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Breaking News! 2 Avatars in custody after using Display Names


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Kyyrii Askari wrote:


Jaen Albatros wrote:


Jessika.Rang wrote:


Jaen Albatros wrote:


Contrary to what some people have said, there was nothing in it that said we thought she hadn't done anything wrong.

This is, like a triple negative sentance... what the heck do you mean?   Are you saying you knew she was being stupid and flippant and you didn't/don't care?  Are you saying she was wrong and you knew it and didn't warn her?  Are you saying she was being stupid, flippant and wrong and you just want her back anyway?

I miss Keli too, her posts were/are funny and entertaining, I am just trying to sort out what you mean by the above double speak (maybe triple speak)

Nope, i'm not saying any of those things. It's simply a denial of what people have said was in the pulled thread, ie; one poster said the thread was full of posts saying she (Keli) hadn't done anything wrong. I am refuting that statement...it was not full of posts saying she hadn't done anything wrong.

You know, it's great that you're defending your point and all, but can we let this thread either draw new supporters or die down?  We got it.  The user's on administrative hold, and from what I'm reading, it's happened twice in two months.  She should know by now, stop breaking rules, wash behind your ears, all that.  There are reasons for these rules, I would imagine.


You obviously haven't noticed, but i have stated more than once i would like this thread to die down and i am refraining from posting any more about it....but others keep on posting things and i am simply replying to them, coz i'm well mannered like that.


ETA: The 'twice in two months' did not refer to Keli both times...the poster meant that Keli was the 2nd person who had disappeared with no warning, etc.'


Message was edited by: Jaen Albatros to add an ETA.


You obviously haven't noticed, but i have stated more than once i would like this thread to die down and i am refraining from posting any more about it....but others keep on posting things and i am simply replying to them, coz i'm well mannered like that

PS: Actually, scrub this last bit....this isn't even my thread...the one i started was pulled!! So what are you on about?

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Sorry, I know you're trying to let this thread die, but I have some technical questions. What exactly does "Administrative Hold" mean? Does this essentially mean that Keli's case is still under review? Do people on Administrative Hold eventually get their status changed?

It's been two weeks, now, since Keli was put into what seems to be a limbo state. That seems like a long time, but maybe it isn't. Does anyone have any idea what might be going on behind the scenes?

From what I'm reading, Keli hasn't received an official explanation from SL (Maybe I'm wrong about that.), though we're all pretty sure it's because of her alt. Also, she doesn't seem to have a way to appeal their decision. I've known people who have been banned from MMOs and in all cases they at least got an email explaining what happened. In some cases, they were able to appeal the ban and their accounts were reinstated within a few days.

Is there some reason the same type of process doesn't exist in Second Life? Or does it? And why is it taking so long?

Thanks, and sorry for bumping the thread, but I'm still concerned about my friend.

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Myra Wildmist wrote:


Sorry, I know you're trying to let this thread die, but I have some technical questions. What exactly does "Administrative Hold" mean? Does this essentially mean that Keli's case is still under review? Do people on Administrative Hold eventually get their status changed?

It's been two weeks, now, since Keli was put into what seems to be a limbo state. That seems like a long time, but maybe it isn't. Does anyone have any idea what might be going on behind the scenes?

From what I'm reading, Keli hasn't received an official explanation from SL (Maybe I'm wrong about that.), though we're all pretty sure it's because of her alt. Also, she doesn't seem to have a way to appeal their decision. I've known people who have been banned from MMOs and in all cases they at least got an email explaining what happened. In some cases, they were able to appeal the ban and their accounts were reinstated within a few days.

Is there some reason the same type of process doesn't exist in Second Life? Or does it? And why is it taking so long?

Thanks, and sorry for bumping the thread, but I'm still concerned about my friend.

No problem Myra, it isn't actually 'my' thread to let die anyway, it's er.....LiveReport's..

I too am not sure what Administrative Hold means either, but i would think it does mean it is under review, but actually, i have no experience of these things and i don't personally know anyone who has been banned, so am unable to be of much help.

Saying that, as you pointed out, Keli hasn't received an official explanation, so i guess even the 'Administrative Hold' thing is based mostly on assumption and the fact that it doesn't say 'disabled' on her forum profile, though it doesn't come up in search inworld, apparently.

If any forumites have more knowledge, (which i know they do), then i'm sure someone will jump in with the relevant information!

No need to apologise Myra, of course you are concerned; i am happy to respond, no worries. I too hope she is back soon.

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Official explaination of admin hold and appealing is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_is_my_account_on_hold

I think Keli has been given an official explanation (sort of!) in that she was told on the phone that her account was on admin hold if I remember rightly? (Can't be bothered to go back and read this thread again! lol)

The important point from that wiki link is this:

Linden Lab will investigate the events that led to placing your account on hold. Once we have concluded the investigation, we will send you an email explaining our conclusion and explaining the action that will be taken with respect to your account. As a reminder, all transactions involving L$ are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service.

Sadly, that investigation seems to take time and it is why I personally would update any related ticket with as much relevant information as possible to ensure that their investigation has all the facts.

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Suella Ember wrote:


Sadly, that investigation seems to take time and it is why I personally would update any related ticket with as much relevant information as possible to ensure that their investigation has all the facts.

I hope she reads and heeds.


ETA include an awesome apology too.

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LiveReport  wrote:


GDN interrupts your normally scheduled derailment with this Special Report

LiveReport: Hello Dwellers I am out here on Castaway Island where Keli K has been transferred. To find out why she is here we have this Live Report:


LiveReport: Okay Dwellers what do you think?

Do you want to show your RL Picture I.D. To continue using SL?

