Not only does it give you knowledge, but the power of deduction as well. Your inexperience has also given you something though, so don't feel cheated, it has given you the power of deduction that most newer folks in sl have. The problem is, your power of deduction is limited, because you don't have some of the experience others have.  This is not a bad thing, so do not fret, in time, you'll too gain the knowledge others have. You don't find it odd that you're the only one defending this person? If you look through the forums, that is not typical for something like this(a perceived wronfgul ban). It really isn't(again, something experience and wisdom will tell you). By now, if the ban were not warranted, others would come "to her rescue". But, nope, no one. That's extremely abnormal, even more abnormal than LL wrongfully banning someone for sexual ageplay. At this point, given experience, wisdom, and LL's track recrod...I'd almost say that's utterly impossible.

Why on earth do you believe someone who is clearly lying to you-everyone else sees it, even someone she actually knows, who knows her well, lol. If anyone, you would think you'd believe someone who knows her. She's continuing to break the TOS, as we speak, by using an alt after being banned. A very, very clear violation. So why do you believe her when she says she "was doing nothing" and was "just standing there"? Why would you take the word of someone who has no qualms breaking the TOS whenever it suits her fancy, over people who do have the knowledge and experience needed to help guide folks with questions? I do not know. Of course, it's your choice to believe what you want.   BUT....

ETA:  Don't forget, she could have easily been in IM saying things she should not have been saying. She doesn't have to be physically doing something, to break the TOS when it comes to sexual ageplay. Even if she was standing there "doing nothing", you don't know what was in her IM box. LL does know, they have all IMs, local too, on record. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if she was breaking TOS or not. One quick check int he records would have sufficed.

You yourself said(go ahead, look through your posts) she is the ONLY kemono you know of to have "gotten banned"..So, my powerful deduction is telling me...despite there being sooooooooo many kemonos on the grid and only ONE person being banned...It's not the av.(therefore negating your title). Do you not think it reasonable if there were truly an issue merely with that av, and it's look, others would have been banned by now? I think that's a reasonable deduction, personally. The fact that it hasn't happened, should give you reason to pause, think, and figure out..Oh, perhaps the chick is lying to make herself sound better. It wouldn't be the first time, it wont be the last.

All of that aside...even if she WAS just standing there, if she was even in proximity to sexual activities, she was breaking the TOS. So even merely  "just standing there", but close enough to sexual activities, it is still breaking the TOS, and a bannable offense. Like it or not. Those are the rules.  She didn't even have to be wearing that particular av, even just simply looking child-like and being in close proximity to sexual activities, is a bannable offense, according to our TOS. The bottom line is..LL gets final say. It's their world, not ours. They make the rules. We merely play in the playground. When we fail to follow the rules of the playground, we run the risk of getting in trouble. That could mean anything from detention to suspension and even expulsion. Again..we do not get to make up the rules, they are set in stone for us. 

Yes, in some cases, it may SEEM like LL does not investigate, at all, but that's not always accurate either. It could be a poor interpretation of a situation. Yes, in ONE case, in this whole thread(the ONLY case I have ever heard of in sl..and yes I will flaunt how long I've been here, because, well, again, with that experience comes wisdom and knowledge, which actually means something to most people) it seemed like LL did not investigate and that ONE person got their "friend" or "contact" to investigate and drop the ban. One case...since 2003. You don't find that odd? Just because something seems arbitrary, doesn't always mean it is.. Perhaps the banhammer was thrown down WHILE an investigation was already going on, and that person didn't realize it. Perhaps a mistake was made...perhaps not. We can't know. What I do know, and you can claim it not true all you want, you'd be wrong, is that LL does investigate sexual ageplay cases, because it involves RL laws. They are required to obey the laws of the US, and more specifically, California. Which means...zero tolerance policy.

I kNOW they investigate, based on the experience and knowledge I have. I have seen it. You can believe what you want, but, you're likely the only person on the grid that actually believes her. It makes you extremely naive to do so too, because, clearly, she has no qualms breaking TOS as it suits her. If you want to trust someone who will gladly, willingly, break the TOS, by all means. But it makes you sound like a fool to do so.

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Tari Landar wrote:

Cornyflowerz wrote:

Bobbie Faulds wrote:

I've kind of come to the conclusion that the OP is being almost deliberately obtuse and I'm beginning to wonder about his RL age. The arguments he keeps making are the type you hear from a young person that is focused on on aspect and won't listen to anything else.


