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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. As long as there are Boomers & Gen-Xers with money who either have low expectations or no MMO experience, SL will always have an audience.
  2. Map tiles haven't worked since November 18th. Why does uptake hinge on EEP and not other things like giving creators tools to make content more efficient or to make completely new content altogether? With the two rounds of layoffs prior to finally selling Sansar, LL shed 70 employees from their 200 total.
  3. Same. It's like the average IQ of the population drops the more technologically advanced we become or is it the more socially aware/connected we become?
  4. For clarity, Ebbe said in the following interview that out of 200 Linden Lab employees, 130 were working on Secondlife. Also, from 17:30 to 20:42 he talks about LL's information campaign mindset towards unoptimized content which ArcTan phase 1 will be all about. At 20:42 he also thinks the move to AWS would be done around early 2020.
  5. I doubt you'll see that in official writing or terms anywhere. "always claimed" is as good as the words "we guarantee" coming from a Linden who hasn't been with the company since 2009.
  6. Map tiles was due to LL prioritizing it last, thus being worked on post Uplift. Aditi accessiblility has been a problem before Uplift, same with lack of new regions. TP routing seems to have been introduced after Uplift. Regions showing online, but not allowing entry has been caused by grief vectors for years. Did support explain in recent instances that AWS was to blame?
  7. This is procedural animation. It scares Lindens who can only envision a world of hard animation assets to death. Also, there is one and only one Linden that would be able to improve the animation protocol, but management has had them working things that should have been delegated to other employees for years now. This is why SL's evolution is stunningly slow. Because management will not hire people to take the workload off key developers nor will they stop tying up specialists with tasks someone else should be doing. I can't believe that, accordingly to Ebbe's own admission, that they were able to afford 70+ people to work on Sansar, yet they can't hire one developer to take to workload off of key developers.
  8. Did you sit on an object belonging to said person at some point in the past? Camera tracking permissions can be granted and stored indefinitely like animation permissions through sit vectors. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-13228 IMO, maintaining permissions of someone other than object owner should have been disallowed (intentionally broken) years ago. There are better/legit/efficient ways of granting and using other user's permissions that don't depend on harvesting vectors. But griefers, "attack HUD" creators and owners/historians/archivers of ancient/inefficiently scripted content will cry if it is ever broken.
  9. There is this feature request. I don't think you'll like the prospect much either. Technically, it was available the last week of May 2012, but suffered release setbacks when LL only closed a permissions loophole on one RC channel instead of grid-wide and during that weekend and especially on the following Monday, June 4th, 2012, a day that will live in infamy, people all over the grid were mass teleported all over the place and to the cornfields. There was no defense unless the destination region was full. After that, the release suffered major bugs for over two years such as breaking scripts every time you teleported.
  10. LL may or may not offer their own official crypto currency and/or exchange in the near future. If they do, they will shut down anyone that would be competing with them even if it is an in-world service that allows purchasing crypto with L$ and no other currency/token exchange.
  11. Governance will NOT do anything against a cluster of noob avatars standing around on tiny platforms at high altitude. I've AR'd this in many places for years. Nothing has been done, nothing will be done. If LL was even 1% serious about combatting such abuse they would change the taffic calculation to exclude "inactive" scenarios. Such scenarios would be no # meter(s) change in user position while not sitting no # meter(s) change in user position while sitting no # meter(s) change in sit object position while sitting no controls usage after # minute(s) no open chat usage after # minute(s) no IM chat usage after # minute(s) no group chat usage after # minute(s) Yes, the chat usage can be gamed far easier than movement. Also, # meter(s) change would be dictated by parcel size. The larger the parcel the more distance change required. Is any of this practical? Most of it probably isn't on its own, but they are some interesting points to consider in some combination or another. And I'm aware not all environments are equal. What factors would you consider when trying to make traffic more fair?
  12. We need remote animating capability, possibly facilitated through the Mod Keys proposal. Said temp animations don't survive taking into inventory, owner transfer or region restart.
  13. Just a small FYI. llTeleportAgent() and llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords() have a low repeat usage threshold, like a burst of 3 executions in 3 seconds then repeated failure until another 3 seconds of no execution attempts before another tp is allowed. This goes for all same-owner scripts in multiple objects in the region. There is a 2 meter minimum distance requirement.
  14. Maybe add a timer script to set PRIM_SCRIPTED_SIT_ONLY to True when when you are not in the region or within # meters?
  15. A bot essentially is a user account. The alternative would be to use an Animesh object to play the animations from inside its inventory. Animesh uses the bento skeleton so they can look like a user avatar when animated. Here is an example of muscle-bodied avatars I used when making an Old Spice "commercial". 😉 Those are objects, not user accounts.
  16. Yes, rain, rain clouds & snow always cut out my connection. During the 2006 - 2009 years SL was such an addiction, I'd take the chance of falling off the roof and dying to wipe the lense on the satellite LNB of any rain droplets or snow build up until I made an access hole through a window an A/C unit occupied and used a long pole with a rag attached to the end to do it safetly. Those were the days... Yeah, Hughes used to allow unlimited downloading between 2am and 5am (can't remember which TZ I was offsetting), but then when they started catering to other markets, that went away too.
  17. I used Hughes internet with SL from 2006 - 2009. It used a 2 watt LNB and latency was about 0.25 seconds on avg. I used it because at the time, dial-up was my only other "broadband". I had to deal with a 250MB daily download limit and later, low speeds during prime time hours because Hughes started catering to other markets and shafted their internet users. Today, I would hope latency has improved, but the nature of satellite tells me it won't be by much.
  18. Feature request for Events censorship protocol similar to what this forum uses: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-230075 Feel free to comment there with any ideas.
  19. Weird. Not seeing any events with wordy dirds. What date and category?
  20. Curious when/where this happened as grid scope experiences were only offered to the few people that participated in the closed beta. There was no public offering.
  21. Still, the trend is that, with each passing year, more things are becoming no-mod. This especially goes for human mesh heads, human mesh bodies, human mesh clothes and mesh hair. And it isn't no-mod scripts or containers to blame. It's creators' conscious decisions.
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