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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Not sure how they do it...I know I got mine for free on the MP.
  2. Lotto would fall under the game of chance provision. Games of chance aren't allowed in SL...sorry.
  3. If you hurry, the megastuff hunt is still going on, Homestuff being one of the groups...the gifts are 1L each so you could run through Linden Realms and have plenty of money to grab stuff...just a thought.
  4. Just the one...but do check under the different tabs. Often the stuff doesn't install where you expect it to
  5. Your other option, of course, is to use system clothes for your base layers and use mesh as addition, like jackets, etc...There are a lot of really good system clothes these days with good texturing thanks to the popularity of mesh bodies. They use the system layer templates for the appliers so designers, since they have to make them for the appliers anyway, are also making they system layers for the default avi. Just a thought.
  6. Scion chickens actually started the breedables though Meeroos are cuter Mesh hands and feet and then the body, that's all Slink. You can't look at any shoes now without them being Slink compatible. The first mesh body was actually Wowmeh, but the maker chose not to fight the DMCA filed. Same for the maker of Phat Azz. Slink made it more mainstream. Belleza and Maitreya have solidified mesh bodies as out of the fetish corner and into mainstream. The price quoted for mesh bods are the range Maitreya, Belleza and TMP are in. I'm quite sure that those sales figures are correct, but remember, that's the rush when they are released. The item has to be something people will want that is more sustainable over the long haul. The actual range for mesh bodies is from 800-5000L for the initial body. Quality skin makers that make the appliers for the bodies as well as those that make clothing/shoe/hair will probably make more in the long run.
  7. Fusion bods have the ability to wear just one arm tat but then again, they are Mesh.
  8. That's a very old article. Stiletto Moody is actually no longer in SL or on the MP. The shoes were overly scripted and they were either unable or unwiling to change in the face of the Slink mesh feet that have become the newest thing and left SL.
  9. First step when you see a problem...if you are using a third-party viewer, like Firestorm, if you don't have the official SL viewer, get it and log in on that. If your inventory is fine on that, then It's a different problem. Often...just logging in on the official viewer will fix the problem Otherwise, follow the steps in the previous post.... As an aside, it's always a good idea to have the official SL viewer installed, even if you don't use it. Whenever you have a rezzing problem or any other kind of problem, if it doesn't happen on the official viewer, LL won't help you. They don't support the TPV. If the problem is duplicated on the official viewer then you know it's not SL and it's not your connection or computer...it's a glitch in the TPV you're using. From there you can contact the inword support group for whatever viewer you are using and get help with your problem. I know on one release of FS, I had 2 avis that had inventory in the 15K+ range but it stalled in the 4-5K range. It loaded fine on the SL viewer. It happened right after I'd upgraded the FS viewer. So, I uninstalled it and went back to the previous version of the FS viewer and the problem was gone. I upgraded when the next upgrade came along and had no problems with that one. There was just an apparent code that didn't like those 2 avis or the server they were on. I had no problems with any of my other alts at the time.
  10. cause....that's the price they want to charge? Same applies to anything mesh...Why is one designer charging 200L for a skirt and another charging 50L for the same skirt, just a different texture?
  11. You can also hope for a male mesh body to be released that will allow that...Perhaps Fusion, since they do have that as an option with their female mesh body and they do make other male parts. The SL texture map for arms is set up as a mirror. On the tat/clothing layers, what's on one arm will be on the other as well There's no way around that other than as a mesh attachement.
  12. 7 Deadly Skins has TMP appliers. As for the other skin makers, give them a chance. The body just came out a few days ago and it take a little bit of time to get the developer kit and make the installers and then get them out to sell. Some skin makers may also be waiting to see how well it actually sells before they make the installers. Most men are notoriuos for not spending a lot of money in SL and the makers may be waiting to see what happens. There are nowhere near the number of skin makers for male bodies as there are for female skins so not as much competion so they can afford to take a wait and see attitude. I suspect Prodigal may have them soon since they do have the Slink hand and feet appliers for men. You're going to see the same problem with applier clothing as well. Hopefully that will change, especially with mainstream, well-known fashion designer Maitreya and skin designer Belleza coming out with their female body's. All you can do is be patient.
