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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. As for the importing...bodies are in 4 pieces, not one solid piece, when they are imported and then are put together inworld. So upper left/right then lower left/right.
  2. I spoke with someone today that does some scripting for one of the beta testers of the new platform. It is TOTALLY different and I don't really see it having much impact on the current SL. From the beta test, there won't be a grid, per se, like there is now. You'll pay a fee per year and have to host your own "domain", the equivalent of a sim, among other things. So totally different that It will probably attract a totally different crowd than those that play in SL.
  3. Something like the Lola Tangos, Lush, Vstring Exo that are rigged but not fitted mesh.
  4. If you are using an Omega applier, see if you have upper and lower appliers. You have to use both and it looks like you're missing the lower body applier for your skin being applied. Also, be sure you don't have stockings on or something on one of the clothing layers.
  5. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LAPD-Female-Officer-Cop-police-uniform-mesh-Los-Angeles-cap-hat/6017745 It's mesh but should fit the Lena Perky body without a problem. Look at the bottom of the page at the links and there are others there as well.
  6. See if those makers have a developers kit. That would have the map for you to use for your skins, etc. HOWEVER, if you're wanting to make your own, be very sure you don't violate their IP rights. If you are just wanting to make additional skins and accessories for existing bods, the developers kit iw the way to go.
  7. LlewLlwyd wrote: Bobbie Faulds wrote: He was also logging in on the cumputers where he worked the night shift. This went on for several months. Ultimately, his place of employment was notified about the use and his personal puter was MAC banned. He also lost his job and somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 million Lindens total on the various banned alts. ERM . . . while not actually wishing to accuse you of mendacity, LL is notoriously unwilling to discuss the actions it takes against its customers (unsurprisingly, as the legal ramifications are as dangerous as the public relations effects) which implies that your "facts" may have been provided by the individual concerned - with the corresponding degree of unreliability - or are hypothetical musings. The alternative is that you are a Linden, Mole or Scout, and that your loose talk here is likely to get you into very hot water in respect of your relationship with the Lab. ***If you would like to provide a verifiable source, of course, I will retract my incredulity*** Actually, I'm an admin in the estate. As you can see, no names were mentioned. I witnessed the sm-blocking cube myself as well as drowning in the wave of cubes and having to clean up cubes that didn't get returned. As for the consequences, we were so informed by the player's now ex spouse, since they got the computer in the divorce.
  8. Actually, they use MAC addresses. That's the address on your network card. They usually only do that in the very worst cases, like one we dealt with. That one would create various alts names to abuse the sim owners and managers and grief using replicating cubes....so much fun to be drowned in a wave of 10 m sq cubes rolling at you. He also rezzed our a mega megaprim the size of the sim that went up at least 300 meters. LL had to come get rid of that one. He was also logging in on the cumputers where he worked the night shift. This went on for several months. Ultimately, his place of employment was notified about the use and his personal puter was MAC banned. He also lost his job and somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 million Lindens total on the various banned alts. LL is serious about serial griefers and does get them eventually.
  9. Actually could release a new set of "curvy" with more realistic numbers that are better distrubuted across the slider settings.
  10. It falls under revealing RL information.
  11. There is also currently a bug that's cropped up that when you log off, your avi doesn't always disconnect and you're still inworld even though you aren't on your computer. It's being worked on by LL now.
  12. Until you ACTUALLY convert the Lindens to real money, it's not income, just ingame tokens. Once you convert it to real money, THEN it's taxable. Lindens are just ingame tokens until they are converted and have no real monetary value until they are converted. Rather like chips you win at a casino...they aren't real money until you cash them in. Until then, they are just pieces of plastic.
