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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. WoW has the appliers. I believe Deetalz (Spelling is off) as well as Izzies do as well.
  2. Which mesh head and what skin tone? I know WoW has them for her current skin line. I believe Deetalz(spelling is probably off) does as does Izzies, depending which mesh head.
  3. I still find it interesting that someone actually has the balls to ask someone else to buy them an avatar. It's something that's wanted, not needed, for SL. If he's wanting to go nonhuman, he needs to look at the library. Where I RP, we've had plenty of players that started with the Library werewolf avi until they could afford the one they want. I just get tired of people like this that think that others in SL should support their wants. It's akin to the beggars that come in to groups please can I "borrow" 1750L to pay my tier? I'm an honest person and I'll pay you back tomorrow. (Any landlord I've dealt with will give you 24 hour's grace. They understand temp money flow problems. You just have to ask.)
  4. And hunts. Don't forget hunts. Look at SLHunts website and you can see them listed there with all sorts of themes.
  5. Linden Realms is a good option. Won't take you long to get the L you need and you'll pass some time and get more familiar with your movement keys as an added bonus. I know I use it when I'm a bit short for something I want and don't want to wait until I get money again.
  6. Of course, one of the main problems is IP addresses are dynamic. The address I have today may be assigned to the people 3 miles away tomorrow. To test your IP theory, make a new alt and try going to that sim. If you can get in, then it's unlikely it's an IP ban but rather they found our your avi names and banned them. That being said, a sim owner or parcel owner can ban you for any or no reason. If they are butthurt because they weren't invited to participate in an event, that's on them.
  7. This may be true, but it still doesn't negate the problem with inventory size. Right now, as a merchant, I can load into my vendor boxes, load up to the MP then box it up in my inventory and just have the one box for various clothing parts so one box with pants outfits rather than all the seperate boxes. Creator inventory explosion, here we come. Now, if there was a way that the MP could be hooked up to the vendor system, that would make be very happy since everything would be listed there. But that would be dreaming, of course.
  8. Well, this defeats the idea of getting your inventory numbers down to cut down on teleport failures and lag and the time to load your inventory if you're going to have to keep the folders in your inventory now...sighs... There's an old saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. It doesn't say, If it ain't broke, let's play with it until it is broken.
  9. Well, the admins where I am have better things to do. I create clothes, the GM does weapons, for instance. All of us hate wading through the logs, especially if there's been fighting, when we have a call on a rule break. Wasting my valuable time reading open chat logs....ummmmmm,....only if you pay me a good sum....daily. I have RL too. Ya know... stuff like cooking, cleaning, and my crafing...yes, I'm an avid knitter. Working on this beautifly lace scarf right now, that I'm sure you don't want to hear about....
  10. As an admin in an RP estate, why would we want to document all the local chat? Waste of time. We do have rules that state we can get logs of local chats to investigate claims of rule breaks as part of that investigation and the players agree with it by virtue of using the meter we have. Most admins don't care about everyday chat. Only the Lindens can see all of it without needed a spy device. and said spy devices are against the LL TOS. I would say that anyone spreading a story about hearing all local chat is probably a troll and trying to cause trouble on the RP sim. If that was going around on the sim I'm on as an admin, I'd want to know who is spreading such stories so we can either correct their misconception or find out their motive for spreading these stories. Many times it's somone on an alt that was banned from the sim for rule breaks that is trying to cause trouble, at least that's been my experience.
  11. Check out Ruby Skins at https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/52352 she has older to Santa Claus old skins that are very well done.
  12. My main complaint with the Lena is the alpha layers. They are pretty basic. The Slink, Maitreaya, Banned and Belleza have much better alphas that are more easily customizable to fit the mesh clothing. If you aren't going to wear mesh clothes, your good to go.
  13. For some of my applier clothing, you're going to need all the layers because the current bodies don't allow multiple items on the same layer like the default bod does. So, for my newest outfit, you have a shrug, that goes on the clothing/shirt layer. The corset has to go on the undershirt/bra layer. The corset is longer so is requires to have the bottom part on the pants layer, since the bods don't have a jacket layer. This pushes the pants to the underwear layer. The weight on the outfit is light, but to wear the outfit as designed, you need upper and lower clothing and underwear layer. You could wear the pants on the tat layer, but the Banned body, for instance, doesn't have a tat layer. The bodies are mostly no mod because you get new residents that charge in, start changing thing, then, when they make a mess, blame the maker and go running to them or complain and fail to mention that they made the mess. So, to eliminate the problem, most have them no mod. You might make the suggestion to some of the no mod makers to offer the option of their bods with just the skin layer on it, much like the basic TMP body is. You can change the skin and that's it. No appliers will work for it other than those. Try sending a notecard with the suggestion to the body maker of your choice. It might be something they hadn't though about.
