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Welcome to the New Second Life Community Platform

Vogt Linden


Today, we are pleased to launch the new, and much improved, Second Life Community website. The new platform integrates Blogs, Forums, Answers, and the Knowledge Base into one powerful integrated system that enables you to more efficiently leverage the power and knowledge of the community. We have also redesigned the Customer Support Portal around this platform to make it easy to find the most relevant answers to your technical support and customer service questions online or to contact us when your issues are more complex.
Take a look at this video to get an overview of the many benefits that the new platform offers.

In addition to the video, we also wanted to share some helpful information and anticipate a few of your questions:

  • Unified Search: You can find the information that you’re looking for in one federated search field that returns organized results from relevant content in the Forums, Blogs, Answers, and the Knowledge Base.
  • Single Sign On: You do not need to be logged in to read the community content, but you do need to be logged in to contribute. Just use your normal Second Life username and password to login. 
  • Share Blog Posts and Knowledge Base Articles: If you find an interesting blog post or Knowledge Base article, then you can now share that information on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. Other kinds of content, such as user-generated comments, Forum posts, etc., will not have this functionality available.
  • Contribution-Based Roles: You will notice that each person in Second Life has a role, or rank, based on his or her contributions to the platform. The roles start at Resident and go up to Helper and with each rank comes more capabilities. So, keep those contributions coming and watch your community platform ranking rise.
  • A Smarter SL Answers: Try out the new Answers section. You’ll immediately notice that when you type a keyword, an intuitive category search will return common matching solution results. And, solutions accepted by the question author are automatically nominated for Linden editorial review and possible inclusion in the Knowledge Base.
  • Please Resubscribe to RSS Feeds: If you had an RSS feed on the old blogs or forums, then you will need to resubscribe to the RSS feeds that interest you in the new system. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • FAQs Help You Get Acclimated: We have created a detailed Frequently Asked Questions area for each section of the new system that will get you up and running in no time.
  • Yes, Archives Are Still Available: We preloaded Answered questions, Blogs, Forums, and the Knowledge Base with recent posts and/or solutions to get the conversations started. However, if you want to find older content that was available in the old platform, then you can still access it through search in read-only format.

Thanks for your patience as we transitioned to the new system. Start exploring, contributing, and let us know what you think. As is always the case with new systems, you may run into bugs. If you do, then log them on JIRA. And, if you have general feedback on the community platform, then share it with is in the Feedback section of the Forums.







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Amanda Linden wrote:

Hey all, We heard ya! We've just created an "
" board for those that want to have a general discussion on SL. Have fun! **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" />


Thanks, Amanda.


At the risk of sounding like a whiner, didn't you guys KNOW that this was the one thing your customers were going to probably be very interested in? I didn't record stats from the last 2 rounds of LL fourms but, IIRC, General Discussion was easily where most of the traffic was. I thought there was some push at LL to listen more to customers want and all that...

On the new forums stuff, it's better but it still feels like that Jive stuff with the editor that tries very, very hard to be very, very helpful but mostly just gets in the way.


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"Single Sign On: You do not need to be logged in to read the community content, but you do need to be logged in to contribute. Just use your normal Second Life username and password to login."


When I  go from my dashboard to to read a blog or forum I have to sign in again  so single sign on doesnt seem to be working

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Just now getting around to checking out the new communication tools.  So far I'm liking what I see with the exception of the few quirks that have already been pointed out.  Those, however are not really bad bad things in software design but more of akin to tweaking and setup of the new system.  Good work guys!  And thanks for adding the off-topic area.  I'm not one to use it much but it definitely needs to be there for those who do.

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As there is no 'website feedback' thread, I am posting this here and in the forum feedback thread.

I have two suggestions:

1. Create a Website Feedback thread in Community Feedback for issues universal to this software (such as this post).

2. Move the Community Guidelines link (top right, between My Settings and Sign Out) to top left (above the Second Life icon). The Community Guidelines link is quite wide/long and, In its current position, takes up a lot of valuable real estate and is easily clicked by mistake. One might want to visit Community Guidelines once or twice a year, yet the link occupies the most clickable section of the screen. Much better to move it out of the way to a more appropriate location (above the Second Life icon, top left).

Edit: I see point 1 has been solved :) Now for point 2: I'll raise it in Community Feedback.

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Wow! That's about 3 things that were addressed within the space of these comments! Smilies were formatted better (Thank you!), an Off Topic forum was created (many kudos for that one) and new RSS feeds were added. Great work LL!

For those looking for Status Updates, Tickets or Live Chat links, try the help/Contact Support sections.

The Status Updates window is on the front page of the Help section, while the Ticket and Live Chat options are clickable text links on the Contact Support page. So, while they do exist, they could be better integrated into the whole. For instance, having Tickets and Live Chat as links in the Help drop-down menu, with Live Chat leading to a page about Premium Accounts if you have Basic and would like to use Live Chat.

Status Updates should also have a spot on the right hand side of the Blogs front page, perhaps between the Blogs and Announcements panels?

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The new boards are sorely missing landish forums. And by "landish" I mean not for selling (seems SL only acknowledges the movement of money and not Customer Satisfaction based on board choices)

Mainland, routes and rails, estates, themed minicontinents, whatever. As it is, Nova Albion might lose its 7th anniversary parade next week because there is for the first time no cohesive center of communications for its residents and supporters to converge on for discussion. 

And that's a shame.

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Things are looking better and better each day. (Thanks Lexie) No forum avatars in the blogs though?

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First thing i always did ,was make myself a cupa and logon to the SL website and scroll through the recent general discussion pages ,ah well guess i don't need to log onto this website anymore all the fun has gone out of it ,bad move Linden

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I am sorry, but I find the new community forum all confusing.... For instance, how can I find now who is online or not without going inworld? please IM me if you can... Thanks  :))

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@Sulak. The forums do not replace your dashboard on the site secondlife.com. You can still log in to your dashboard and see your contact list as you always have.

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Took it for a test drive several times since it came up, liked it when I first tried it like it even more now after couple of days and couple of posts. Definitely makes me want to use it more now. It took shorter time to figure out what was where than the former, but playing with the settings I found it was reasonably easy to get the hang of what you need to do. Good job!

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How can I start a ticket on a billing issue?  How do I contact Linden Lab for help with a problem with my bill?  They really have themselves insulated.  Is that some kind of "strategy"?


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