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Why can't I like Dr. Who?

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I have watched a half dozen or so, tried different seasons. What am I missing? I mean, missing in the show and as a human being?  It just seems -- don't hate me -- annoying and silly. I mean, I grew to like Walking Dead, why not Dr. Who?

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I have watched a half dozen or so, tried different seasons. What am I missing? I mean, missing in the show and as a human being?  It just seems -- don't hate me -- annoying and silly. I mean, I grew to like Walking Dead, why not Dr. Who?

Forget trying to like it.  If you've tried, and it just doesn't appeal, then it won't grow on you. 

You might like the mini-series Torchwood, which was a short spin-off plot. (I actually  found all the episodes on Youtube and watched them right after they aired on US television)

But, for Sci-fi I highly recommend you locate episodes of Firefly. Nothing to do with the doctor, but there is *a* doctor, amongst the crew.    (Follow Firefly with the movie Serenity)    (can buy a box set with the shows and the movie I think)

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It's definitely not for everyone.

The main message of DW is 'even normal people can be extraordinary'.

However the recent seasons have stepped away from that, which is a disappointment.

Firefly is a good alternative, yes. If you are looking for new shows I might recommend:

Game of Thrones






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Gary Larsen had a cartoon about a human speaking to a dog. The human was saying something like, "Ginger, you are such a bad girl! You've spilled you food all over the floor!"
The dog was hearing, "Ginger!###################################################################.

This thread is much the same. People are talking about Dr. Who and other things. All I hear is ###################### Diana Rigg #######################################




 Mrs. Peel. You're needed.

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KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote:

It's definitely not for everyone.

The main message of DW is 'even normal people can be extraordinary'.

However the recent seasons have stepped away from that, which is a disappointment.

Firefly is a good alternative, yes. If you are looking for new shows I might recommend:

Game of Thrones






thanks so much, everyone who suggested series. I like to have something on my iPad as I work and I am out of stuff to watch.


I do watch Game of Thrones although I think it is very badly done. 

I like Sherlock.

Have not seen the others, will check them out if they are available somewhere.

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I started watching Dr Who in the late sixties, when it was a cheaply made series and one of the few that came to television that I could watch at my age (8 up). I loved it for that reason, and for the story lines. If costumes and special effects are what interests you then Dr Who is NOT for you. There was NO underlying theme when it started, just a sci fi that was cheap to make. If it wasn't then we would never have had it. The later series seem to be pretending to have some message, but they don't, its still a relatively cheaply made sci fi from a network, which now has a cult following. I dont watch it coz it has a following, i dont watch it coz it pretends to have a message (it doesnt) I watch it coz i have been following the story line (unbroken since the beginning) since  I first saw it on tv. If you dont like it or think its silly, then watch something not so silly like....stupid housewives or any other of todays shows that are now made to gain audiences and not made because the producers had a passion for it. Dr Who wont miss you, so don't worry about it.

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Dr Who tends to be a bit on the shallow side because it's pitched to all age groups although primarily to younger viewers [pre-teens to teens] as well as first-generation fans. Having watched Dr Who back in the 60's ... in black & white... the reboot production quality is a pleasure to behold. I do find the stories have a tendency to be far too stripped-down and compressed in order to fit them into a single episode.The end result being that the Doctor and other characters spend too much time filling in details with frantic narration.

Also, the Beeb's idea of what constitutes a 'season' is abysmally niggardly when set beside US television. Dr Who manages at best 12 shows in a season where Star Trek pushed the boat out with 2 dozen or more shows per season with long story arcs that had coherent narratives rather than Whovian timey-wimey story arcs that really feel as if they were cobbled together in a pub over a few too many pints and written on a napkin. Paramount really set the bar with Star Trek [TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT] and the Beeb would do well to remember that.