Oh blah blah blah. Once again, yet again let me repeat myself so that you can understand. Had the person who got banned been ACTUALLY DOING something, I would have not even made a post. If they actually were RPing as a child, I wouldn't have made a post. If they were using a sex pose ball or dancing o na strip pole, I wouldn't have made a post. It's the fact of the matter that they were just STANDING in an adult sim, wearing a kemono, and were reported for "looking underage" by an angry user, and got banned.

Do you understand why now it is about the appearance and not the action? The person claims they weren't banned for any action. The person claims they were banned for "looking too young in an adult sim." So YES, by that reason alone  YES LL has banned for "appearance." I'm sorry, but you telling me i'm wrong isn't going to cut it. It happened. I met the person it happened to. I know other people who witnessed it. It HAPPENED. 

THAT'S why there's the scare. That's the reason i've changed my appearance to "look older" to please more and upset less. And don't bring out the whole "LL ALWAYS INVESTIGATES" blah blah blah because I've seen people here say they don't, so i'm willing to believe that they don't investigate sometimes. Stop flaunting your 7+ years seniority like it gives you any more credit than anyone else posting. 

FYI, I'm 24, so f off -.-

Oh BS.

Now, I've been pretty nice, and tyring to explain, along with everyone else this whole thread, but you insist you MUST be right, and everyone else..even those with far more experience(both in sl, AND with LL) MUST be wrong.  It is the other way around buddy. You see, experience does a little something, it's actually pretty nifty so pay attention....it gives you knowledge. Not only does it give you knowledge, but the power of deduction as well. Your inexperience has also given you something though, so don't feel cheated, it has given you the power of deduction that most newer folks in sl have. The problem is, your power of deduction is limited, because you don't have some of the experience others have.  This is not a bad thing, so do not fret, in time, you'll too gain the knowledge others have. You don't find it odd that you're the only one defending this person? If you look through the forums, that is not typical for something like this(a perceived wronfgul ban). It really isn't(again, something experience and wisdom will tell you). By now, if the ban were not warranted, others would come "to her rescue". But, nope, no one. That's extremely abnormal, even more abnormal than LL wrongfully banning someone for sexual ageplay. At this point, given experience, wisdom, and LL's track recrod...I'd almost say that's utterly impossible.

Why on earth do you believe someone who is clearly lying to you-everyone else sees it, even someone she actually knows, who knows her well, lol. If anyone, you would think you'd believe someone who knows her. She's continuing to break the TOS, as we speak, by using an alt after being banned. A very, very clear violation. So why do you believe her when she says she "was doing nothing" and was "just standing there"? Why would you take the word of someone who has no qualms breaking the TOS whenever it suits her fancy, over people who do have the knowledge and experience needed to help guide folks with questions? I do not know. Of course, it's your choice to believe what you want.   BUT....

ETA:  Don't forget, she could have easily been in IM saying things she should not have been saying. She doesn't have to be physically doing something, to break the TOS when it comes to sexual ageplay. Even if she was standing there "doing nothing", you don't know what was in her IM box. LL does know, they have all IMs, local too, on record. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if she was breaking TOS or not. One quick check int he records would have sufficed.

You yourself said(go ahead, look through your posts) she is the ONLY kemono you know of to have "gotten banned"..So, my powerful deduction is telling me...despite there being sooooooooo many kemonos on the grid and only ONE person being banned...It's not the av.(therefore negating your title). Do you not think it reasonable if there were truly an issue merely with that av, and it's look, others would have been banned by now? I think that's a reasonable deduction, personally. The fact that it hasn't happened, should give you reason to pause, think, and figure out..Oh, perhaps the chick is lying to make herself sound better. It wouldn't be the first time, it wont be the last.

All of that aside...even if she WAS just standing there, if she was even in proximity to sexual activities, she was breaking the TOS. So even merely  "just standing there", but close enough to sexual activities, it is still breaking the TOS, and a bannable offense. Like it or not. Those are the rules.  She didn't even have to be wearing that particular av, even just simply looking child-like and being in close proximity to sexual activities, is a bannable offense, according to our TOS. The bottom line is..LL gets final say. It's their world, not ours. They make the rules. We merely play in the playground. When we fail to follow the rules of the playground, we run the risk of getting in trouble. That could mean anything from detention to suspension and even expulsion. Again..we do not get to make up the rules, they are set in stone for us. 

