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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Until you actually convert the Lindens to real money, it's not worth anything other than an exchange inworld. The IRS doesn't care what your balance is in a virtual world. They only care if you cash it out and deposit it in a real world account. Until then, nothing is real. Oh...for the OP, one thing you might think about is deposit to Pay Pal. LL then doesn't have your info and you can get a PayPal debit card now so you never have to send it to your bank account. I believe you can use a prepaid card, like the ones you can get at WalMart, to open the PayPal account with. You do that and no one will have your RL info.
  2. Limited items have to be in a Magic Box or....there's the new SL viewer you can use to list in the MP from your inventory now rather than having to upload it...
  3. once you've uploaded it to MP, are you trying to just go to your store? You have to go to My marketplace from the top then manage listings. You'll see your stuff listed there. From there, you have to create the listing.
  4. Until you actually cash out and exchange the Linden for real cash, you don't have to report anything. I believe they start wanting tax info if you are cashing out a total of 600 USD a month or more. Then they'll send you a 1099, if you are in the US, at the end of they year and you'll file as self employed if you make over the US income limit. Again, good idea to talk with a real accountant, not the neighborhood tax preparer that's around this time of year.
  5. The biggest reason there are the height and size issues is the camera position. It's a leftover from the original programming.. IE...when I first logged in to SL I thought Tomb Raider, the original games. You needed the camera behind you like that to see what was coming...I've since adjusted mine more realistically and my builds reflect that as well. The current position forshortens the avis and you need the height and space in rooms to be able to see without your camera going through walls. You should be able to cam around yourself in a 10 X 10 space, since that was the original largest size you could make something. I guarantee you'll be outside the wall of anything that size.
  6. OK...you had stuff that was in your inventory not show up, correct? If so do this. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory That's written for Firestorm but will work with any viewer. But, before you even do that. If you are using something like Firestorm, download and try loggin in on the official SL viewer and see if you have all you inventory on that viewer. If you do, then follow the direction for the FS viewer from the wiki. Just means the FS viewer isn't totally connecting up with SL.
  7. Try pointing to the other side. The stool doesn't have a sit build in so you're using the default SL sit on an object. You may not be able to turn the other way.
  8. There is a pose/animation fair once a year....I usually end up missing it cause I don't find out in time.
  9. In the folder, is there a little shoe shape, the foot shaper? You need to wear that too.
  10. If you are talking about for a store, there are the Depraved Nation hunts, Hunt for Your Inner **bleep** is coming up in about 2 weeks but the applications are still open. Take a look at https://slhunts.wordpress.com/ They have most of the hunts going on in SL listed there as well as where to apply and your deadline dates. Just be careful with hunts and don't jump in to all you see. Chose no more than 2. Be sure to join ones that are compatible with what you make. Join the Mensuff/Womenstuff/Homestuff group, whichever is appropriate for what you create. They also have gridwide hunts once a year that have hundreds of people participating.
  11. Amen to that on the friend requests. I get them from people I've just met all the time. I politely let people know I don't accept friend requests...Get this...and I do have to laugh. I have alts I have designated as scripted agents that I use as models in my store. When you walk in there's a floating text that states they are models and that there is no one at the keyboard. Feel free to leave a message in the mailbox at the front. I log in on them using metabolt on my netbook and then forget about them until the sim is restarted. I'm constantly seeing friend requests for them in their IMs. As for this being a game...ummmm, no. It's a virtual world...a second life. Many of us are able to do thing in SL that we can't do in our RL. It's not a game like WoW or League of Legends or any of the other games out there. There is no goal or endpoint in it. Chances are very good that, as was said...she got a bad vibe and chose to ban you. Since you obviously showed up and weren't expected, she was on the right track. Get over it and move on. Those of us that have been inworld for a while...8 years in 2 weeks for me from the rez date of my original avi, have learned to trust our gut feeling. Same rules apply in SL that do in RL...you get too close to her...get in her personal space, for instance? People rarely ban others from their parcels unless there is a reason. So, we're probably not getting the full story. You may not feel you did anything wrong and you may als feel like you can come on to any female because "it's just a game." Some don't feel that way. So back off. You're not going to get pixel sex after a first meeting and she may have felt that's what you were after, whether you meant it that way or not.
  12. Not really...You have the Skin Fair, currently going on now. Hair Fair (Part of the proceeds going to Wigs for Kids), Shoetopia(shoes with a portion of the proceeds going to Soles for Souls), and the Relay For Life Fashion Fair. Depraved Nation has a series of events so joining their group would help. Best place to keep up would be http://seraphimsl.com/ You can check with them on a regular basis and see what's going on. They also have galleries of what's offered.
