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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. For the personal hud with Slink. First wear it. You'll see all the things you can use., You should have a tattoo layer with the names you can call it.... http://gyazo.com/a33e13243fde46505c29c5705f277799 You can see the center section has Tattos. Best to make a copy of the full perm texture. You'll then rename it, depending on where it goes, just like it's there on the hud....so TORSO if it's for your upper body, LEGS if it's your waist down. THen hold the the ctrl button down and drag them into the box at the top. As you can see in mine, that one has a shirt and pants loaded. You just hit that button then...be sure you copied that hud first. You can't rename it so you'll need to put it in a folder named for the tat.
  2. Though in the original sense, age play doesn't mean sex play...however words within certain context can mean something different. Within the SL context, age play has evolved to mean sex play between child and adult avis. It is what it is, regardless of how you would like them to be.
  3. For mesh, you'll have to try demos. I did notice that Lavian has a dress made for the Belleza avi in their Thursday special section. As for the cutting, first try wearing a size larger than what you wear with your default avi. If that doesn't work, see if you can find applier slacks that use the Omega or the Maitreya appliers that are close to the same color and wear those underneath as a glitch layer.
  4. SL, by definition, is cosplay...your world, you imagination. If I decide I want to play a furry dragon that's pink with purple polka dots or I want to play a 10 year old, as long as I'm not engaging in adult activities on the 10 year old, such as sex, BDSM, CARP, etc...I'm not violating the SL TOS.
  5. Appliers are different than mesh. They apply the texture to the clothing layer on the body. For that look for Belleza appliers or, and this is much easier, look for Omega appliers. You'll need to go to the Omega store and get the installer....99L if you aren't in the group, 2L if you are. You wear it, click it and you're done. Turns on the script already in the body.
  6. For Belleza, the Omega is an installer....in other words, Tricky put the Omega listener scripts in the body but they aren't active. You wear the Omega installer and click it. It turns on the Omega scripts. When Belleza first came out, it used the relay system like Maitreya uses. You had to wear the relay all the time. The last update, Tricky decided that was clunky and put the script into the body so now all you have to do is wear the installer and click it. The Banned body works the same way. One click, and you're done. Be sure, if you wear the body with and without the hands and feet that you do it with both bodies.
  7. That's it exactly.. A couch or a chair are just that if the menus are turned off. A St Andtrew's cross only has one use.
  8. The way I understand it is this, a child avi cannot be around or involved in sex representations. Since the furniture is locked down to owner only, it's not sex furniture. As long as no adult activities are going on, no problem. In the store, as long as the child avi wasn't using the bed as in checking out the animations and no one else was in the store, you're safe. Ageplay specifically is sex or the depiction of sex between and an adult and a child avi. Just like in RL, if you and your partner were going at it and you child walked in, you'd stop...Same in SL. People are reading too much into the TOS, in my opinion. Nothing wrong with the child avi as the host in a family venue. My opinion of course, but it boils down to common sense.,
  9. A lot will depend on if they use the same template or make their own. You might check out Lapointe and Baschild. They do their own mesh and they have extended sizing beyond tthe standard 5 to accomodate the curvier mesh bodies.
  10. To answer the question of why people want to be themselves, not everyone is into RPing. They are themselves in SL and want to look as much like themselves as they can. As for LlazarusLlong...he/she's a bit of a troll and a half-empty kind of person. Too bad they didn't absorb the philosophy of the person they twisted the name from.
  11. All I can say is practice. Really. If you are trying to make your textures yourself as well, I'd suggest some of the classes offered at Builders Brewery. Otherwise, you're going to have to invest in quality textures inworld as well as decent PSD templates. There are a large number of texture makers inworld that offer them for a decent price. The Texture Tomb sim is a good place to start. For templates, do a search and find what appeals to you.
  12. WoW has several lines that include freckles. She has both the Omega and the Maitreya appliers as well.
  13. As a designer, Slink actually has the easiest system to make clothing for...at least for making the hud. But, at least for now, it remains a closed system.
  14. First off, what video card are you using. The AMD has a problem with viewing mesh with the latest driver update. Also, what viewer are you using? Need that info to help.
  15. You can wear regular mesh clothing with it. You will need to use your hud for the alpha layers under them since the alphas you are used to wearing with your default avi won't work with the Maitreya. You can also purchase the Omega relay and then any clothing that has Omega appliers will work. You can get it on the MP for 99L or head to the store, join the free group (which I recommend since you can get answers for your Omega problems quickly) and get it for 3L. You'll wear the relay then wear the applier hud and hit the button. Do be sure you have the layer you want it on turned on as the latest update to Maitreya now asks what layer you want the item applied to. For some items that have alphas in them, like stockings, you'll need to turn on the alpha mask so they don't disappear. It's a button underneath where you turn on the tat/underclothes/clothes layers. The Omega will open up a larger number of shops, including mine of course, that have the Omega appliers. Many skin stores have Omega as well so you don't have to wait for them to make Maitreya specific appliers.
