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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. chuckles, No, but I've been in SL long enough to remember the escort boards up in clubs. The were getting 2K or more an hour. Freelance could make more. Of course about 80% of them were males. They did have to have top quality appearance though.
  2. well....you could always try the old fashioned way and become an escort...oh...wait...you have to spend money for a top quality skin, clothes, hair and, in these days, you need a mesh body as well....never mind.
  3. Lag is rarely server side and is 95% client side, ie on players' computers. In a graphics-intensive setting, like SL, where 99% of everyithing you see around you, including the textures, is made by the users, your graphics card is constantly having to load in new textures. Why should I have to dial back what I wear, which doesn't lag me out on my side, because others' computers need to be updated. My weight is reasonable but I'm not going to refrain from wearing my mesh body or mesh clothing/hair because someone else is lagging out. Many users are using high graphics, draw distances maxed out and have an insane number avatars rezzed with older graphics cards that can't handle the load. That's not my fault nor is it my responsibility to dress so their computers don't lag. They need to decrease their draw distance to a max of 120 meters as you don't need to see 2 sims over. If you have an older computer, you aren't going to be able to run high or ultra graphics settings without lagging. Decrease it to medium. Change the number of avis you render to 10. You don't need to see everyone in the venue, only the ones nearest you. Increase your texture cache to the max at 9984 or something like that, especially if you go to the same places all the time. Your viewer defaults at 512, which isn't much and causes your computer to have to constantly switch out your textures, another reason why you're lagging.
  4. Lolas are a mesh breast implant to give you larger breasts. They have the older rigged mesh Tangos and the newer fitted mesh Deliq. They require appliers for clothing and skin textures and are the standard for appliers for almost all the mesh breasts in SL. They are Omega compatible out of the box. The Maitreya is a full mesh body that will give you nicer curves all over and you don't have to worry about a line where the mesh meets the SL default avi. Because of the extensive scripting it is no mod. However, it is compatible with the Omega appliers for skin and clothing. There are a large number of designers that make skin and appliers specifically for Maitreya and even more that make the Omega appliers. https://slskinaddiction.wordpress.com/appliers-database/ is a database compiled by the Skin Addiction group and lists who makes the appliers by the mesh and the applier type. Omega is an almost universal applier system you can purchase at the Love N Lust store. If you join the group, the kit to make your part is 1-3L. If you don't it's 99L. Most of the mesh boobs in SL don't require anything to work with the Omega. Maitreya requires a bridge. Basically the applier hud talks to the bridge and the bridge talks to the scripts in the Maitreya body. The huds are no different from the texture change huds you already use for most mesh clothing. Most mesh clothing will fit over the Maitreya body if you have your default avi set for that standard mesh sizes. I have one and have had no problem getting mesh to fit.
  5. Unfortunately, all the translators in SL quit working. It has to do with the translators using Google translate. Whatever was done broke that connection. It's a problem for us in the sim I RP in since we have a multinational community and the loss of those translators has made things difficult, to say the least. It's too bad too. I've seen players that started out using those exclusively learn written English by compairing their native language to the English translation and gotten to where they didn't need the translator anymore. Another sneaky learning tool that no longer worls.
  6. I'd make a fuss even then. As a designer, I abhor lazy practices some designers use. Many of the ones that leave the mesh attached to the default right hand are buying ready made templates, texturing them, then putting them up for sale. There's nothing wrong with that as I do that with some accompaniment pieces with my designs. Part of the point is being professional and following through with those finishing touches. It takes just a few seconds to change the attachment point and those few seconds are the difference between a finished product and one that is made by a person that is doing cookie cutter clothing.
  7. After changing the attachment point...again....I'm going to rant a bit. ANY object that you attach to an avi is attached, by default, to the right hand. You only have 5 things you can attach to any attachment point. That means it fills up in a hurry if you have a designer that doesn't take the time, or doesn't know any better, to change where your mesh attaches. If you're doing a hair, your right click then attach to, and choose a spot. Basic mesh, if it's rigged, it doesn't matter where you attach it, it's still going to go where you want it to. So chose a right shoulder. It's not used very often. Same for a dress or a top. Or use a right or left pec. Skirt, head for a hip or upper arm. It really annoys me when I'm in a hurry and go to add an item and can't cause everything's attached to my right hand. I usually move it, but sometimes get busy. So, I have to stop and attach it elsewhere then I go ahead and move everything else as well. Make your customers happy, manually attach your mesh somewhere rather than letting it go to the default right hand.
  8. At least with those accounts you have a proper name.
  9. You may need to get a redelivery on your body and ditch the old one. SL regularly glitches scripts. When it does, you have to get a new hud. We have it happen with the combat hud where I RP.