  13. The 5000L was probably a fatpack with more than one skin. The lower settings put less strain on your computer so helps eliminate client side lag (your puter). Most lag in SL is because of the user's computer or ISP, not SL itself. Mesh heads have seperate appliers and not all skin makers support them as, as I understand it, don't follow the SL UV map so have to be redrawn to fit the mesh head UV. Most mesh parts are from the neck down and follow the same SL map so skin makers just use the same texture in the applier that they do for the actual skin.
  14. I found a few I likes. I was refurbising an alt I'm using again and needed new skins for her as what I had was 4 years old and looked flat. I got the Zoul skin, appliers for it were free and you got all the skin tones of that skin and on the appliers. Theirs has minimal makeup then sell the makeup for a tat layer for a very reasonable price, which is really nice. I also picked up the Alterego Kensi and one from Imabee. Nice details, reasonably priced appliers. Nothing turns me off a skin faster than finding the appliers cost as much as the skin does. I do clothing appliers so not a huge difference in the technology. No reason to charge 800L for the skin then turn around and charge another 500 for a single skin tone for each body applier with a single tone and then another 400 for the Slink feet and hands. 500L if it includes all the current skin tones, that's reasonable and have paid that. For one single tone...a bit much.
  15. You want something like what Amazon has for books...a banner over the top that says You purchased this item on xx/xx/xxxx. Should be easy enough. It's possible a feature like that will become available with the new way they are planning on doing the MP with it linked to your inventory rather than you uploading it...The only problem I see in that is if someone decides they want to leave SL but keep their MP open....shrugs...we'll see how it works.
  16. Those knd are meaningless. If I don't like something, I'll say why...Like a house I bought...Looked fine at the demo inworld and was on sale on the MP so bought it there and rezzed it...Got 1 star...review stated "house looked great in the demo in world, but when I rezzed it, the texturing was just bad...didn't match, different repeats. Build had obviously adjusted the textures on the demo but didn't bother on the actual product.".or..."Would give 0 stars if I could. Description looks good but the item was never delivered. I did try to contact the vendor multiple times and no reply so I'm out the money. Don't waste yours.".. That kind is helpful fo other buyers...A good one..."5 stars..X knocks it out of the park. Texturing is above average and sizing makes it a pleasure to wear as I don't have to fight with it. Textures and colors also match other items in the store to make mixing and matching flawless. When's your next item coming out?" Replies/reviews like that are helpful. As a merchant, tell me what the problem is so I can fix it.
  17. Starting on March 28th and running through April 3rd. NoR will be hosting a fundraiser for LGBT. All proceeds will be going to http://www.rainbow-international-fund.org/ If you would like to place a sign at your store or donate prizes, please contact Candygurl Bing. *NOTE, WE WOULD LOVE FOR THE LGBT AND THOSE WHO WANT TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST HATE DISCRIMINATION TO VOLUNTEER TO HELP WITH THE EVENTS..TAKE A SHIFT, DJ, PUT ON A CONCERT..ANYTHING...BE A PART OF US..JUST ASK AND WE WILL FIND YOU A JOB ****WE NEED GREAT PRIZES AND WILL BE OUT WORKING HARD TO GET AS MANY AS WE CAN..TELL YOUR FRIENDS!! Landmark to our main NoR Sim (this is where the opening and closing ceremonies, parade, hunt, formal ball, block parties, Drag Queen and King contest, roleplay contest is being held. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Remembrance/128/120/25 Landmark to the Carnival in Reverance http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Reverance/160/216/43 Landmark to the Paintball Event in Rubicon http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Reliance/66/254/41 Landmark to the Live Auction in Evil http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Evil/238/26/40 Landmark to the (UCE meter required) "You got the Guts? Challenge" http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Resonance/68/120/305 DO NOTE THAT SOME OF THE LANDMARKS ABOVE WILL NOT WORK UNTIL THE 27TH OF MARCH...HOWEVER THE CARNIVAL ONE IS WORKING NOW. **************** DAY 1 : MARCH 28TH Opening ceremony (speech by Bizarre Obscure in park):12:00 noon SLT LGBT Parade in Remembrance: 1:30pm SLT Block Party All block parties will have several DJ's, if you wish to apply to be a DJ during the week of events, please Contact Damen Afterthought. (if he is not online just drop him and IM along with a notecard in case his IMs drop ***************** DAY 2: MARCH 29TH Carnival is open from 12:00pm to 8:pm Freak Show put on by Luci: 3pm SLT (if you wish to be part of this show please IM Lucifer Elcano asap) LOTS OF FABULOUS PRIZES AND DJ'S!!! **LIST OF CARNIVAL EVENTS AND CONTESTS** +++SEVERAL CARTS IN THE CARNIVAL TO RENT TO PUT YOUR THINGS YOU MAKE FOR SALE FOR JUST 200L FOR 5 WEEKS!! WHAT A STEAL! *LGBT AUCTION - COME BID ON THE ONE YOU DESIRE ..BE IT FOR FUN OR PAYBACK!