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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. I'd like to know what they're going to pass onto us and call "savings". Also, you think corporate greed will allow passing up the chance to milk consumers, who are already (relunctantly) willing to shill out over $100(renting) to $200 (owning) for a region, for every penny they have? There currently is a high demand for regions so why would they drop pricing now?
  2. A full few seconds after collision suggests the presence of the script release bug that was introduced over a year ago that has yet to be fixed.
  3. Start selling mod and/or low priced mesh heads and bodies that rival the competition in terms of features and quality.
  4. Scripted procedural animation capability would allow for many things, including in-world pose creation. Too bad innovation has been put on the back burner for years.
  5. The developer responsible for the introduction of that behavior back in November 2019 said they'd like to work on a fix someday. If I see/hear they're working on more features nobody asked for, I'll remind them of this problem and how it should have been given higher priority instead.
  6. Coincidentally, all this week I decided to fire up my old head and body tracker system and hung out at several popular events to gather data. Here is what I recorded: Top 200 heads with 10462 unique wearers: Top 100 bodies with 11409 unique wearers: How about the market share that #1 has... #33 & #34 have different creators. I guess they decided to let "someone else" be the premiere for that brand AFTER the initial release... Top 200 head & body combinations with 10116 unique wearers: Use the this chart to either see where your head & body rank or what not to wear so you don't look like everyone else, heh. IDK what happened with #70 as it is incorrect.
  7. It's Adamburp Adamczyk's SL birthday! Please IM him and tell him "Happy Birthday!" He'll gladly appreciated it. 🙂
  8. Please file a detailed bug report at https://jira.secondlife.com Including a short video that shows the problem occurring will help too.
  9. Ebbe stated in an interview there is no such plan. Doing so would alienate land barons and risk some sort of exodus, even if they tied it to Premium Plus.
  10. Buying them a Mystery Machine and a great dane would be cheaper than a mesh body or head these days.
  11. We desperately need a facepalm reaction button. Confused just won't cut it most times.
  12. Even if they hadn't set up roles, any accumulated money should have been paid to at least owners within 3 days, so sounds like something is wrong.
  13. The experience risks being assigned "Suspended" status by LL. I have yet to see this put into practice though, possibly due to the effects it could have on products in the wild that depend on said experience.
  14. I know a few charter members. Most do no log on anymore. The ones that still do have always acted like what comes out their backside is gold and/or doesn't stink.
  15. If you think EEP is a s*itstorm, wait until you see what they are going to do with terrain & sim "surrounds". That is coming and with elevated priority at the whim on one particular developer. Priority over dozens of more important things that would make SL/content operate more efficiently. Priority over requests filed by actual users. Many users, over many years.
  16. The following user groups are primarily text communication based: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server/Sim/Scripting_User_Group http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Open_Development_User_Group http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group
  17. Yes, querying llGetAnimation() on a high frequency timer is typically how it's done since we do not have a change event or triggered event based equivalent, something needed not just for Animesh attachments, but certain hair, wings, tails, accessories & magic/particle effects attachments. One method I've heard used as a donor/surrogate script are ZHAO-II AO scripts with llStartAnimation() & llStopAnimation() replaced with the Animesh equivalents. I have not verified this as I just wrote my own Animesh AO script, but the method seems sound/plausible.
  18. Flexible prims have no collision properties and will clip through heads, shoulders, boobs, backs, arms, legs, anything. We need dynamic bones and colliders. Not just for hair, but also for dresses, skirts, tails, bits and organics. Many, if not most, of the MMOs created in the last 8 years use them. I wish SL wasn't perpetually years behind the standards, heh.
  19. To be fair, most of the things you mentioned were not conceived nor implemented by Andrew or Kelly Linden, but yes, there have been far too many partially-implemented features over the years. Even Animesh, BoM and EEP were partially implemented. I think its better to balance backend work and feature work in tandem. As far as "slowed down", they've been slowed down for years. It didn't help that Sansar became a huge waste of time & money. That platform's failure skewed management's decisions on what to pursue feature-wise and it's unfair because features were certainly not the reason that platform failed.
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