  10. You've applied a texture. You can't take it off, per se. You can turn the layer off however. Your other option is https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AC-Empresss-New-Clothes-clear-layers-Updated-for-Belleza-Maitreya-and-Omega/6291748
  11. You can't "remove" it, per se. You can turn it off or apply a new one. The new one will replace the old one. However, there is a free hud you can use on the MP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AC-Empresss-New-Clothes-clear-layers-Updated-for-Belleza-Maitreya-and-Omega/6291748 Good luck
  12. Appliers are used for all mesh body/parts. Among the first were the ones for the Lola Tango mesh breasts. What you want ot look for is that your mesh bod is either Slink or Omega compatible. You can then get the appropriate kit from the Love N Lust store. If you join the group, which is free, it will be between 1 and 3 lindens. If you don't it's 99L. Once you do that, you'll be able to use the appliers for any skin or clothing that has the applier for your body. There are some makers that choose to make each applier for the seperate bodies that have developer kits, like Maitreya and Belleza have. Most make Omega and Slink. On my various store models, I have most of the mesh bodies available at the moment and have no problems with the Omega appliers on them. Slink is seperate, of course.
  13. Why is being a feminist a pejorative term? Do you believe that women should get equal pay for equal work? Do you believe women should be able to enter any profession they wish to? If you answered yes, you're a feminist.
  14. I have reached the conclusion that LL is OCD. He wishes everything to meet his standard of correctness and if it doesn't, then it's wrong. When I was in college for my education degree, we were taught and I still believe, the only stupid question is the one that isn't asked. I also received the same customer service training that the employees at the Disney parks receive. How many times do you think the person standing at Cinderella's castle gets asked where the bathrooms are, even though the signs are clearly marked. It may be the 5000th time the person was asked, but it's the first time for the person asking. It's not about laziness to ask a question here. Some are just not proficient in doing searches and get frustrated. GENERAL Discussion seems the appropriate spot to ask GENERAL questions; especially under the people forum. Nothing says you you have to respond to them. If they offend your sensibilities, ignore them and move on...oh, wait, LL is OCD so he HAS to read and post a snarky reply. He CAN'T let it go.
  15. Boddies by Bobbie...shameless plug, I know. Realistic shapes. Just remember that the skin makes the look. A crap avi can look good with a decent skin. A good avi can look like crap with a bad skin.
  16. The short answer is no...however....here's how it works. System clothes are textures that are applied to your default body. The viewer handles the application of said textures. When you wear a mesh body, it's just like any other mesh addition...like pants, shirts, etc. You have to apply the texture to the mesh body manually. All mesh bodies have at least the clothing and underwear layer. Some have an addition tattoo layer. If you are wanting system style clothing, you need to look for clothing that has appliers. Most of the mesh bodies in SL are compatible with the Omega system with the addition of an inexpensive kit from Omega. Depending on the bod, you'll either add the script so it can "hear" the appliers(Immortals, Yabusaka, Fusion for example), use a bridge (Maitreya) or wear a hud that turns on the scripts (Banned, Belleza). TMP and Slink have their own applier systems. When you look at "system" clothes, you want to look for appliers. Most designers now have at least Omega and Slink appliers. For an idea, you can look at my shop, Sn@tch has some, There's a hunt starting on Weds that will have a lot of applier friendly clothing as well..the HYIS hunt.
  17. Clothes and more skins are coming. Niramyth is Omega compatible so give the designers a little bit of time to get the huds done...grins. The Omega compatibility is a HUGE plus.
  18. Drake, I'm right there with you. I've never heard anything other than someone playing at being a child talk like that. Children speak just like anyone else. They may not always get the grammar right, but they are learning. The mispronounciations are usually due to muscles not being developed. In RL, I've always privately gotten after parents that use baby talk to their children.
  19. I don't know if the other viewers have it, but if you absolutely have to connect to Facebook because you're going through withdrawals or something, Firestorm has a button you can have in your toolbar to press and go to Facebook. It's there by default when you first open the browser and is the first button I remove from the bar followed by the one that give you access to the starter avis,,,and what's up with that. They're ugly.
  20. see if the creator has a help group and ask in there or the creator themselves. You might also check in the Love N Lust group since it's Omega compatible.
  21. Still a graphics card issue. Check your LOD and tweak it up to 4 if it isn't already.
  22. I prefer the way friends are managed. My SL is my SL, my RL is my RL. I keep them separate. Facebook lets casual acquainances, actually, too far into my RL. Too many offer "friendship" after a brief casual conversation. Those I want in my RL, and there are very few of those, I contact them when we're ready. Who my friends are in SL is no one elses business but my own. What is it with people wanting to know every detail of other's lives? Twitter every move you make, post pictures on Facebook, etc. SL isn't Facebook. It's a place where I can go to be whoever and whatever I want to be with no judgement of me in my RL. I do things and explore things in SL that I couldn't in RL and some of my RL family would not understand. I'm a private person and keep the 2 worlds separate. I want to keep my SL it that way, thank you very much.
  23. Also, don't be afraid to look at static model stands. I use a lot of those in my AO. I'm well over fidgety AO's. The ones I do have that move are minimal movements.
  24. Getting a redelivery on your body is probably a good idea. Sometimes SL borks the scripts.
  25. That would be a cropped tube top or corset, depending on what they maker calls it. Look for those.
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