(please if you will enter see below on how (starts soon as i get the boards up and ends at 8pm SLT on April 3rd) *BESTEST FRIEND VOTE BOARDS!! (see below for details) *BULL RIDING COMPETITION* - Starts at Noon on March 29th, and ends at 8PM SLT. Then begins again on March 30th from 12:00pm to 8:00pm At which time we will take the Top 3 winners and they will receive great prizes. 100L per ride. *SHOOT TO KILL BOOTH* - YOU HAVE 60 SECONDS TO KILL THE PERSON INSIDE THE BOOTH (GUN PROVIDED)..IF YOU KILL EM..YOU WIN A PRIZE..IF NOT..TRY AGAIN? 50L per try *CLOWN MAZE* - Starts at Noon and ends at 8pm SLT - 25L per entry..3 fastest times at end of the carnival through the maze wins a great prize. *DUNKING BOOTH* - Come Dunk Your Enemy (or friend?)...lots of people will be up in the tank..dont pass up your chance for revenge! 25L per try *KISSING BOOTH* - Come get some smootchies from one of our volunteers...mmmm are we ever good kissers. 25L per kiss *KNIFE THROWING: - Pay 25L per try and try to pop all of the balloons and not hit the person twirling around the wheel with the balloons..Hit them all and you win a prize! *Best in Carnival attire with a LGBT Twist* (winner(s) will get fabulous prizes) *Parachute Challenge* Come take a ride 4000 meters in the sky after putting on your chute and try to land in the very middle of the circle. (those who land in the middle get a fabulous prize!!..on fab prize per day, however if you can do it more than once you will get another prize too..depending on where land in the ring all get a prize) 50L per try ******************** DAY 3 : MARCH 30TH Carnival is open from from 12:00pm to 8:pm Thong Contest hosted by Doria Resident: 4pm SLT 100L to enter, you must be suitable dressed no discrimination on who wears which, no tops to be worn of any type, footwear of any type is allowed, Hair , hats etc but remember points maybe deducted for covering the torso A 5 min rp/skit or if you wish to sing or play an instrument you may do this stream will be provided (as long as you have suitable program) in event of a tie you will talk to the judged alone explaining why you feel you should win. LOTS OF FABULOUS PRIZES AND DJ'S!!! **LIST OF CARNIVAL EVENTS AND CONTESTS** +++SEVERAL CARTS IN THE CARNIVAL TO RENT TO PUT YOUR THINGS YOU MAKE FOR SALE FOR JUST 200L FOR 5 WEEKS!! WHAT A STEAL! *LGBT AUCTION - COME BID ON THE ONE YOU DESIRE ..BE IT FOR FUN OR PAYBACK!(please if you will enter see below on how (starts soon as i get the boards up and ends at 8pm SLT on April 3rd) *BESTEST FRIEND VOTE BOARDS!! (see below for details) *BULL RIDING COMPETITION* - Starts at Noon on March 29th, and ends at 8PM SLT. Then begins again on March 30th from 12:00pm to 8:00pm At which time we will take the Top 3 winners and they will receive great prizes. 100L per ride. *SHOOT TO KILL BOOTH* - YOU HAVE 60 SECONDS TO KILL THE PERSON INSIDE THE BOOTH (GUN PROVIDED)..IF YOU KILL EM..YOU WIN A PRIZE..IF NOT..TRY AGAIN? 50L per try *CLOWN MAZE* - Starts at Noon and ends at 8pm SLT - 25L per entry..3 fastest times at end of the carnival through the maze wins a great prize. *DUNKING BOOTH* - Come Dunk Your Enemy (or friend?)...lots of people will be up in the tank..dont pass up your chance for revenge! 25L per try *KISSING BOOTH* - Come get some smootchies from one of our volunteers...mmmm are we ever good kissers. 25L per kiss *Best in Carnival attire with a LGBT Twist* (winner(s) will get fabulous prizes) *Parachute Challenge* Come take a ride 4000 meters in the sky after putting on your chute and try to land in the very middle of the circle. (those who land in the middle get a fabulous prize!!..on fab prize per day, however if you can do it more than once you will get another prize too..depending on where land in the ring all get a prize) 50L per try ******************** DAY 4: MARCH 31ST Hunt Hosted by Bobbie Faulds - starts a 12:00 noon SLT In Remembrance Drag King and Queen Contests: 1pm SLT (judges Bizarre Obscure and two more (if you would like to volunteer to be a judge and have expierience in judging in the LGBT community and can FOR SURE make it, please use the application to apply as a judge rather than be in the contest)) ******************** DAY 5 : APRIL 1ST Paintball Contests All Day hosted by UCE and Rubicon Combat Sim Rp Contest in back room of Sins Eye in Rem hosted by Candy: :12:00 noon SLT ******************** DAY 6 : APRIL 2ND Live Auction in Evil hosted by Lace (Latexia Forcella) Time to be announced a week before Block party in Remembrance All block parties will have several DJ's, if you wish to apply to be a DJ during the week of events, please Contact Damen Afterthought. (if he is not online just drop him and IM along with a notecard in case his IMs drop "YOU GOT THE GUTS?" 10pm SLT put on by Hostile Underground: "YOU GOT THE GUTS?" - Come spar with the best of NOR ...100L to enter..if ? ya win you get a prize..if not...dare ya to try again!! You ask..who will i ? be fighting?.....come see ; ) (this event requires you to get a UCE meter and make a sheet, which we can help you with if you do not have one already) Contact Sindy71 Resident for questions or to volunteer to be the "Fighter" that is gone up against by those entering .******************** DAY 7: APRIL 3RD Closing Ceremony (speech by Biz in park) :12:00 noon SLT Formal Ball - following Bizarre Obscure's closing speech lasting till 7pm slt ( or until everyone leaves or dj's run out) ************************************ CONTESTS THAT START NOW AND END AT 8PM SLT ON APRIL 3RD 1.Auction boards at the carnival: Put yourself up for auction!! Put something you have created that is of high value up for auction! (i need a picture with your name on it (on the picture) or picture of the item you wish to auction, and a notecard basically selling yourself or your item...what are you offering..do u have limits? that sort of thing. (there is one up already that you can come see, click on and bid on if you like..shes the one you have waited for...bid bid bid and ENTER!! (free to enter) *Auction ends at 8pm SLT on April 3rd* 2.Bestest Friend Of ALL vote boards: Send me your Bestest Fiends picture to put up on the vote boards (make sure their name is on the picture you send as well) LETS SEE WHO THE BESTEST FRIEND OF ALL IS!! *Voting closes directly after I have closed all auction boards on April 3rd roughly a few minutes after 8pm SLT 3.Short story contest: describe your most romantic date in at least 500 words (please post to the lon website) 4.Describe your most funniest date in at least 500 words (please post to the lon website) http://landofnor.com/ <<<<Sign up here, then you will need to check your email for your password (if you do not get it for some reason please IM Candygurl Bing or NoRFundraiserBank Resident to give you a temp one then be sure to change it after you log in. Once you log in Click the link called "Forums" then scroll down to the "Events (both IC and OOC)" and in that category you will see the link called "The NoR LGBT Fundraiser" link (it isn't there right this moment but will be within a day or two) and there you will find the contests links..click the one you wish to enter and post your entries there. This also goes for the SHARE YOUR STORY link, which is not a contest but to help increase awareness. 5.Best Video of events taking place during the week. First, Second, and Third place prizes for the winners. (Please submit your link on the Lon Website under the appropriate section, or send Candygurl Bing a notecard made in Secondlife with your SL name and the link to your finished video 6.Best Picture of events taking place during the week. First, Second, and Third place prizes for the winners. (Please submit your link on the Lon Website under the appropriate section, or send Candygurl Bing a notecard made in Secondlife with your SL name and the pictures that you wish to enter. (Limit of 3 per person) You may drag and drop them into your notecard, or make a folder with the notecard and the pics you wish to enter..DO make sure they are FULL PERMISSIONs ************************************ EDUCATE: SHARE YOUR STORY In an effort to increase awareness and thereby educate we would ask that anyone who has a story to tell about their own struggle with bullying, discrimination and or hate to please share. This is not a contest and will not be judged. *IF you are not comfortable with signing up on our website but would like to share your story. Please make it on a notecard in secondife and send to MikronRavenOak2 Darrow. Please use your first real life name/secondlife name or some name so that Mikron does not look as though he is telling several of his own stories (LOL) ************************************ CONTESTS THAT START NOW AND END AT 8PM SLT ON APRIL 3RD Auction boards at the carnival: Put yourself up for auction!! Put something you have created that is of high value up for auction! (i need a picture with your name on it (on the picture) or picture of the item you wish to auction, and a notecard basically selling yourself or your item...what are you offering..do u have limits? that sort of thing. (there is one up already that you can come see, click on and bid on if you like..shes the one you have waited for...bid bid bid and ENTER!! (free