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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. you are aware that if you find someone that can do what you want it's going to cost you 25K L minimum and probably more. You might want to look around and see if you can find one that meets your requirements that's already done.
  2. well, the one that goes to muted avis is...If you're getting this message, means I've blocked you and have absolutely no interest in anything you might have to say. Have a nice Second Life. The one for nonfriends is more business like. If this is in reference to a NoR admin call please use /9admin then state your reason. For anyone else, I'll be with you in a moment. I'm probably either answering a call or have my nose in Photoshop.
  3. Check Dura for the hair. Lots of good stuff there. You might look at Sweet Hair. I've not checked the render costs but she does have a nice tail there and the hair she has there would match. Again, as I said, haven't checked the costs....
  4. Oh...to the OP, it's MR Spock, not DR Spock..MR Spock=fictional Star Trek charcter. DR Spock= a real life child care specialist.
  5. Also, regardless of wht your settings are, you'll show online in any groups you belong to. So, you'd need to uncheck the show groups in my profile so no one knows what groups you're in.
  6. They are a mesh shape you wear with a crunched over your default shape. Fortunately they are Omega applied compatible so that helps. You might try ND/MD.
  7. Take a look at some of the WoW skins. They have a very similar shape
  8. I suspect it's the difference between British and American...and yes...I differentiate between the two. They each have their own idioms, spellings and usages. Much like the differences between Spanish, Cuban, Puerto Rican and Mexican. Those are all rooted in Spanish but are their own languages now. I have this in my profle....English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over the head, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar. As for the new residents, I give them the link to Fab Free web page and their store in The Wash.
  9. You've not had the ultimate SL experience until you wear a house...Furniture is child's play. It take a professional level to wear a house and carry it off with panache.
  10. I don't have a problem giving out the LM to a seasonal place. I do, however get tired of...in a group that has a sim...Could I get the landmark to that sim/store? ummm it's in past notices in the group info....and don't tell me you've not been there enough to have not landmarked it...or you don't have enough stuff from them in your inventory that you don't have a landmark, right? Sometimes, people post in here where they think it is closest to what they want. Many times, especially when looking for someone to script/make something custom/etc, they don't realize there are other forums besides the people forum. Noting to the mod that they belong over in the commerce or help wanted, also helps the OP learn where things like that DO go.
  11. Check out the Black Dragon third party viewer. It's based on the SL standard viewer but has all the camera tools, including those usually hidden in the debug menu, where you can get to them. The problem with the camera view in the standartd SL viewer has always been too far away and up too high. That's what's led to 7+ foot avies and 30 foot high walls; the forshortening cause by the camera angle. Black Dragon has a much better camera angle for photo use. In the meantime, try this....Crtrl-alt-shift S for the debug menu. then go to CameraOffsetRearView and change the number so x = -3, y = 0 and Z = 0.1, Then go to Focusoffsetrearview and change the number to X=0.125, y-0.775 and Z-0.200. I find those camera settings work beautifully. They take a bit of getting used to because the camera is lower down, but well worth it.
  12. It depends on what look I'm wanting. A system cami or top on the jacket layerunder a mesh jacket with system pants and mesh boots, for instance, can give a polished look you can't get with the multiple mesh since they tend to clash and cut each other. If you want a tucked in top, you almost have to use system layers unless the outfit is made together. Even then, you'll still have problems System clothes don't at bulk to the avi so you don't have cutting the way you do with mesh. But, I like a mesh straight mini or knee length pencil skirt with a system top and a cropped sculpted or mesh jacket. If you're weilling to be adventurous, you can mix and match a lot of stuff. With the mesh bodies, the sculped and flexi prim skirts that you can adjust the size on are great. As for the original question, if I'm going to be wearing the lingerie on it's own, like for a bathing suit look, I like mesh. If it's to go under other clothing, I prefer system so it doesn't add bulk to the avi and have to worry about cutting in the other layers.
  13. It would be nice if LL actually looked at the DMCA claims. As the one filled against the Belleza mesh body shows, when Tricky went to fight it, turns out the person named as filing it didn't have and had never had an SL account and had no idea what SL was. The body was then allowed back. Just a simple fact check would have shown it was a false filing and saved everyone time and money.
  14. And with standard sized mesh. you can't put XXS you have to put Extra XS. The double X throws it into an adult rating....rolls her eyes.
  15. begins to wonder if Llazeris is Prok, a person well-known for provoking arguments where there really aren't any. Just idle speculation and not indentification so no name and shame nor outing an alt, so no TOS violation as far as I know
  16. The Jack or Jill hunt is going on atm so you might check the Jack path.
  17. on the hud, you have a button for the neck. Hit that and you'll blend just fine. I use WoW and 7 deadly skins with no problems.
  18. Slink or any of the ones that are Omega compatible. If you are looking for a body that isn't as curvy then Slink or Maitreya. Belleza is a bit curvier as is the Banned. Those 4 currently have the best alpha cuts for wearing with mesh clothing. The latter 3 are Omega compatible. Most designers that make appliers make Slink and Omega. The TMP has a good shape and I have absolutely nothing to say about the body itself. My problem with is is the overly complicated Style hud and the fact that all textures that are applied to the TMP are stored on a third party server outside of SL and the Hud imports them as needed. This means that designers have to load their UUIDs into outside servers. That poses a problem for the TOS/EULA for some of the templates and textures used. Also, if the servers are down, you the Style hud doesn't work and you're stuck with whatever you have applied to the body. This has actually happened several times in the past few months when the server went down. This also means that if TMP decides to quit SL for whatever reason, they'll be shutting down the server and the owners are SOL. At least with Slink/Omega bodies, designers have the info inworld, If Slink closed their doors today, you'd still be able to get clothes and skins and the ones you have would still work. Look at Wowmeh/Phat Azz. Both are no longer available inworld but designers are still making clothes for those appliers. They are both Omega compatible as well. Just a few things to consider
  19. Also, be sure you are wearing the right size for the leg muscles. There is a standard sizing card in the package. Compare your numbers in your edit avi, leg muscles to the ones on the card. The wrong size will look bad.
  20. As for appliers, most of the mesh bods in SL are Omega compatible. Omega is a universal system that works the same way the regular specific appliers do. Omega doesn't works with Slink and TMP since those are closed systems, but for clothes, the system works with the other parts for just about everything, including skins with a caveat. Belleza doesn't use the SL map for the hands and feet so you can't use the Omega skin appliers for those.
  21. If they are rigged mesh, they are set where they are going to stay.
  22. Check the notecard that came with the tangos. It should specify a channel or have a place on the hud that you activate, if I remember correctly.
  23. No hud probably means it's a menu. Right click then touch or just left click on the dress. Should bring up your color/texture change menu.
  24. Have you tried a different skin to see if you are having the same problem with a different one? The reason I'm asking is that it may just be the way the creator had done the highlighting too. Grab Gyazo and you can do a screen shot you can post. The program is free.
  25. If you are paying using cash rather than Lindens, you do pay more. When you check out they tell you that. You are actually having to purchase Lindens to make the purchase for one. So...you're better off in the long run to purchase the L yourself and then purchase the item.
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