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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Help-Improve-Second-Life-with-This-Inventory-Loss-Survey/ba-p/2896219 I know it's a necropost but thought those that posted would like the info.
  2. It would depend on what the problem with the group is. It's certainly possible. Find the appropriate AR reason that fits. For a person's name you can use the group creator.
  3. The face slider for tor the mesh heads don't work...one of the big complaints with them. You're stuck with how they are. The body slides with the fit mesh bodies do work however.
  4. you can mod several of them including Fusion, Lena, Immortals and Yabusaka.
  5. Actually, in the long run, when you add in what comes with them, the Belleza and Maitreya are actually less expensive if you use Glam or Belleza skins. Belleza comes with 14 hand positions you can change with a click. You have to buy those separately from Slink. I did the math and, discounting the appliers, Slink is about 5500 for the body, all the hands and the 3 feet heights. Belleza has the 3 heights as well. Maitreya comes out about the same since you have to buy the Slink hands and feet unless you use Glam Skin. Then it is much cheaper. I have them all on various models and actually prefer the Maitreaya. Seems to have the best alphas. My only quibble with their alphas is that when you click, it does the front and back rather than those separately so if you have boots that have a tie up the back, you've got a problem. That's my only quibble with it though. Maitreya and Slink both come with an alpha mask to help with those layers that have alphas in the clothing template so they don't disapper on you.
  6. Had a friend that got one of those Nigerian scam letters and decided to play with them. He wrote back and said oh...what perfect timing. I was just turned down for funding for a reasearch project I want to do here ad Miskatonc University where I'm a professor. The funds would be so helpful n exploring some of the information in the Necronomicon we have here at the library. They wrote back and went on with their speil about sending them money, etc. He wrote back, I'll have the money for you next week...I had a little problem when I tried reading one of the passages but I should be out of the hospital in a couple of days. He went back and forth with them for about 2 weeks. Then he contacted them with another name and stated my friend you were in contact with seems to have disappeared but I would love to see about collecting the funds. They would be most useful in hiring detectives to help find him as his office shows evidence of extreme violence. They responded with I don't know what you're talking about,, must have the wrong address, etc. We howled over the fact they didn't get the Lovecraft references.
  7. You can probably forget about Belleza. They already said they are not going to do skin appliers for their skins for other bodies, which I suspect they may change their minds on and at least do Omega, in favor of working on their own skins. WIth the success of their female body, I can only hope they'll be doing a male body along the same lines...that would be awesome.
  8. Only the very old Slink that still have notecards. The newer ones don't have the notecards and as such can't be converted. So basically, anything in the last 18 months or so, meaning the mesh feet/hands/physique appliers CAN"T BE CONVERTED. Please quit putting that false info out there. ONLY the older Slink that have notecards.
  9. I've noticed the same thing the last couple of days. Same with attached textures. Have to go into the group it came from and pull up the message from past notices...then the notecard will save and open. I thought it was just me.
  10. Call them. They can ask you over the phone what the security question is then the spelling won't matter. I had that happen with an old account I wanted to recover. It was easy and painless.
  11. Fusion actually does work with Omega. I helped the Omega scripter with the 2 bodies I have on an alt from them to be sure that they worked. I'm using Omega appliers without any problems. Right now, of the major bodies and mesh in SL, the only ones that don't support Omega are TMP and Slink. Both have closed systems. The TMP is the more "dangerous" of the two since it uses the Style Hud. Designers upload the UUID's into the TMP server and when you use an installer, you install the links to those textures. So, since they are not stored within the SL system, when the TMP servers are down, the Style Hud doesn't work. This also means that if The Shops decides to close and turn off their servers, the TMP owners are stuck. At least with Slink, the info is within the SL servers and designers can continue to make clothing and skins for it. Same way they are for Wowmeh and Phat Azz that are no longer sold and the makers have left SL. They are still usable. TMP won't be. Also, the Omega appliers don't work on the Belleza hands and feet since the maker decided to use their own texture maps rather than the SL ones. Omega appliers depend on the target parts using the SL texture map. TMP and Slink, might, in the future, support Omega, but I wouldn't hold my breath. If they did, it would probably be a bridge like Maitreya uses.
  12. Just an FYI, you can't actually own homestead sims. They can only be created in conjunction with a regular full sim and are actually owned by that sim owner. That's who you pay your rent/tier to, correct? Not LL. Just in the itnerests of full disclosure.
  13. I'd love to see that video. People don't get that with different designers you get different rigging and different polygon count on the mesh. You put them together and they aren't going to match exactly. It's like red or black...what shade red, what shade black. Designer A may use 0.0.0 for their black but ad in a highlight. B may stay with the same 0,0,0 and add nothing. Both are RGB 0,0,0 but they aren't going to match.
  14. The answer is no. One store per avatar. Your option is to create an alt with a name similar to yours and have the second store with that one. For instance I have Bobbie Faulds with a store Quorth th Ravenn. I also have Bobbiephaulds with Boddies by Bobbie. It does work out though since the second avi will allow you to have the additional groups designers and creators need, especially for hunts.