to enter) Bestest Friend Of ALL vote boards: Send me your Bestest Fiends picture to put up on the vote boards (make sure their name is on the picture you send as well) LETS SEE WHO THE BESTEST FRIEND OF ALL IS!! Short story contest: describe your most romantic date in at least 500 words (please post to the lon website) Describe your most funniest date in at least 500 words (please post to the lon website) http://landofnor.com/ <<<<Sign up here, then you will need to check your email for your password (if you do not get it for some reason please IM Candygurl Bing or NoRFundraiserBank Resident to give you a temp one then be sure to change it after you log in. Once you log in Click the link called "Forums" then scroll down to the "Events (both IC and OOC)" and in that category you will see the link called "The NoR LGBT Fundraiser" link (it isn't there right this moment but will be within a day or two) and there you will find the contests links..click the one you wish to enter and post your entries there. This also goes for the SHARE YOUR STORY link, which is not a contest but to help increase awareness. ************************************ EDUCATE: SHARE YOUR STORY In an effort to increase awareness and thereby educate we would ask that anyone who has a story to tell about their own struggle with bullying, discrimination and or hate to please share. This is not a contest and will not be judged.
  18. For any RP groups, one thing you have to consider ICly...is there the possibility that those 2 groups will come to blows/war? As I understand Gor, you have your "homestone". So wouldn't belonging to 2 village groups imply 2 different homestones? Yes you can control but , in this case, rather than being on the same avi in the same 2 groups, where, for RP purposes, you could be spying for one, I can understand the concern of the RPers. This would be true if you were in NoR, for instance, and tried to belong to 2 factions that were at war with each other. It's called conflict of interest. This is when alts come in handy. You can belong to them on seperate avis and be seperate entities. Basic RP...if you are dealing with in-character groups, you shouldn't belong to 2 groups that there is currently animosity or the possibility of animosity between. Trying to insist on doing so, you do yourself no favors if you are truly interested in roleplaying and not just pissing people off.
  19. I was referring specifically to mesh bodies..though that was a year ago. With main designers such as Belleza and Maitreya having now released their bodies, that stat has changed. As for the hand/feet UV, I'm going by what has been said in the Omega appliers group discussing what bodies can use the full texture map for the hands and which can't. Immortals can, for instance. Belleza has a totally different map for their hands and feet. I remember Izara of 7 Deadly Skins, talking about it taking her 10 hours to redraw the hands and feet to match the Belleza body hands and feet.. Maitreya, the skin is fine, the nails are off a bit on the hands but the feet are fine. Unless they have been living under a rock, everyone knows about mesh clothes/hair etc. By add ons, I was referring to breasts/bootys/hands/feet/ bodies. As stated above, that percentage has changed over the last year. But, on any given day, there are 50K or so people on at peak times. To say that even 10,000 of those are aware of mesh parts other than the breast implants/bootys, wouldn't be an exageration and that the other 40K that are on aren't really wouldn't be an exaggeration. Even 10K with an awareness is a lot of people. Oh...and by the way, the mesh body parts wearers are my customers so I'm well aware of the statistics. And, there are still quite a few that won't wear mesh clothing because it doesn't fit their bodies and they don't want to make the changes to their avis that would be needed. Those are also my customers.
  20. They may have fixed that but they broke sim/estate banning and, according to one of our sime EM's, they are working on trying to fix it but can't figure out what broke it. Makes things.....interesting....in the sim I RP in to have banned players showing back up. They were banned for a reason and now we have to reban them....sighs.
  21. Fusion also has a nice line. It's also possible the person was wearing a mesh body....For a full list, check out the Love N Lust blog site. They have a full list of the breasts that are Omega compatible, which are any that are compatible with the Lola appliers. Just a nice rundown of what's available in SL...or The Big Boobies Freebies website. They also have a comprehensive list of available boobs. The trick is, they have to be fit mesh, not just mesh. As stated, the older Tangos are rigged mesh rather than fit mesh so won't react to physics.
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