Yes, in some cases, it may SEEM like LL does not investigate, at all, but that's not always accurate either. It could be a poor interpretation of a situation. Yes, in ONE case, in this whole thread(the ONLY case I have ever heard of in sl..and yes I will flaunt how long I've been here, because, well, again, with that experience comes wisdom and knowledge, which actually means something to most people) it seemed like LL did not investigate and that ONE person got their "friend" or "contact" to investigate and drop the ban. One case...since 2003. You don't find that odd? Just because something seems arbitrary, doesn't always mean it is.. Perhaps the banhammer was thrown down WHILE an investigation was already going on, and that person didn't realize it. Perhaps a mistake was made...perhaps not. We can't know. What I do know, and you can claim it not true all you want, you'd be wrong, is that LL does investigate sexual ageplay cases, because it involves RL laws. They are required to obey the laws of the US, and more specifically, California. Which means...zero tolerance policy.

I kNOW they investigate, based on the experience and knowledge I have. I have seen it. You can believe what you want, but, you're likely the only person on the grid that actually believes her. It makes you extremely naive to do so too, because, clearly, she has no qualms breaking TOS as it suits her. If you want to trust someone who will gladly, willingly, break the TOS, by all means. But it makes you sound like a fool to do so.

Alright. You make sense. At this point all we can do then is play it safe and wait to see if it becomes a trend is all.

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There is no such thing as a "trend". Sexual ageplay has been against the ToS since SL was born and the enforcement of that certain part of the ToS became more strict over the years due to bad press and changes in the law, both things that forces LL to react each time someone files an AR with concerns about this thing.

But they do not ban people, who have done nothing wrong. Because this would hurt them in the end, as they would lose a paying or potential customer directly or indirectly. We have seen that with other ARs. Just because someone makes a claim you did something won't do a thing. So there is absolutly no trend happening or comeing.

And even with landowners there is no new trend occuring. Land owners always had additional rules for their land and the visitors they want or don't want. And the majority of people who own adult land have rules that forbid child avatars for various reasons.


It has been said many times before. You are not the victim here and nobody is especially unfair to people who use a Kemono avatar. This type of avatar is not against the ToS, but of course going into sex clubs will provide reasons for people to AR any avatar that as very child-like features. If you stay outside of questionable places nothing will ever happen.

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i have a kemono myself and i don´t see a reasony why i t should be considered childlike? It has an anime head and that looks nothing like a child.


I think that many people in SL have lost the connection to RL because anything thats not abnormally huge is considered childlike.  It is ot the fault of the OPand everyone who wrote here that Kemonos look childlike schould think about what children look like. Did you ever see a child that looked like a kemono? Did you ? Maybe some people sould learn something : Anime does not equal child


An avatar does not need Boobs that could sink ships or muscles like Schwarzenegger x 10. No one looks like that so you can´t compare RL to SL and a Kemono is some kind of Furry/Human hybrind so not even a human don´t compare it to one. It would be great if those ban-happy sim owners or people who work for SL would think before they ban someone.


I hate ageplay and i agree that those need to be banned but as i said a Kemono isn´t a child, it is an Anime/furry/human hybrid

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Forgive me if this has been raised during the thread -- I've not read the whole of it -- but it seems to me that all you know about this girl who got banned was what your friends told you, and, in turn,  they was presumably relying in part on what she'd told them (they don't know what may have been going on in IMs, for example).

There has to exist  the possibility, it seems to me, that you are not in possession of the full facts as they were available to LL, either of the incident on the Adult sim your friend told you about or any other previous incidents in which she may have been involved. 

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kaymichel wrote:

i have a kemono myself and i don´t see a reasony why i t should be considered childlike? It has an anime head and that looks nothing like a child.


I think that many people in SL have lost the connection to RL because anything thats not abnormally huge is considered childlike.  It is ot the fault of the OPand everyone who wrote here that Kemonos look childlike schould think about what children look like. Did you ever see a child that looked like a kemono? Did you ? Maybe some people sould learn something : Anime does not equal child


An avatar does not need Boobs that could sink ships or muscles like Schwarzenegger x 10. No one looks like that so you can´t compare RL to SL and a Kemono is some kind of Furry/Human hybrind so not even a human don´t compare it to one. It would be great if those ban-happy sim owners or people who work for SL would think before they ban someone.