Do you wonder who gets to see your Personal Information?

Has it always been this way or is this something new?




Message was edited by: LiveReport to fix typo Pep found.

It is their world, their imagination (and rules.)  This is a personal decision you have to make if you want to continue in SL.  Many people send their personal 'documents' to SL for age verification, etc.  I would not worry so much that the info is available to the 'world' - as they would be opening themselves to a myriad of privacy issues they seem to hold so dear. 

/me feels like he is in good hands. 

PS I missed your participation in my last few OP's.  When you come back I will start a couple more in hopes that they make you smile.

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LiveReport  wrote:

Keli K: The operator said in order for a ticket to advance the new rule is you have to attach a Government ID or Diver's License.


What happens if you can't swim?

Pep (knows that this is all a result of support being outsourced to Startek's homeworkers Surnamed "Scout", who are equally proficient in two languages.)

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GDN (which welcomes all attempts to deride, derail or discuss) interrupts your normally scheduled thread with this Special Report

LiveReport: Hello Dwellers I am out here live at the Lagville Detention Facility where to learn more about this predicament we will be discussing Pizza, Perrys and Parodies.


LiveReport: Hi again Keli. To start things off how was Pizza night in the pen?

Keli K: That was a few days ago but it was wonderful. I kept receiving things like this movie poster and a book of Shakespeare, haha I even got a milk carton with my picture on it. It is around here some place.

LiveReport: So I see that you took down the picture of Katy Perry does that mean we are not going to the concert?

Keli K: Not at all Live, we are going but I was finding the picture clashed with the picture of the supporters so I took it down. Anyways I found another Perry that was much more helpful. Look he is here now you want to stay to hear what he says?

LiveReoprt: Sure.


OldTime.TVLawyer: Hello Live, Hello Keli I have been looking over your case and what we have here is a clear case of Satire or Parody. I see no intention to deceive or to cause malice. What was done seems to have been done in good humor. The fact that this caused some confusion is regrettable but clearly was not the intention. If it is ruled a Parody you did not break the TOS for Parodies are not forbidding by it. But to clear the air of any problems you created I would abandon all attempts to revive Keli I. Oh and don't forget to ask for mercy.

Keli K: WOW, you are really smart Perry Lawyer Dude! You seem a lot different then the lawyers I hear people talking about.

OldTime:TVLawyer: You really think so? How about dinner tonight?

Keli K: Well maybe you are not that different....

LiveReport: Well there you have it Dwellers I think we should leave these two love birds alone for a while. Now back to your normally scheduled derailments.



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ETA: For those keeping score at home, I decided that the daily updates on this should stop. For one thing, it was depressing, For another, it was starting to look like it was a bit drama induced, which was not my intention--I was just trying to make a statement. And besides, since the prior day count was fifteen and today is the 1st, the total Account on Hold time = 15 + . Even I can handle that math.


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GDN interrupts your normally scheduled derailment with this Special Report

LiveReport: Hello Dwellers I am out here on Castaway Island where Keli K has been transferred. To find out why she is here we have this Live Report:


Keli K: Hi Live I am so happy you are here it gets lonely out here with only Stilson to talk to.

LiveReport: What happened, why are you out here?

Keli K: I called Phone Support and they hung up on me making me feel like a castaway.

LiveReport: They did what?!?

Keli K: I started to ask them details about the Photo I.D. they wanted. You know my Privacy Rights and they just hung up on me.

LiveReport: What? Photo ID? What are you talking about?

Keli K: The operator said in order for a ticket to advance the new rule is you have to attach a Government ID or Driver's License.

LiveReport: That is because you....

Keli K: No she said all tickets! Someone else complained of Live Chat doing this a few days ago and now phone support is doing it.

LiveReport: Boy I can think of one RL Judge who is a sub in SL who is going to be very upset about reviling his RL picture, address and everything.

Keli K: And with all this outsourcing of jobs who is going to have access to this personal information? 

LiveReport: You mean anyone that works for the Lab can look up your RL picture and personal information?

Keli K: That is what I was asking about when I got hung up on.

LiveReport: What are you going to do?

Keli K: I guess I am going to have to give you my I.D. and have you scan it for me. But I am a little worried about someone looking up where I am, I mean look at me I am all alone on this Island, what if some prev...

LiveReport: Don't worry Keli I will ask the Dwellers about this.

Keli K: Thanks... But what if I give them all this personal info and tomorrow they ban me?


LiveReport: Okay Dwellers what do you think?

Do you want to show your RL Picture I.D. To continue using SL?

Do you wonder who gets to see your Personal Information?

Has it always been this way or is this something new?




Message was edited by: LiveReport to fix typo Pep found.

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I think I tend to agree with Storm on this. They have my identification also (not a photo, but that's not much of an identity risk). They have the numbers whihch is really what matters. I realize there are risks associated with such revelations but I don't think LL is anymore of a security risk than other companies I deal with and may even be more secure than some of them.

You have to do what you are willing to do.  All we can do is hope it works out.

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  • 8 years later...
1 minute ago, Beth Macbain said:

I wanted to join in on the necro-posting but then I got caught up in the story and now I really do want to know if she was ever able to successfully appeal!

Sorry. I'm completely weirded out.

I was talking about this actual, literal thread with someone just a couple of days ago.

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The last I knew, Kelly K is still around, last seen DJing in some Trance club about 3 months ago according to the feeds. Kelly I is no longer with us. But like many formerly active SL accounts, she is still on Kelly K's friend list, and Kelly K keeps hoping she will send her a message.

The last time I saw her was in 2011, we went dancing, when I was still my first av, Kattatonia.





Edited by kali Wylder
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