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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. As far as I know, Barbie World no longer exists, at least not as that name. If you can remember the owner/creator, you might be able to find out if it was rebranded.
  2. To the smart asses, SL search tool doesn't always show up everything. I know for a fact that one store I was looking for didn't show up in search and yes, I had the right name. I ended up having to locate the owner and get the link to the store from her picks. Yes, I let her know it wasn't showing up. This is an established store so no reason it shouldn't be. Have the same problem with my own store, by the way, and I pay to have it shown in search. So, be sure you know what you're talking about before you get snarky, especially when dealing with LL broken inworld search.
  3. Try unblocking and the reblocking them. Sometimes the SL database messes up.
  4. do you have the tat layer turned on..though with the new body, the one you choose is the one that gets turned on.
  5. If it's a hud, you usually wear it, not rez it out.
  6. He was probably PHISHED not HACKED...there is a difference. He probably clicked on one of those links that regularly get dropped in group chats to the MP that are fake. He entered his name and password and bam...they have access to his account. Guarantee they then used it to spam the groups he's in with the same link. That's phishing and I've noticed that those that have been phished are usually non-English speakers. Couple of things to do to avoid this...If the link doesn't start with httpS (for Secure), don't click it. If you do and the first thing it asks you to do is log in... As for the abuse reports...include a photo of what's happening so the can see it. If you do a support ticket, use gyazo, a free program, and add the link to the screen shot. Those will get response much faster. If you know the location of the objects, put that in the report to save those that remove them time so they can go right to them.
  7. You can find SL made art and exhibits. BrynOh regularly has an interactive art project on her sim. In the past there were replicas of several famous FLW homes, including Falling Waters. Another enterprising resident created a sim size 3D walk through of Van Gogh's Starry Night. The only limit in SL is your imagination. The changes in SL since I started are amazing and just keep coming. I'm looking forward to what someone does next. The SL birthday celebration is coming up shortly. You might want to wander through there to get a true idea of SL and not just bits and pieces.
  8. you are going to have to upload the texture for each color like you would if you were making system clothes to get the UUID for the color you want. With both the Maitreya and the Omega, each button is a separate applier with the UUID that you are mounting on a background so the owner can wear the multiple hud rather than separate huds for each color. There is no way around it. Even the Slink, you have to name each button then have the matching name, layer and UUID...ie red,SHIRT,UUID. http://gyazo.com/7893bf629bab8944b7ca2c339b80fb6b is an example of my Omega hud for for one of my tops. The extra square behind the button is the texture the top is. Basically, you have a background piece that's a holder for the individual applier huds for each texture you want to use. It's the only way to do it with the scripts the way they are. Technically, what you are doing is system clothes for the mesh body. The SL viewer takes care of the application for you on the default body when you wear an item. You have to do it manually for the mesh bodies, so one item per applier. The mesh body only allows one texture per layer, just like the SL bodies did back when I first joined.
  9. Check out Ruby Skins. She has what you're looking for. The avi you can probably do yourself. The rest of what you are talking about is achieved with a skin, not the shape. The shape is like your bones and muscles under the skin. The skin gives the definition.
  10. We don't know yet. The name assigned to the project is all we really know....shrugs
  11. places come and go. I love BrynOh's exhibits but the aren't up for forever. One of the lovely things about Sl, it's always changing. One thing though, I REALLY don't see SL closing any time soon. My housemate scripts for one of the beta testers and it seems they are going more the Hi Fidelity model where you'll be hosting you own domain rather than purchasing/renting land from LL. Hence why our inventories won't be transferring since it's unlikely they will be sharing a common inventory server, at least at first. They are just barely in beta so we might see it open to even look at in 18 months, maybe, and more like 3 years before it opens. When it does, there won't be much there. I know I might look around, but as long as SL remains profitable, it's not going anywhere. It really gets old with people carrying on like SL will be closing up the minute the new platform opens...not going to happen.
  12. There are some mesh clothing templates I'd get that can't afford. They are limited so they aren't ones you'll see everyone on the grid with.
  13. I understand that and do that. The point is, the CREATOR/DESIGNER should be doing it. That's all
  14. I didn't mean funny, haha....funny/interesting
  15. You can only terraform deeply if you aren't on mainland. Mainland you can only terraform +/- 4 meters from the default height of the land. That being said, you can also have stairs that take you up to your main level and have your "basement" as the foundation of the house. I've had several houses that have used that option. In fact, I've taken off the upper part of the house and kept the bottom layer because it had nice fountains I wanted to keep for the landscaping aspect.