I hate ageplay and i agree that those need to be banned but as i said a Kemono isn´t a child, it is an Anime/furry/human hybrid

I invite you to look back over this thread and discover that very few people here are accusing Kemono-wearers of looking childlike just because they use Kemono avs. The specific avater that the OP posted at the beginning looked childlike to me and to many others who've replied. Not because it was based on a Kemono, but because of it's proportions, features, skin and (lack of) muscle-tone.


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kaymichel wrote:

i have a kemono myself and i don´t see a reasony why i t should be considered childlike? It has an anime head and that looks nothing like a child.


I think that many people in SL have lost the connection to RL because anything thats not abnormally huge is considered childlike.  It is ot the fault of the OPand everyone who wrote here that Kemonos look childlike schould think about what children look like. Did you ever see a child that looked like a kemono? Did you ? Maybe some people sould learn something : Anime does not equal child


An avatar does not need Boobs that could sink ships or muscles like Schwarzenegger x 10. No one looks like that so you can´t compare RL to SL and a Kemono is some kind of Furry/Human hybrind so not even a human don´t compare it to one. It would be great if those ban-happy sim owners or people who work for SL would think before they ban someone.


I hate ageplay and i agree that those need to be banned but as i said a Kemono isn´t a child, it is an Anime/furry/human hybrid

Legally, a "child" is anyone 17 years + 364 days old or younger and that's the definition Linden Lab has to use.

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  • 4 months later...

o_O just stumbled into this topic and had to stop here for leave a comment cuz...

WTF are heads units now? you dont measure anything in heads -_-  well at last not someone's height jeez....

And didnt he said his av is 5'6'' ( 167.6 cm ), that nowhere is someone under ten year old.


Also the character doesnt looks child like for me, he could be but isnt much to be honest. Teen maybe...


Anyway Corny, just go at anime and furry places and you are ok, i usually avoid random adult human sims with my anime avatar because even her body tattooed and has frikkin abs on her beally seriously could break steel on it, most people just go stupid and think its a child because of her size, even if she wear adult attire some people just go like "oh she looks like 12yo wearing whore outfit."

And its not even like the SMB body which tipically meant for child AVs even marked its for that. not the kemono. Thats another thing some people using it as child av but mostly they even stating it in their profile and has abunch of child av related groups.

Peoples seriously should grow some damn brain and read the TOS properly, also think about realistic sizes a little. Do some of these people ever seen a grown up japanese girl or basically any asian girl? i dont think so...

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Venompapa wrote:

o_O just stumbled into this topic and had to stop here for leave a comment cuz...

WTF are heads units now? you dont measure anything in heads
  well at last not someone's height jeez....

To be proportional your head is the standard measuring unit.. someone made a chart about it.. cant seem to find it now.

And didnt he said his av is 5'6'' ( 167.6 cm ), that nowhere is someone under ten year old.

Who said anything about a ten year old? under 18 is a child...

Also the character doesnt looks child like for me, he could be but isnt much to be honest. Teen maybe...

newsflash, a teen is still a child...

Anyway Corny, just go at anime and furry places and you are ok, i usually avoid random adult human sims with my anime avatar because even her body tattooed and has frikkin abs on her beally seriously could break steel on it, most people just go stupid and think its a child because of her size, even if she wear adult attire some people just go like "oh she looks like 12yo wearing whore outfit."

And its not even like the SMB body which tipically meant for child AVs even marked its for that. not the kemono. Thats another thing some people using it as child av but mostly they even stating it in their profile and has abunch of child av related groups.

Peoples seriously should grow some damn brain and read the TOS properly, also think about realistic sizes a little. Do some of these people ever seen a grown up japanese girl or basically any asian girl? i dont think so...

LL does't bann for looks, they bann for chat. Even if someone looks like they have a child av but says they are an adult LL wont bann them.

But anyway, thanks for dragging this butt nugget back into the light...

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Venompapa wrote:


WTF are heads units now? you dont measure anything in heads
  well at last not someone's height jeez....


Who measures in heads?

