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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Ya know...every time this happens people come running to the forum...the sky is falling, I can't get in....it there something wrong?....SL has a grid status page at http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ You can also get there from you dashboard. If you checked there first instead of running in here, you'd save yourself a lot of anxiety... Just Sayin...
  2. Ya know...every time this happens people come running to the forum...the sky is falling, I can't get in....it there something wrong?....SL has a grid status page at http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ You can also get there from you dashboard. If you checked there first instead of running in here, you'd save yourself a lot of anxiety... Just Sayin...
  3. I tip what I can. I rarely go to clubs or concerts. I use my alts as models so don't need or want tipping. When I teach a class though, i do put a tip jar out. I'm not getting paid by the hosting site or school. I don't ask for pay. I provide any materials and notes. Tip what you can. When I take classes I try to tip at least 25L, more if I have it or the class in interesting or materials are provided. When I do go to clubs, did the DJ play my request...and I only request songs that are in theme with a venue. I've DJ'd before and cringe when I'm doing a techno set and someone asks for country or oldie...Oldie I might be able to find a techno version and play that, though. One big no-no that will bring the tip down fast is if the DJ talked over the beginning or ending of the song. The canned gestures and constant "Remember your hostess and DJ" will make me nuts and I'll usually leave...without tipping. So..it's an it depends thing.
  4. or, and this is what I've done....rez a prim and size it for your borders. lift that up and lock it. Put your skybox on that...good idea to lock it too so you don't accidentally do it again...leave the rezzing prim so if you do, you have exactly where you need to put the box...just an idea, of course.
  5. Slink and TMP have a closed system. However, almost, if not all, of the mesh bodies currently on the market are Omega compatible either with a relay, installer, or adding the scripts. The only exception is the Belleza hands and feet because they choose not to use the standard SL texuture map. The rest of the body is fine. So...unless you get the Slink or TMP, you're good to go with the other and use Omega appliers. Belleza does have an optional body you can wear your Slink hand and feet with and almost all the big skin makers make appliers for those.
  6. There is a glitch that shows up from time to time where a person is invisible. I've seen their speech in chat, see them standing 2 meters from me per my radar but nothing in site. However, I do seem to recall seeing a device in the MP that can hide your tag so they may have been using that. Like all the other "just for enjoyment and not for griefing" devices, it's primary purpose is for griefing....shrugs.
  7. Exactly....20/20 hindsight is a wonderful thing, isn't it? Chances are she was not going in to work...Regardless of threats, who would have ever thought that a quick stop would have been a problem. One of the survivors stated a lot of people had just come back from holiday and they were having a meeting. Growing up, my mother would often run by her work for one reason or another with me in tow and never thought twice about it....A terrorist coming up behind you is not on your list of things you worry about.
  8. Well, I see the resident troll, full of snarkiness, has arrived.
  9. The saddest thing is that these are extremists. The mainstream Islamics live in peace with those of the Christian and Jewish faiths, considering both to be people of the book.. Islam recognizes the Torah and the Bible as works of faith in their religion. They see Jesus as a prophet. The extremist that see all other faiths as a threat to them, it feel sorry for them. I also feel sorry for any that can't accept satire. Islam is the only faith that has a problem with depictions of Mohammed. Look what happed to Salmon Rushdie after he wrote The Satanic Verses. Intolerance is wrong. Je suis Charlie.
  10. If you log in ot Minoa, there's a road that runs through there that you can rez your car on and take off in either direction. If you pull up your map, you'll see it goes on for a very long time. One day, when I was bored, I spent about 3 hours tooling along on a motorcycle and barely covered 1/;4 of the road, probably less than that. so you could drive for a good long time.
  11. If your system can't handle Firestorm, try CtrlAlt Studio. It's based on FS but doesn't have all the bells and whistles so isn't as much of a resource hog. If you like Imprudence, you might try Kokua. It's by the same developer. It was easier to start from scratch than to try to update Imprudence which was based on the old interface that only Singularity is still preserving.
  12. I'd use harrassment-defaming individuals or groups then in the fuller explanation. link to their profile and report what happened. Summary Line- Copying my name and profile then griefing Then in details fill out the rest.
  13. And chances are you are looking at shoes for the high feet. Right now that's what most are. Those or the mid feet, so 1350 for the 2 feet. You really only need the flat if you go barefoot a lot.
  14. Here's what you need to do...go to worn or go to your current outfit...take off everything...looks like you're trying to wear 2 mesh bodies. Once you are down to just the default body, then add your new avi. That should take care of the problem.
  15. As far as I know, Jan 1 is an international banking holiday...no banks are open, no stock markets are trading. Same for Dec 25. Any business that is transacted at your local bank on a Sat, at least in the US, is credited as Monday's business. So...If you sent it on the 23rd...you had the 24th, 26th,29, 30, 31 and Jan 2,, that's 6 or 7 business days, depending on the time your started on the 23rd. That's not an outrageous amount of time. Just be patient. Remember, too, the slowdown was placed because of the phishers that have been active in SL to allow LL time to retrieve players' money. You do have one other option to decrease time....get a PayPal debit card. You'll have access to your money as soon as it hits Paypal that way. Spend what you need to and sent the rest to your regular bank account. Good luck.
  16. Just a note, do be sure you are wearing the right size for your body rather than wearing a smaller size then depending on the alphas to hide your body. That's usually why tearing and cutting happen. Try the next size larger. Even though mesh clothing has "standard sizing", not all mesh clothing is created equal. I have one mesh designer I wear a medium with, one I wear a small and one I wear an xsmall. My body settings are right on target with the stated standard sizing for a small.
  17. LaVian, formberly LivGlam, has had wonderful customer service. Glad they got back with you promptly
  18. Check with where you purchased. they may have a redelivery that you can get.
  19. Actually not...corporate is in San Francisco but I understand that most of the servers are in Texas with a few in Boston.
  20. http://homestuff.stuff-sl.com/hunters/ You have until Jan 3, tomorrow, but there are only 60 stores on the hunt so it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours
  21. Fair enough. Scion was just the first one I heard about...as a complaint because of the scripting.
  22. Biggest thing is hunts and gachas. Subscribe to the SLHunts blog so you get a listing of what hunts are going on. Never do more than 2, max, a month. As a hunter, when I land at a store and see a wall of hunt signs that the vendor is participating in, I think, either they're desperate or well, guess I don't have to spend any money here with all the gifts. Best gift is an exclusive recoloring of something you already have in the store. Once the hunt is over, you can do several things. Some have an area where they put past hunt gift for sale at a reduced price as a way for player to become introduced to their store. Some put them in a gacha machine or in their midnight mania boards, both of which will draw customers. Good luck.
  23. You have 2 sits...ground sit, what happens when you right click and sit on the ground and the regular sit, what happens when your sit in a chair, on a wall, etc.
  24. The full photo, the hand is hiding the face...you need to be careful with that. Another suggestion would be to try taking your photos using the Black Dragon third party viewer. It was designed to take photos and machinima so all your photo tools, including some settings that are usually buried in the debug settings, are in a fly out menu on the right side of the screen. It's not designed for every day use unless you have a high-end graphics card, but it takes breathtaking photos.
  25. I'm with the previous poster. I personally, and this is my opinion, think they look a little creepy. With the default, at least you can control the look. WIth the mesh head, you're stuck with what the maker does. You can do a bit of customization but you're basically going to look like everyone else that has that head since, and I may be wrong here, I don't think they respond to the sliders.
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