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I got into the show in the early eighties as a kid. It was my introduction into science fiction and it scared the bejezus out of me as well as fuelling my imagination as to what might be "out there". Generally what I imagined to be out there were very low budget aliens and wobbly sets but I did not know any better at the time. Dr. Who led me onto shows like Star Trek, Buck Rogers and Battlestar Galactica and I have been a massive scifi fan ever since. Regarding the Dr. Who reboot, I liked the first two Doctors. Eclesson is a fantastic actor and is destined to excel in any role given to him and Tenant really grew his version of the doctor into a great character over his run. The series changed for me though when Russel T Watson stepped down from running the show and Steven Moffat took over along with the introduction of Matt Smith as the new doctor. There now seems to be allot less focus in good science fiction and allot more focus on drama and suspense, continually building up the music for that scary reveal, it's gotten a tad dull and repetitive for me. Also I think the Matt Smith Dr has almost become a caricature of himself and is far too over the top now. And don't get me started on how annoying Amy Pond was, I'm glad she is gone now.

My, fav scifi show of the last decade:

Battelstar reboot


Falling Skies

Stargate Universe





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I completely agree about that "frantic narration" as you put it. In fact, that's exactly what stopped me watching the programme because it's impossible to follow and understand as it's being said.. David Tenant was a good Doctor, even though he put in some of the fast stuff, but Matt Smith copied that fast stuff and increased the speed to such an extent that it put me of completely, and I haven't watched it since.

The programme didn't used to be a series. It was always a serial of, I think, 6 episodes, and was much better for being a serial - always wanting to see how the current end-of-episode ultimate danger was overcome - usually in a totally naff way, but survival was necessary. :)

I used to like the programme but I've no time for the current Doctor because of his "frantic narration" and so I don't watch it.. There are plenty good stories being broadcast without having to put up with that frantic idiocy.

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The problem is not Dr Who itself, it's the delivery medium.

TV exists purely to warp & distort innocent minds and convert the viewer into sheeple.

If you are not aware it was secretly created by the Daleks and they have triumphed over (most of the) the human race.


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squashy Beeswing wrote:

I don't like Dr Who and find Mr Tennant irritating.  Most people seem to like him.   I did try to like Marmite too but failed miserably.

It did occur to me that it might just be one of those charming but peculiar "Brit things" that only they get.

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It's not just you. I watched it for awhile but I find the acting to be pretty bad and the writing to be lacking in any sort of real story and character depth. It's just another show with a hot doctor for the ladies to lust over (Although I really don't find him all that hot, but that's what I hear). I will admit I have a hard time accepting reboots of old shows and movies. I just prefer the classics and the way they were meant to be done. My only exception to that was Star Trek...I loved the classics but I also really loved the movie remake.

If you are into SyFy shows though, I highly recommend the Firefly series (I still want to marry Nathan Fillion) and also Battlestar Galactica. Firefly is still my all time favorite series and has a movie too. But Battle Galactica was just a beautifully done series, with great acting, great writing and really nice special effects. It's so immersive you will be screaming at the TV to "just walk by that jerk and snap his neck please!". It's very emotionally packed.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

squashy Beeswing wrote:

I don't like Dr Who and find Mr Tennant irritating.  Most people seem to like him.   I did try to like Marmite too but failed miserably.

It did occur to me that it might just be one of those charming but peculiar "Brit things" that only they get.

Hell no!

My brother says its just one of those typical BBC programmes. Stuffy, wooden, and the use of imagination totally absurd.

Very recently I enjoyed a 3-part serial called 'In The Flesh'. It was about zombies, or rather sufferers of 'Partially Dead Syndrome'.  It was easy to watch, something different, but maybe a tad too predictable and moral.

Anyway, I liked it. Tons better than DW, although I did love Peter Cushing in the film version, but then I love Peter Cushing in everything. 

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

The problem is not Dr Who itself, it's the delivery medium.

TV exists purely to warp & distort innocent minds and convert the viewer into sheeple.

If you are not aware it was secretly created by the Daleks and they have triumphed over (most of the) the human race.


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