  13. Most of the bodies I've seen are in four sections with the upper and lower, divided at the waist, then divided in half again. In fact, if you get a chance to look at the alpha hud for the Banned body, that's the way you turn them on. Some of the mesh makers had already made bootys so used those and added the top part.
  14. That's basically what you do...make the prim, add the textures and then the script. pivot it so it opens up and down rather than side to side. You can use the same script for bed covers too.
  15. For an inworld "manniken" of sorts, the Belleza designer kit come with an unscriptted body you can work with. Most of the others, you can rez out the body, if that's any help.
  16. Absolutely. I love to torure prims....it makes my day...grins
  17. If you want to make mesh clothing for mesh bodies, like I said, get the Slink developer kit for mesh body makers as well and the developer kit for Belleza. The only "free" on in SL is the one from The Mesh Project. All the others have demos if you want to check sizing. Do remember they are rigged mesh. I've found with the Slink, I don't have to do anything I don't already do for the default avi. For Banned and the GInc Perfect Body, I've just had to go up a size, mainly because the mesh does add to the size of the avie even though my default is set at the standard sizing Small.
  18. Chellynne Bailey has one at her Love-N-Lust Omega shop. It's on the second floor and is actually called a shoe hud. The principle is the same though. You change the textures on the faces. The UUIDs are put in the script so you're fairly secure.
  19. Once you get the hollow, if you look, you can change the shape of the hole. With a circle you can path cut and make a keyhole doorway. With the square, you can use it for a room or fence....huge possibilities with tortured prims that seem to have been forgotten with the mesh craze going on.
  20. As far as I know, Slink is the only one that has released an official developer kit for mesh clothing makers. The Belleza has an unscripted mesh body in it's developer kit but I'm not sure how much that will help. Most mesh clothing will fit the current mesh bodies since both are rigged. The only adjustment you MIGHT have to make is in the butt portion since most mesh bods have a bit more....junk in the trunk so to speak. What mesh bodies are is like a "skin" over the default avi that corrects some of the default avi problems such as too few polygons in the breast, butt and calf areas so that you get sharp spikes. I have found that for the most part, I have no problem wearing standard size clothing with my mesh bods. I'm a clothing designer specializing in applier clothing that utilizes the "system clothing" templates. I currently have, on my models, the Slink, Fusion athletic and genesis, Lena Perky, Banned, GInc Perfect Body, Belleza Venus and the Maitreya that just came out. Do keep in mind that the creators have made rounder butts so you may need to adjust skirts. You might also want to take a look at the alphas that are available for the mesh since regular alphas you use with the default avi won't work with the mesh bods. If anyone would like to see the bodys and what alphas are available fot them. please feel free to contact me inworld and I'll be happy to show you.
  21. I went from Hippo to Caspervend. You can get a "free" one on the MP that takes a 5% commision until you can afford the full system. If you go with Casper, do get the full one. For 3K you get a variety of vendors, a gift card system as well as the popular Midnight Mania, Lucky Chairs and gachas. Advantage with the Casper is you can manage it from the web. You can set up your vendors with the products you want in them, very handy if you do some fashion fairs. You can also add in what you want the prizes to be in your LuckyChair/MM/Gachas. It's also convenient for your customer since the redelivery is web based with all their purchases so they can go to any Casper redelivery anywhere inworld if they need to. I found it easier to set up than the Hippo as well. My opion, of course. Your mileage may vary.
  22. LLazurus, you really are a half-empty kind of person, aren't you. A lot depends on what's going on...If you really want to see people and sims you can't get into because they're full, try hitting the first few days of some of the fashion fairs or if a sim has a big one-day sale....grins. That being said, as far as SL goes and the new announced grid, I'll be lieve it when I see it open. LL is notorius for announceing things then nothing happens. The current SL will be here as long as there is enough interest to pay the bills. As for incompatibility, don't assume anything. LL isn't even sure how much will be compatible so don't put the cart before the horse.
  23. Have you checked out the skins at Coca and Wolf? They have some really nice body building/muscled skins that are still feminine. TP to the female skins, over the bridge then turn left and go to the end of the dock.
  24. It was in that style, yes....Last we saw on the one that poofed, her friend was about to be attacked...
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