  16. Best I can tell you is to check out YouTube. Lots of different tutorials there. Just fair warning. Skin is probably the hardest thing to do. Good skins will have a minimum of 25 layers or so and some, so I've been told, can have in excess of 100, all depending on the detail. I do know you don't want to try putting everything on the same layer. It will look flat. The skins that have more depth to the appearance are the ones that have the multiple layers.
  17. The Style Hud is the biggest negative. Designers HAVE to upload their UUIDs into the TMP servers that are outside of SL. The Style hud is basically a link between SL and that server. It loads in what you want to wear and that's all you have available. The server goes down, as happens on a semi regular basis, and you're stuck with whatever skin and applied clothing you have on. There are a LOT of designers that don't want to put their UUIDs into the hands of a third party, including me. Also, it violated the EULA of some of my textures and templates to upload them into a third party system. Lastly, not only is the Style hud overly scripted and clunky, you have one other problem. Since all your installers are basically installing a link to the stored textures on an outside server, what are you going to do if TMP decides to roll up their tents and shut down their servers? You'll be stuck with an expensive item you can't do much with. There are rumor that Slink and Belleza have a male body in the pipeline. Let's hope they are released soon. At least those, you'll have everything inworld.
  18. We all, from time to time, get so caught up with the more complex solutions, we forget the simple ones to try first. Just because the questions isn't new to YOU, doesn't mean it isn't to someone else. So...take your moaning and groaning to someone who cares. I'd rather help people that are learning. SL has a steep learning curve, even in how to ask questions and get the answer you need from the knowledge base.
  19. Funny thing is they don't know the differnce between hacking (VERY rare) and phishing where they clicked one of those spam fake links and give their name and password away.
  20. It's probably in your objects folder. If you have a lot there, go to your recent folder and change the filter to 24 hours..Then you'll only see the objects you've acquired recently. If it's not there, most places have a redelivery terminal. Head there. If they don't, go to your dashboard, copy the transaction and put it in a notecard and POLITELY tell the creator that it look like SL ate the delivery. could you get a redelivery. Then sign it with Thanks, then your name. I've never failed to get a replacement when I ask politely. because we all know SL gets hungry from time to time....smiles
  21. Omega is a "universal" system for applying textures to the majority of the mesh avi, provided the maker agrees and they use the standard SLUV map. It's a godsent to designers since, for the most part, they can make just the Slink and Omega appliers and TMP if they want to, and not have to make separate appliers for all the various bodies. Just a note though. Some skins won't look quite right on the Maitreya hands. The nails will be off because she didn't use the SLUV map. Also, Belleza hands and feet won't work with Omega for the same reason. http://lovenlustdesigns.blogspot.com/p/supported-meshes.html is a list of mesh products that Omega works with.
  22. To be fair to the teachers, if you are in the US, blame Common Core, not the teachers. The idiocy that is Common Core has removed the ability of teachers to actually teach. Instead, they have to teach how to take a test and the answers that are usually found on the test so we are graduating a generation that is great at taking tests but have very little real education. Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine. The government sponsors a program for "temporary" teachers that are there for 3 years, if they survive. Veteran teachers will tell you that it takes 3 years for a starting teacher to learn classroom teaching. Teachers are doing the best they can with the chains they are wrapped up in. Even their raises are tied to how well the children in their classes do on those idiotic tests.
  23. What you've done is picked up multiple items. You probably had your bed clicked on when you picked up the house so now you have a composite item. You'll have to rez it out to retrieve no copy items. If you delete it, you'll delete your items. Next time, pick up the no copy items indivitually first. Then, if your house is copiable, just delete the house rather than clog up your inventory with it since you have a copy in your inventory already.
  24. Style mode is the hud used by the TMP mesh body. That's all you need it for. To load it, you wear it. It comes with some preloaded things. For the mid priced and advanced that have clothing layers, you'll buy installers for those. You'll then wear your Style Mode hud and rez out the installer. It connects up what you've bought to your hud from their server. IMHO, it's an overly scripted, overly complicated way of doing things. If' you've already purchased the TMP body, one of the 2 more advanced ones, not the 1K one, you're kind of stuck. If' you've only gotten as far as the 1K, I'd chalk the money up to a learning experience and get one of the others that use Omega appliers, like Maitreya, or the Slink one. Simple hud you wear with those and you aren't dependent on a server outside of SL to be up in order to wear what you've bought. You'll also find a much greater variety of clothings as most of the makers of things for the mesh bodies stick with Omega and Slink. Some have the specific appliers for the bodies, like Maitreya and Belleza, but those are all still inworld. Good Luck.
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