  16. Omega is the nearest thing SL has for a universal system for applying clothing to mesh body parts. As of right now, it is supported by almost all the current mesh bodies out, with the exception of Slink and The Mesh Project. This is a godsend for designers since now, they only have to make 3 appliers, Slink, TMP and Omega. Look up Omega inworld or Love-N-Lust. That will take you to the inworld store. On the second floor, you'll see a room with all the mesh supported as well as the kits you need. The kits are 99L if you aren't in the group adn 1-3L if you are. Joining the group is well worth it since the owner is there as well as knowledgable designers that can help you. Some parts, like any breast implant that uses tango appliers, work with Omega with nothing else needed. Some of the parts need you to rez them out and add a script to them so they can "hear" then Omega appliers. Some have the scripts in them, such as Banned and Belleza, that need a actibator that turns on the scripts. Maitreya uses a relay you wear. The Omega appliers talk to the relay, the relay talks to the body. Think about it this way. Your defaul body is mesh...take a look at it on wireframe and you'll see. SL takes care of automatically applying the texture when you wear system clothes and will now let you wear up to 5 items on each layer, (Tat, underwear, shirt, jacket, underpants, pants, skirt). The current mesh is worn over the default body so you have to manually apply the textures with scripts. Mesh is limited in that you have to go old school, 1 item per layer and no jacket or skirt layer and many don't have the tat layer. Same applies for your skin....on the default you wear it, on the mesh you have to apply it. Hope that helps.
  17. Exactly. Clearing your viewer cache will clear out all the textures in there....everything you've seen around you. It will have to be downloaded again. I would recommend maxing that number out in your preferences, btw...It goes up to 9K+. The problem most people have with textures not rezzing is they have their cache number set way too low so that it fills up rather quickly in SL. Then it has to start swapping out textures. Maxing that number helps with that problem.
  18. Unless you are taking pictures, you really only need to see what's within 120 meters or so. Further than that, you are forcing your graphics card to work harder than it needs to and the SL servers have to work harder to send you that info. In a club, I'll decrease it to 80 even. That increased draw distance will slow down your computer. At 120 I generally get 60+ FPS. I increase it to the max and my FPS will drop below 10 because of the work to render the distance stuff. It even worse now than it was with the Project Interesting forcing the closer stuff to render first. Even in RL, you don't need to see 1 mile down the road for everyday. The distance is grand when your looking at a photo op, like a skyline or scenery but when you movng down the highway...the immediate vicinity is what you concentrate on. Just a few things to keep in mind.
  19. WoW skins has a decent ethnic line. As stated, the main problem is dark skins are much more difficutle to do and get the lighting right on them. I have a drow alt, black skin, that finding a skin for her is a problem too. The problem is balancing the highlighting on them so it looks right. You might try Damn&Sweet as well.
  20. I'm sure the guest station is on the same channel as the hands and feet. I can already change clothes on my mesh avi from huds I've made for that body without having to actually "wear" the hud because they are communicating on the same channel. The problem is that with hands and feet, you are dealing with tones. With system clothing on the mesh avis, with a system like Omega, they have listeners in the body already or can be added or, in the case of the first release of Belleza and the current release of Maitreya, the maker has given the channel to the scripter that makes Omega and she nad made relays. For a 3rd person to change the clothes, they would need the hud for that particular outfit to change clothes, or a basic hud to turn off the clothing layers if they are wanting the person nude. That would require clothing makers to make a transfer version of the huds for clothing, the addition of another listener for the mod bodies, or the maker of the body, in the case of no mod bodies, to be willing to either add the script to their body so it could hear the hud or one that is willing to turn over the channel their body is on.
  21. All you can do is look around ant the makers that do Omega appliers and find one that's as close as possible. There are quite a few skin makers out there. Try Izzies, WoW, 7 Deadly Skins and go from there.
  22. Basics.....Our defaul avi is mesh...in fact everything you see in SL is mesh. Switch to wireframe and you can see it...Now... SL has automated applying the system clothes for us. However, with the new mesh bodies, that has to be done manually with scripts. Mesh bodies are in their infancy. I never played with the mesh implants or bootys, which have been around longer, but I believe the same restriction applies. The layer the clothing is applied to has to be turned on and off. Once a clothing layer is applied you either turn it off or replace it with another item. In that, it's like skin on your SL default avi. You can't take it off, you have to replace it. For Slink and TMP, at least, I don't see an ancillary hud where a partner can control it happening unless it's developed by the makers. The others, I don't really know if it's possible. To do it, you would have to know the channel the body part communicates on or insert a script, much like the Omega system works for clothing and skin layers. Perhaps some enterprising script can come up with one but it would still require the wearer of said parts to add the scripts to their bodies themselves or, in the cases of ones like Banned and Belleza, the makers adding then and then the owner activating them or the use of a bridge, like Maitreya bodies require.
  23. Viewers that do not have advanced lighting enabled can only render 6 lights at a time and projectors will be rendered as omnidirectional light sources. (OpenGL limitations allow for 8 light sources, SL appears to reserve one each for the Sun and Moon.)Viewers that do have advanced lighting enabled can render as many lights as their graphics card allows; it is not hard-limited by the viewer. Lights with a high intensity have a wash-out effect when overlapping. Keep this in mind when using multiple lights. Never create an abundance of lights to get around the 6 light maximum in basic lighting, as viewers with advanced lighting will be washed out and may suffer from client lag. From the SL Wiki.
  24. If you're interested in scripting, Builder's Brewery and Happy Hippo both have good basic scripting classes that will teach you the basics. They also have building classes, BB has a 5 part one that's well worth taking for intro to your building tools. Those should get you started. There are also scripters groups in SL. Enjoy.
  25. If you purchase a mesh body, like from Tellaq, TMP, etc...you have to use appliers to apply the system clothes. That option isn't available for the mesh bodies you start out with when you first rez. Like the previous poster said, you need to take that off and use one of the classic avis.
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