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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Tellaq has them...Sking has mesh abs too, I believe.
  2. Right now is a great time to join 7 Deadly Skins group as it's free. Free group gift, several lucky boards and MM boards
  3. Most skin places also make avis that go with them so that is a good place to start. There are also a number of shape places, mine included, that sell mod shapes if you want a starting point, and then find a skin you like.
  4. I'm no expert but possible, if you know how to texture the mesh skirt. You'll have to use the UV map in order to manipulate the textures so they apply properly. Good luck
  5. I believe that that estimate is about 10% of the SL population uses any mesh additions. Many, you mention mesh body parts and they have no idea what you're talking about. So...huge market. Skin fair starts March 15, just take a look at the map the first few days and you'll see your potiential customer base. The sim/sims will be maxed out fhe first week, guaranteed.
  6. Omega, you get at the Love N Lust sim. The developer's kit is free on the second floor. Slink, you'll need to go to her website and apply for the kit. Looking forward to seeing your work.
  7. What viewer are you using? You might try using a different viewer...IE...if you are using the SL viewer, try Firestorm. Sometimes it's just the connection between your viewer and the servers. The SL viewer is working on fixing it so you don't have to upload your stuff to the MP anymore and that may be interferring with you uploading, hence trying one of the other viewers.
  8. Yes, mesh wearers wear regular skins. You're also going to use the same files you use for the skin for the appliers you're going to want to make to go with them. Most mesh wearers don't have mesh heads, for instances. Mesh bodies and parts need the appliers for them to match the skin. I'd suggest the Omega and Slink appliers, and don't forget the Slink hands and feet as well. You'll be using the UUID from the skin texture you uploaded in the appliers. Don't worry about separate Lola/banned/sking/whatever appliers. Omega covers most of the mesh except for Slink and TMP. Slink is worth doing as it is one of the more popular bodies. Those of us that wear mesh parts are always looking for skin designers that have appliers. As for pricing, I don't suggest you offer the appliers for free unless you really want to. However, it would be nice to offer all the skin tones in one set rather than having to buy each color separately. I know I'm more inclined to buy other tones of the same skin if I know I have the applier in my inventory for it.
  9. /me makes a serious face. "I heard of a 12 step program for those that spend a great deal of time an money on their wardrobe. However...it didn't work very well as the meeting usually ended up becoming a shopping expedition to the latest fair."...grins..
  10. Hey, at least they attached to your hand. When I first started, you got a lovely box hat.
  11. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Shennn wrote: If you're looking to go the extra milestone, try The Shops, where the skins are realistic and you can demo the mesh heads and bodies there If you are going to recommend a mesh body you should say its a mesh body.. Also you should point out they would need to spend $5000L to get one that has a working alpha hud.. Right there with you, Drake. I really tell new residents to stay away from mesh avis until they learn how SL works. They can add the bells and whistles later, after they learn the basics. As for TMP, i actually tell people to steer clear of it. I've been in SL almost 8 years and have most of the mesh bods on my models. TMP Style Hud is overly confusing. Also, since it calls the textures in from an outside server, it's laggier and, if the server is down, you're stuck with what you have on. Also, if TMP decides to close up shop, you're stuck with something that will no longer work unless they make it Omega compatible before they go. Even then, you'll be out money you've spent on the TMP clothes.
  12. Bobbie Faulds


    Ok...here we go. Mesh bodies/heads/parts are things you put on to cover up and "replace" your SL default avi. As such, wearing regular system clothes and skins isn't going to work since SL is set up for those to go to the default avi. So, the textures have to be applied via a hud with a script that talks to the body part, just like the texture change huds for mesh clothing....body parts are "clothing" as far as SL is concerned. Appliers are just that...huds that apply the texture to the worn mesh parts. Most mesh bodies have the skin, tat, underwear and clothing layers. Designers will usually provide a hud that is script to apply to the proper layers. The Maitreya allows you to choose which layer. Most female mesh parts, with the exception of Slink and TMP, will use Omega appliers. Omega is a universal applier system, which makes things much easier for designers so they don't have to do seperate appliers for every mesh part out there. Many designers now just do Slink and Omega appliers then some additionally do the TMP appliers, though there is a lot of discussion and controversy about the way the Style Hud works that I won't go into here. So...you have your mesh body part on. Most of them have a default tone on them but some are white. You're going to add the applier, which will appear as a hud on your screen. You'll then apply the texture to the body,. Skin is usually good to start with and then add your other layers. As an aside, it's a good idea to add your layers the way you put on clothes..tat, underwear and then clothing. This helps avoid some alpha clash problems. On your hud for your mesh body part, be sure you have alpha mask turned on as well. You'll want to get the Omega huds/scripting for your body part at Love N Lust...it's 1-3L if you join the free group or 99L if you don't. I would suggest you join the group as there are a lot of helpful people that will be more than happy to help answer any questions you might have. Good luck
  13. I don't know that there is really a way to block them. The best yo can do is have a thing where they land to get the garlic necklace and put up a notice that Bloodlines requests are not allowed and any one asking will be banned.