These people and...

many of these people and...

just about all of these people and...

artists, fashion designers, avatar designers for all kinds of video games, sculptors and anyone interested in the proportions of the human body. Anyone who read my posts with the slightest degree of comprehension or the ability to use Google could have worked this out.

Next question.

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  • 1 year later...

LL is most certainly discriminating against short avatars. 

I was AR'd by someone who simply walked up to me and called me "ageplay" like it was my name, and hour later i get a warning email from LL about my "child avatar" ......Almost 6 feet tall, wearing the Kemono body, M3 anime head, and standing in Anime May Haven sim that is owned by the Kemono creator, talking with friends. I was wearing Krankhaus jammie bottoms and V-neck 2 shirt, fully clothed in an M sim. 
I tried to appeal the AR but they closed the case stating the findings were correct, so i sent a 2nd appeal along with a photograph of my avatar, and it was simply ignored with no reply at all and the ticket was closed.

Here is a photo of my avatar, along with the body slider showing my height. 

And here is the outfit i was wearing when i was AR'd for "ageplay" .....i was also standing in this very spot, doing this same thing at the time the AR was filed against me.

So there is no denying that LL does indeed discriminate against short avatars, and i am pretty sure they do not even read the AR when they are sent. They simply see ageplay and slam the hammer down without any thought. 

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well you got reported, but you are still here... so LL did investigate i assume, or at least they rread your reply... and didn't get banned.

Shows for me they do look to AR's and what really happens in the setting of the report.


With your looks you most likely are in the danger zone for reports when you hang out on sims with sexual content. It's too young.

When you get reported there ánd you'r in ageplay you will find a less tolerant LL i'm affraid.

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Anime May Haven is an M sim...and owned by the creator of the Kemono, sexual content can only be sold on an M sim, not used. Being it's an anime sim, and owned by the kemono creator, and there was no sexual anything, leaves me to question why i got the warning...i could have been an actual child avatar there and would not have been breaking any LL rules, as child avatars are allowed even on A sims. I should have never received any form of warning, but i did...because someone AR'd me for ageplay...if LL would have investigated it, they would have found zero ageplay and had no reason to warn me. 

Sure, they look at the description of the AR...but no further, it said ageplay so that was enough for them to send a warning, a threat about being banned. 

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  • 1 month later...

i know this topic is old buut well

as far as i know does LL some research.

for example: they look into your IM/local chat what you did to the given AR time. if they find a prove that you did it will they probably ban you. if they find suspectious stuff like hard or really close to the limit would you get a warning.

however, linden labs does that only if a screenshot is provided in the AR. they wouldnt care if someone AR´s you now and says "oh that person did age play" without any proof. they will simply ignore the AR.


i have a Kemono too. i wear the kemono since ... i guess ... 2 years now? and i am a dwarf bunny. with other words, a relatively small kemono. the only trouble i get with my avatar is, i go into an A sim, and ... if the owner/guards are paranoid about ageplay get i mostlikely IM´d and asked to leave/changing avatar or getting banned even tho i never did that stuff in my entire second life and planning not to do that. i was small since i created my account (and my account is 6 years old <.< yes, i had to enter my personal pass ID number years ago to verify my age, this might be one factor why i never got trouble with LL tho)


but yes, many sim owners banning kemono´s but i heard not about it that LL takes action against peoples which using that avatar. cause ... IF linden labs would really take action against the kemono avatar or just any other avatar in SL would they remove the avatar from the marketplace and inworld stores and contacting the creator to not putting it back up again. or the creator gets even a punishment for it.


the majority of peoples in SL are just stupid and prejudge peoples with small avatars. they see the small avatar and the only thing which makes click in their head is "omg that must be an age player! i have to AR him/ban him from the sim!!!!"

theres a nice wiki entry


but well, peoples never read. most of those peoples which aiming blindly at small avatars and judging them as child and saying "he/she does age play" without even talking to that person or asking them never readed the ToS or this wiki entry anyways. they are just overly protective and scared that LL would take their sim/parcel down. my avatar got even once called "toy avatar" that must be a new term or something like that ... i dont know.

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eww ythis is sick i et a supposed girl in sl i asked to add her n play  "she" said she only played with kemonos  im like wtf is a kemono i googled it and nothing  so from what u said it may be a sorta lil boy furry or some wierdo thing made up by furrys so ya im glad the lindens banned those pedos

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