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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. And just a point, just because an avi is 5 years old, doesn't mean they've been in SL for 5 years. They may have created the avi and then didn't spend any time inworld and are just now trying SL again. If you haven't seen them, SL has had a big marketing thing on web pages going. A lot of the places I surf now have ads for SL so the player may have decided to dust off the avi and give it another try. We've had several of those lately show up at my store and in some of the groups I'm in inworld. Just a thought.
  2. I seem to recall that someone said in one of the inworld groups that YouTube changed something that stops it from playing in SL and other similar applications. I don't remember the exact details though.
  3. Try FallnAngel Creations. They have quite a few there.
  4. Yes it does, so come visit Misery...they'd love to have company there....(sorry, running joke in the sim I'm an admin in. One of our sims in the estate is called Misery)
  5. Another option is to pop into the beta grid. You are given an allowance there to "load" textures or whatever. You can totally preview your clothing and no cost to you.
  6. Just an FYI...Slink and TMP are closed systems and not compatible with the Omega appliers. Just about every other female mesh body, breast and booty is compatible with the Omega system. This means that clothes makers make 3 huds, if they are doing TMP. If not, you are doing Slink and Omega and you're done for clothing. SKin gets a bit tricker because not everyone has the nipples in the same place and Belleza's hands and feet do not use the SL texture map. With the mesh bodies, with each successive release, the alphas are getting better and better so that wearing them with mesh clothing is getting easier. Guess what, though, there are still quite a few places that make system layers. I mix and match all the time. For instance, on an alt, I currently have a system cami, a mesh jacket and a flexi prim skirt. Since you have mesh clash with alphas, it's difficult, at times to wear a mesh tank under a mesh jacket and over a mesh skirt...you have cutting problems between the mesh parts or alpha clash. A judicious mix of system clothing mixed with prim and mesh can give you a gorgeous, polished look. Do keep in mind that the textures being used today are much better than they were 3 or more years ago so don't confuse the two.
  7. Put on the outfit/avi/whatever you're trying to wear together, then make an outfit.
  8. There was a bug in the last update in the drivers for the AMD graphics cards. He may need to roll back to the previous one.
  9. Sounds like they have the object on a temp rezzer. You can derender it and it will pop back up.
  10. There is currently the Hipster Fair going on. Lots of cute and very colorful stuff there atm. Runs through Feb 15
  11. what viewer is he using and when did he last upgrade, what are his video card specs and has he upgraded the drivers? Those are video rendering problems usually related to an out dated viewer or graphics card drivers.
  12. One other option is something like IKON eys have that allow yout to set the eye position as well as having dfferent size pupils available. Since they all have a mesh overlay, you can use that to properly position your eyes.
  13. Tangos are edited by an included hud. If you have Deliq, that one is fitted mesh so should respond to the breast sliders in edit shape/torso/breast size.
  14. At least it was just things. I had a friend who had given his then girlfriend his password. When they broke up, he forgot about changing it. She went in and had him leave all his groups and defriended everyone. He had to remember the groups on his own but at least, after I told him, he was able to refriend using the calling cards in his inventory.
  15. Unfortunately, Belleza has their skin appliers built into their hud and don't have Omega appliers. They said they don't plan on making them either. That being said...the maker of the LAQ skins also said he'd never make appliers for any of the mesh body parts...he released appliers today because people quit buying his skins.
  16. Slink or Maitreya will probably be your best bet. Both are more athletic/slender. The advantage with the mesh body is the increase in polygons. It eliminates the pulling of the lady bits texture down the legs or up the back so it looks like you need a bath. Big thing to look for is to be sure that if you don't get the Slink, that it is Omega applier compatible. That will allow you to use skins from any maker that does the Omega appliers if they don't do the specific body you use. Maitreya and Slink have the best alpha layers you'll need to wear mesh clothing. Belleza layers are good as well, but the body is curvier. I design applier friendly clothing and with my in store model alts, I have all the main bodies (Slink, Maitreya, Belleza, GInc, Banned, Lena Perky, Fusion). I won't get the TMP because I personally believe that the way their Style Hud forces designers to load their UUID's to an outside server is a problem since, if they decide to roll up their tents, the servers will be turned off and the TMP body owners will be SOL.
  17. The land belongs to someone. Contrary to some people's beliefs, just because you might be able to rez something, doesn't mean you should. I had a large parcel of land for my store. I'd set it for group. Some ass decided it was perfectly ok for him to set up a skybox that when furnished used 500 or so of the prims I paid for. I keep tabs on my land so he hadn't been there very long. I politely asked him to remove it...he didn't and ignored me. Sooooooo, I ejected and banned him. I then got nasty and proceeded to return his stuff in small pieces, that showed up in his lost and found as coalesced objects....no more than 10 or in each one. I was sure to have them from different parts of the skybox. I think it ended up about 30 returns...Of course, you know when you rez a coalesced object, the items are in the same relative positions as they were when retuned. So..unless you own or rent the land, you DON'T rez stuff on other's land that they are paying for. Many skyboxes can be used on the ground just like many houses can be used as skyboxes.
  18. BTW, as far as I know, Omega works with any of the breast implants that use tangos. As for the Fusion body, as far as I know, it works with them. I have the Genesis and Athletic bodies in that line. There was a problem with the Athletic because of the add-ons to the basic Genesis but I worked with Chell, the scripter behind Omega, and we fixed it. If there is a problem with any of the other parts, please let Chell know so she can fix it. As for the Maitreya foot, it should be compatible with the Slink. I haven't had a problem You might look for ones that are unrigged rather than rigged so you can reposition them. That being said, Slink has become the gold standard for the hands and feet like the Lola Tangos did for the breast implants.
  19. The ONLY difference between traditional mesh and fit mesh is the bones it's rigged to. I use the L&B with Slink, Banned and Maitreya bodies with no problems...Try the demo rather than ignoring it because it's not "fit mesh". You might be surprised.
  20. What you are describing is called cutting. Don't be afraid to go a size larger than you normally wear when you're wearing mesh clothing over mesh bods. As for jeans, I'[ve found the ones I like the best are from Lapointe and Bastchild. They have a range of sizes outside the normal 5 but do try the demos
  21. As I said. check out Lavian. I saw one that specifically said sized for Belleza. Don't totally dismiss the applier clothing. It layers very nicely under jackets, for instance. You might also check out Lapointe and Bastchild. They have more than the standard 5 sizes. Happy Undead the same.
  22. I've decided that Llazurus is a troll that loves to take the contrary position and then run with it to piss everyone off so...I ignore him as much as possible.
  23. Actually, the best way I've ever found to find stores are on hunts. You can go to SLHunts.com and find one that seems to meet what you want. They also have an inworld place, the landmark is on the website, where even more hunts are advertised. Take a look then start looking for those gifties.
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