  14. For skin appliers, it isn't always the same exact texture. The texture has to be modified to accomodate the higher poly count on the mesh body as compared to the default body. That's part of why you see a difference. And meshes vary from maker to maker, again why you'll see a difference between your default body, the mesh and hands/feet if you use Maitreya or Belleza with Slink hands and feet. Hands and feet are another whole problem. The SL default foot is basically a flipper with lines on it. Slink/Maitreya/Belleza added the roundness so they look like real feet. Of course, doing that means that the skin makers have to redraw the feet to fit. Slink and Maitreya do use the basic SL map so not a huge problem. Belleza chose to make their own, so a completely new map for their hands and feet which means the skin makers have to adjust the skin maps. Maitreya also changed their hand map a bit so the Omega doesn't look right because the nail placement is different. It takes time to redo the skin maps. I know one skin maker said it took her over 10 hour to redo one skin tone for the hands and feet for Belleza. That has to be done for every skin tone made. I do agree that some of those should be bundled together. Why do I have to pay an exhorbitant amount for each color or variation on the same color? Many skin makers are going to having one hud for all the skin lines, especially since Belleza includes the appliers for their skin tones with the body and Maitreya includes the appliers for the Glam Affair skin lines. I'd much rather pay slightly more and get all the skin tones than be nickel and dimed to death for the applier in X without freckels then have to pay again for the same tone with freckels.
  15. 2 possibilities spring to mind. First, did you try relogging? Sometimes SL is just being stubborn. The other is how many attachments do you have on? There is a limit. I'm more inclined towards the first though since you couldn't wear. Even if the spots are all full, you can usually wear and it will knock off something else.
  16. I actually prefer the beta grid, but then I'm working with clothing and testing appliers for mesh bodies. Temporary texture doesn't always work for all applications. Personal preference, of course.
  17. Not everyone has good searching skills. To use the answer section, you have to know what question to ask. I've used it and asked what i thought was a straightforward question and nothing. I've had to rephrase several times to get an answer out of it. So, the player comes to the forum to ask a question of those that are more experienced. Instead of help, some have chosen to be boorish and snarky. SL is like a huge store. Many times I've gone in looking for something and it's not where I expect it to be but someplace where I'd least expect it. For instance, where are the marshmallows in your store? Some have them with candy, some have them with the hot chocolate mixes, some have them with the baking stuff. Where are the jars of Better than Boullion (I much prefer this to boullion cubes for sauces)? Some have it with the gravy mixes, some have it with the instant soups, some have it with the canned soups. You've looked where you expect it to be, can't find it soooo, you ask an employee at the store. They show you or tell you, they don't point you to the store directory and tell you to find it that way. So, get over yourself.
  18. In Firestorm, on your opening/splash page Next to the start at you should have a line that says log into grid and then a pulldown menu with a list of grids. Second Life Beta is listed there.
  19. Most stuff you purchase is in a box you have to open. First, you need to be someplace you can build, like a sandbox. Then you click on the object and drag it to the ground in front of you . You'll then click on it and open to create a folder in your inventory with your object/item in it. Be sure to pick up or delete the box it came in before you leave. There should then be notecards you can click on that will have further instructions on how to use your items.
  20. In the time it took to post that you could have answered. And yes there is a beta grid. On most viewers there is a pull down to for your grid. It's on the splash/starting page for your viewer. You just choose the beta there. You will need to search for a sandbox to build in though. Where you drop in isn't a sand box, at least it hasn't been in my experience.
  21. Back in the day, they could. There weren't all the free sex rooms there are now and not as many that give it away for free. As for the ones that laugh in your face, you can tell them there's a big difference between poseball humping and getting off and a true escort that does a full RP for the scene. You're paying for the RP basically. A good escort can still make decent money, but has to work at it more. Think of it as writing a scene in a romance novel versus just watching 2 people going at it in an amateur porn video.
  22. Belleza is Omega compatible for the body. You'll need to use the one without hands and feet and use Slink hands and feet if you go that route though because the Belleza hands and feet don't use the SL UV maps. There are also a lot of skin makers that make the Belleza appliers, though again, many don't come with the maps for the hands and feet for the same reason. It would require a total redo of the textures for the Belleza hands and feet. As for the Lena, I like the look of the body. However, the alpha cuts are among the worst. Most of the other bodies have numerous slender cuts to work with just about any mesh clothing on the grid. Last I looked, the Lena has very large chunks rather than thin cuts. That's a big minus.
  23. What body and what skin are you using? That can make a difference. Not all skins are created equal.
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