  15. Catwa also have hair as does Analog Dog. You'll have to look. One thing to remember, though, the hair makers can allow for the larger size, however, that will only go to a certain point. So, if you've chosen to be really inflated, you may want to look at short styles or styles that don't come over the shoulder and down the front....Most hair makers have demos you can try so you'll know if the hair will work with your implants.
  16. No way to force it. The best you can do is have a landing point with a big sign with suggestions for your enjoyment, similar to what BrynOh does for her windlight settings for her interactive artwork. You could probably get an AO of sorts that would have the animations fo players to move along in low/zero G that you could offer for free at the landing point as well....just a thought
  17. I have a store in SL so I spend time inworld and out working on items. I also like to RP and I'm an admin on the RP estate where I play. I can't physically spend more than 8 hours or so sitting at the computer because of the permanent damage sustained in an accident almost 3 years ago. When I can't sit at the computer any longer, I'll stretch out on my bed and will usually stream video or watch movies while i knit...yes...knit. I've made scarves, cowls, finderless gloves, tops, hats, afghans, completely outfited my kitchen with dishcloths, etc. I'll also read. Around my household, a Kindle is not a luxury item. Books are nice but you save a lot of paper with Kindles. Also, because of my injury, I'm unable to hod the weight of even a paperback anymore. So, lots of activitie outside of SL. I'll occasionally go out to a movie, though not often since I'm on a fixed income. My caretaker has to drive since I can't anymore. I'll also go to the store for groceries but I'm always exhausted when i get home, another thing you have to consider. Just to look at me, you wouldn't thing there was anything wrong; true of many disabled. However, my stamina is not what it used to be before the accident. Going out involves getting into the car. Sounds easy enough, but try putting on and taking off a seatbelt when one arm doesn't work quite right. You'll see me walking around the store, but you don't see that the whole outside of my left leg is numb and my back is throbbing. So please, don't make assumptions about disabled based on a few parts of their mobility that aren't impaired.
  18. LL doesn't remove you from groups that I know, especially one that you are the owner of. That's usually done voluntarily. Since he's left all the groups he was in, looks like he chose to leave SL or, as you are thinking, someone left the groups for him by signing on to his account. If you can't afford to take over, best bet would be to take up your stuff and find someplace else before LL evicts the group and reclaims the land.
  19. Be careful of stereotypes. Many in SL are disabled and have limited transportation. SL becomes their window to the world, if you will. I fall into this category. I've interacted with people from around the world. Just saying
  20. I believe that the statistic is about 10% of all of SL is even aware of mesh bodies, and that includes the ones that use mesh avis like furries/lycans/etc. A lot depends on where you shop and hand out. As for the heads, the percentage of those using them is even lower since most don't want to give up their individual faces. The appliers you see around are a response to customer requests. The more popular skin makers, for instance, are more likely to have the appliers because their customer base wants them. The Slink hands and feet are probably the most common female mesh attachment with the shoe designers responding to that market. There have been prim/sculpted/mesh feet included with shoes before this but Slink took it to the next level by providing a standart foot in 3 heights that the designers could use rather than have to make their own. It also helped standaradization for the skin makers.
  21. Think of it as going to different countries with different things available.
  22. The textures are huge as far as draw weight on stuff. If you have a solid color, why do you need a 1024 size texture with you could get by with a 1 x 1? Why do jewelry makers use a 1024 on a tiny gold band and stone that takes time to render that, unless you get right on top of it with your camera, you won't be able to see the difference between that and a 512 or even a 64. Higher resolution doesn't mean better. It usually just means more work for the graphics. I know on the clothes I make, all textures are a 512 max. I tossed out the 1024's a long time ago. Unless you are dealing with something with a lot of fine writing on it, you don't need anything higher than a 512.
  23. We don't know yet...As far as I know it's still in Alpha stages. No real details have been released about it.
  24. Part of it is that people think that temp rezzers will let them get more stuff on their land. What actually happens, in many cases, is it "borrows" the prims from the total number of prims allowed in a sim on top of the lag it causes with the rez/derez scripted cycle.
  25. If you have 2 XX's together, that can do it, like mesh size XXS, for instance. One is just finding a way to get your name and product out there. It take time. I also find that all these grid-wide hunts have given a segment of the SL population a false sense of entitlement and idea of what things are worth. They've gotten to where they expect things to be nearly free. A typical outfit can take me 8-10 hours from start to finish,. I don't sell single outfits but applier-friendly clothing with the 2 major systems as well as the system clothes with a minumum of 6-8 color/textures in each set. Have messages come in complaining that 250L is too much...Really? 1USD is too much for 6-8 shirts or pants and $1.50 USD is too much for an outfit with a top, pants, often texture change cuffs to match with 6-8 colors/patterns....sighs.
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