  14. ok...first..you probably have on the mesh starter LL is dropping on aall the new residents. Go to your Library folder and chose one of the classic avatars...Girl Next Door will do. drag and drop that folder on your current avi. That should get rid of all the mesh. Next is to find a skin that's clost to you. Fair warning, you're really not going to be able to get an exact duplicate. Try the 30 days and under at 7 Deadly Skins. Also, starting march 3-30, they're having an anniversary thing so you can join the group for free and get the group gift, the MM and go for the lucky boards as well...you'll see when you get there. You will have to invest in a hair. Not sure what your hairstyle is so telling here would let us know where to tell you to look. Emotions has group gifts for free and that's a free group. Clothing is going to depend on what style you want. You're going to have to invest some RL money for some things. I hate to send you on a hunt, but this time of year is good for hunts with Easter here. Go to https://slhunts.wordpress.com/ for the list...scroll down and about half way down on the right, you can click on March and see what hunts are going on. You look for a hunt object and get free gifts...ummm, DON'T try the Twisted Hunt that starts March 5 though. That one is the hardest one on the grid and not a good hunt for a beginner. Also check out https://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/ They have some nice things in their store as well as the ones listed for those less than 30 days old. As for changing the avi appearance, right click on your avi then choose appearance, edit shape. You have all the sliders there to change the way your avi looks. Your face/head has most of the tabs there for head shape, eyes, nose, chin and mouth. The last 2 tabs are your upper an lower body. You do want to increase your arm length to at least 65. Default length is way too short. Hand size at 20. Play with the sliders to get the look you want if the avi you get with the skin doesn't suit. Good luck and welcome to SL.
  15. Let me qualify my previous post...I did miss the Jiggle Booty, it's new. I was listing the ones that are still available for purchase and were Omega compatible.
  16. Who makes the avi you're wearing? If anything but Slink, it should be Omega compatible. Do get the Omega hud for your mesh and your options for clothing will expand as you can then wear clothing designed with appliers. Whatever the numbers are for your default avi per standard sizing, you may find you have to go up a size when wearing mesh clothes as well.
  17. If you are using the default avi, are you new? Sounds like you have on one of the mesh avis that SL saddles new residents with. Go to your library and find the Girl Next Door avi and drag that folder onto your current avi. That will get rid of the mesh. Now try your clothes/hair/skin. SL made a misstep with the mesh avis they are giving new people with no instructions. You can't wear system hair with them,, not a lot of the mesh clothing in SL works with them. Hair doesn't fit properly. I'd suggest you get comfortable with the default avi and how it works for a couple of weeks. Then you can expand to other options. You do need to learn how SL works first.
  18. For "boy next door" or with a slight edge, try Redgrave, 7 Deadly Skins and WoW. Do be sure that the shape is mod though. You want to be able to tweak it.
  19. The only asses only available in SL atm are Banned, Fusion, GInc and Sking. Most have moved on to the full mesh body. Wait a bit and Ursula, who did the Ghetto booty will be releasing her full body as well. Unfortunately, there seems to be a troll/trolls in SL that have something against the mesh parts. First Phat/Cute Azz then Wowmeh. Next they went after the Ghetto. She fought it and is returning with a full body. First her sim was griefed trying to get her to close and then the DMCA. Then, same pattern against Belleza; first the griefing then the DMCA. Tricky fought it and found that the name used as the filer was some random name. The person knew nothing about SL and didn't have an account so the Belleza body came back. So......that's where things stand now....If you get mesh body parts, do be sure that, unless you go with Slink, it's Omega compatible though so you won't have problems finding clothes.
  20. First, and this may seem basic, you did install the SL viewer right? You aren't trying to go through your dashboard to launch. You do need the viewer, either the SL official one or one of the third party viewers like Firestorm, CtrlAlt Studio, Singularity, etc. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the viewer if you have it installed. http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ for the official viewer or http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory for the third party viewers. Be sure that your virus protector isn't "protecting" you too.
  21. Unless told otherwise, I accept people as their avis are. For most all of SL is RP of a sort. Very few of us actually look like the avatar we've created. There are a lot of guy in Sl using female avi for several reason....clothes, clothes and.....clothes. The male avi is short changed and on a viscious cycle. A lot of male avi consider jeans, tats, may be shoes and done. They don't spend a lot on good skins or better clothing. Since most don't, designers don't do a lot of clothes for males, unlike females, which have all kinds of clothes everywhere. Hopefully, with the release of a more normal looking male mesh avi rather than the ones that make you look like your on steriods with another in the pipeline, that will change. So, go for it. You relaly only need to "tell" if you're going to be in a relationship. For casual, it's no one's business but your own.
  22. The main reason I have a premium account is I buld and have access to premium only sandboxes that I don't have to worry too much about griefers on. Mainland is cheaper for me as well since I have my land deeded to group so get the 10% boost in meters before the tier goes up. I don't use tech support often but it has come in handy a time or two when dealing with griefers. Like you said, not for everyone. As for banning...well, group only, though then you get the ugly ban lines. There are also security orbs you can get that will kick people out of your home wihout having to resort to the ban lines. Just be sure to set your autoreturn to 0 and don't allow object entry from out side the parcel and limit building and scripts to your group and you're safe enough. It's not like anything in SL can really hurt you...it's just pixels.
  23. Also, if you are standing on sculpted or mesh ground rather than Linden land, sometimes the collisions don't register correctly and you sink.
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