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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. This question/suggestion is so ridiculous, I'm hoping it was just an early April Fool's joke...but with some people, I wouldn't count on it.
  2. And some will say absolutely not too. Anne Bishop, for instance, has 2 series of books that would make a great basis for RP sims. However, on her blog, she was asked if the idea could be used for tabletop or other RPing venues and she said there no. so....best to ask. I'm really surprised the DC/Marvel RP sim that has people RPing the heroes hasn't been flagged yet.
  3. Stuff on the MP is by individual merchants, many of whom depend on that income. That's like asking WaMart to have a day where everything was free.....not going to happen.
  4. You can set an officer's powers to whatever you want them to be. Some come prechecked, but you can uncheck them. The better solution would be to get one of the stream changers that you deed to the land, add the DJ stream to a changer that's deeded to the land then add the DJ to the whitelist that allows them to change the stream on that changer. You could also create a DJ role in your group that allows them to change the land media settings. You can give as many or as few powers to the various roles in the group as you wish as the owner.
  5. There can only be one "owner" for the land, that's the person that pays the tier. The nearest you can get is create a group then deed the land to the group. Both of you can be owners in the group and would function the same way you're trying to get. It can be your club group. Then you can create other roles, like host/hostess and give them eject/ban right to get rid of griefers, for instance. If you go to the Members and Roles tab in a group, you'll see a tab there that says roles. Owners would have full rights, including land rights for the land that's deeded to the group. You can check or uncheck what abilities you give the other roles. Like a host/hostess would need to be able to invite to group, eject/ban, etc. A dancer could invite to group. A DJ could have access to the stream or access to the player you set up with the stream on it for the club. Hope that helps.
  6. right click on it in your inventory then attach to...you'll get the list of places you can attach it to. I prefer to attach things to places close but not use as much...like hips for skirts, pecs or shoulders for a top or jacket. That way the more common places stay available.
  7. For objects, such as mesh, the right hand is the default attachment point. If the item is rigged, you can change it to a more appropriate spot, like left or right hip for a skirt, left or right pec for a shirt, etc. Since it''s rigged, where it's actually attached doesn't matter.
  8. Size, you'll have to look at the store. One that calls a store large, may be medium by another builder. As for height, usually 8-10 meters has been the SL norm but, with more avis going shorter and more realistic, I'm seeing 7-8 meters high. A lot depends on the build. If you are looking on the MP, be sure you can see inworld as well to get a true look at the size.
  9. That's about the best you can do...Slink feet and then the stockings and the shoes that go with them. Actually, if they are alphaing out your foot, it should be totally covered by the shoe so wouldn't be visible anyway and shouldn't affect the stocking. Now, if you have purchase a shoe that has a foot in it already, like N-Core, not much you can do with those.
  10. It's a bug in the OpenGL coding so really isn't something LL can fix.
  11. I loved the Zoul skins at the fair. As for the appliers, most bodies take the Omega, other than Slink and TMP. However Maitreya and Belleza have so quirks so the designers offer specific appliers for those 2 bodies.
  12. THAT was a photo pose, of course. But I've found myselft with my hands behind my back and rocking on my feed or shifting from foot to foot the same way my AO does. You know you have too. so
  13. Not only that, but....if you are using purchased templates and/or textures, it could be a violation of the EULA for those to load it to the TMP website. And, as has happened, when the website goes down, you're stuck in what you have on. What's going to happen if they decide to close up shop? You'll be stuck with a body you can do nothing with. I'm with you in that I don't do TMP unless specifically asked for them. They have all those UUID's on their servers. An unscrupulous peron could use them to create clothing inside SL if they so desired. They may claim everyone is trust worthy, but seem to me the old Emerald viewer team claimed the same and you know what happened there.
  14. I have one security orb. It's set up to boot people from my workspace where I do my clothing. It's at 2000 meters up and a customer has no need to be up there...I have it set for 20 meters and 20 sec boot. I only got it after I had an intruder that even after ejecting him, he came back so I booted and banned him. Then I got the orb mainly because when I'm concentrating on making huds or I'm in PS outside SL, I might not see them. This one tried staying hidden behind my texture organizers and photo studio.
  15. If you are talking about things that are system layers, you have to get the designer kit and make the installers for them. They mesh body covers the default so anything you put on it won't be seen. You can wear regular mesh clothes. I'm not sure about the heads since I really have no interest in them and haven't researched them. Basically, once you get the designer kit, you have to rez out the installer then log in to the TMP website. Then you have to name your outfit and enter your UUID's for what you made. After you do that, you can then use your intaller you just created to install the links from the Style Hud to the textures you just loaded into the TMP server. If you are using premade templates to make your stuff, be sure you won't be violating the EULA of the templates or textures by uploading them into the TMP server as well. Good Luck
  16. I find I do sometimes, but as was stated before, I also chose my animations and stands to reflect me in RL. The fact you find yourself comfortable doing the pose/stand is more a reflection of how close you chose for how you move in RL than something being wrong.
  17. We aren't talking about curves/boobs etc so much as we are about what was pictured with the super tall and then normal size avis. The default camera setting has you looking from so far back and so far up that you look like you're shorter than you are, until you move your cameral down and really look. My avi, per the SL equivalents, is about 6 feet tall. She barely comes up to many avi's chests.
  18. You can get just about the same info from Help/Bumps,Pushes and Hits on your viewer menu. Someone just scripted it and, of course, added scripts to the sim load to add to lag...rolls her eyes. Lazy people.
  19. Did LL change the forums logins? When I come to look at the forums for a reply to a thread I've been posting on, fine. Used to be when I then went to log in to reply, I'd be back on the thread I was looking at before I logged in. In the last week or so, I've logged in and I'm on the Blog page rather than the thread I wanted to reply to. Then I have to go find the thread again. Anyone else experiencing this or is it just me?
  20. Exactly. The money isn't real until you actually cash it out. Until then, it's just an exchange method within a virtual world
  21. Mesh bodies are back to old school for your layers. 1 tat, 1 underwear and 1 clothing. You can't wear 2 shirts on the clothing layer like you can on the default, one has to be on the underwear layer. And there is no jacket layer so for tops that go down to the lower half, they are going to take the pants layer so your pants will have to be on the underwear or tat layer....I know it's confusing but think about it like putting on your clothes when you add them And do use the alpha mask. It's a workaround an OpenGL bug that LL can do nothing about. It's inherent in the OpenGL code.
  22. Do look for Torley's tutorials too. He's done a whole series on basic stuff. Some of it is dated but still works for the basics of SL.
  23. Which goes back to the poor default camera position that gives a false perspective on size.
  24. The Slink body, with the latest update, looks really good and has great alphas and is only 1250L...you'll pay that much just for the boobs. Fusion has nice ones though.
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