  13. Body Hair with subfolders by designer (Amacci, Emotions, Catwa, etc) Bodies Shapes Skins...under skins, have subfolder for the various designers (Wow, 7 Deadly, Zoul, etc with sub folder with appliers for those skins) Eyes Ears Everyday AO Always worn--here I have my combat meters needed for the sim I rp in, weapons, AO, etc. Clothes Accessories..subfolders of Jewelry, collars, tats, ets Lingerie-Bathing Suits Dresses/Skirts Sub folders of Dresses/outfits and Skirts and sub folder of those for dressy/everyday/grunge Pants-again subfolders for dressy, outfits, everyday with subfolder for Jeans and Leather L&B for Lapointe and Bastchild with divided by Pants, Jackets, skirts, shooes Lavian-dresses, pants. Shoes with sub folders of Boots-also divided into ankle, calf, over the knee, pumps Don't get me started on the texture folder or my business folder
  14. Actually, my understanding is when they become a Linden, they get a new avi with the Linden name, not change their original.
  15. The MP defaults to your inworld maturity rating. You can, however, browse the MP without logging in. That will keep the X-rated stuff from showing up. Oh, and to the snarks, It's a legitimate questions and a logical place to post for a casual user unless you're really in to where things are in the forums,
  16. They are called alts and you can have up to 5 alts on the same email account. There are some that have more with multiple email accounts. Up to you if you divulge your alts. It's against SL TOS for others to divulge them though.
  17. Just a thought, as nice as it would be to copy, you would be infringing on the architect's intellectualy rights. You could do something in the style of but not exactly the same. A few years back, with the permission of the Frank Lloyd Wright estate, there was a sim where several of his more famous buildings were copied in detail, including the Falling Waters house. When the estate withdrew permission, the houses had to be removed. You could do a house in the Arts and Crafts style, but not a direct build exactly like one of his house. Just saying.
  18. Although, I would set the return to 4 hours at least. You'll annoy any builders if you do it every hour. I know when I'm building, an hour is nothing...Just getting started at that point.
  19. Part of the problem IS the standard sizing. The designers that got together to try to set a standard ran into a bit of a problem that they didn't really address properly. If you look at the numbers between XXS, XS, S and M, there is only a small difference in the numbers. Large takes a huge leap. They would have been better serverd to start with the XXS then divide the numbers up evenly up to the 100 slider range. Instead, they took a poll and averaged those number. Obviously, most avis were in what became the XXS-M range. Now that the numbers are set, though, there's not really anything that can be done about those. HOWEVER, mesh designers could follow the RL fashion and set up a "plus" standard size...the Splus starting between where the current medium and large are and go up from there to the 100 mark on the sliders. I'm not a mesh maker so I have no idea how feasible it is, but it is an idea.
  20. Most of the viewers, including the standard SL viewer, have the ability for you to see a list of who's in the chatroom. You can also go to the group info and see who is online as well.
  21. And the name would have to be at startup. You really can't change the name that easily since everything you own or create is linked to your current name that is linked to the UUID. My understanding is it's not a simple push of a few buttons to change it.
  22. good luck with that. Good skins will have a minimum of 25 or so layers for all the shading that's added. Many have more.
  23. I'm seeing this suggestion, too, as another instance of the entitlement mentality I'm seeing in SL in general. When I first started SL, if I wanted to set up an avi with only what I got in SL, including the L, since there was camping back then, it took me a month to get everything together for the avi. Now I can do it in an hour or two. There were very few hunts back then, now there are numerous hunts everyy month. Players get outraged when hunt gift cost 1L; you should see some of the IM's I've gotten. With all the free stuff, players have gotten to feel like they are entitled to free and low cost stuff.
  24. Back to the OP, if you are truly serious about free stuff, there is tons of it inword. https://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/ to start with. There MM boards everywhere as are lucky chairs. I could, in about 2 hours or so, have a fab looking female avi. Male would take a litte longer as there aren't as many free things for them as there are for females. Male might take me about 4 hours. There are also some fairly decent clothes in the library from the legacy starter avis. The main thing is a skin. There are some that aren't too bad on that list to get started. Though you have to really look, there are also some decent things, though older, at Freebie Universe.
  25. The following is my camera setting and I love it. Go into debug settings. CameraOffsetRearView X: -3 Y: 0 Z: 0.1 FocusOffsetRearView X: 0.125 Y: 0.775 Z: 0.200 That gives me this view.... http://gyazo.com/0ed9ea13e5c5346d61df7aa2bc3b605c
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