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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. That's not the same thing as standing up for yourself. Standing up for yourself means you defend yourself, be strong when facing a conflict, fight for yourself, defend your opinion or point of view, protect yourself from danger, support yourself in a difficult situation, etc. That is what you did when you
  2. I'm gonna add to that. We build them without patient access to the outdoors. Something that has always bugged the heck out of me and why I avoid hospitals if I have another choice that is lower risk. Like, at home with the windows open periodically. I always air my home periodically. Something I picked up from my mother 50 years ago.
  3. I want to open a new thread so we can have a place to post about it without a lot of arguing but LL shut down the other one even though the storm had passed so I'm too chicken now. Anyway, here's an article that, considering the northern hemisphere is heading into spring and the southern hemisphere is heading into cooler weather, has some interesting information other's may be interested in knowing. https://medium.com/@ra.hobday/coronavirus-and-the-sun-a-lesson-from-the-1918-influenza-pandemic-509151dc8065
  4. Since LL closed the other thread even though the dust had settled I'm posting this here so others will be aware and maybe pass it on.
  5. It may be in your opinion but I see those things as good things. The less in-person contact people have, the sooner the virus will run its course. My main concern is being able to get food since I don't have a means of storing more than what I normally keep on hand. Not to mention I can't afford it.
  6. It's really kind of a bad thing to say when you have no idea what the person's financial situation is and now we have Covid-19 on top if it. Look before you leap. Think before you hit that Submit Reply button.
  7. Pilamaya (thank you). That helps more than you know. My biggest fear is that imbecile in the White House will make it so I can't get to the grocery stores when I need to because I don't have a way to stockpile or store more than I already have in a single wide mobile home. I wouldn't put it past him to declare martial law either just so he can remain in the White House indefinitely. That's the last thing we need in the US. I can only pray enough of us see the truth and vote him and his POS party out of office(s). Permanently. They need to stop holding this country back in the Dark Ages. It's the 21st century ffs. We're supposed to be colonizing Mars by now. pfft
  8. Empyrion: Galactic Survival is a 3D open world, space survival adventure in which you can fly across space and land on planets built on Unity. The planets are spherical and vary in size and environment. They've fairly recently released the galaxy so now you are no longer limited to just the one solar system. Wish I could still play because I loved being able to explore and build on the different planets. https://www.youtube.com/user/EmpyrionGame/videos The point is it can be done and it doesn't have to be Unity. LL could create a new SL (2.0 since Sansar was not) and instead of regions we could have planets to chose to live on. There are Empyrion servers that actually sell planets to players (Eleon doesn't have a problem with it) so it wouldn't be an issue for LL to sell planets instead of regions. Just think, if you have the money, you could own a whole solar system!
  9. I remember seeing the clips, just never got to watch it. There was a lot of that back then. Older brothers and all that.
  10. I can relate. It's one of the reasons I don't go back to doing FS support.
  11. Dammit Beth you just had to go and tell me. Good thing I did my errands and don't need to leave the house again today.
  12. I'm putting this under a spoiler for those who might not want to know just how bad it is in the US currently. Take a close look at Washington. I'm in Oregon. Crap. Bleh... it's a link not the actual image.
  13. Earlier I was think about gathering up some large gravel so I'd have some rocks to throw at the neighbor's mobile homes to get their attention and yell at each other from our windows.
  14. I was watching some clips of them doing that on VVO. It's wonderful how the neighbors will join in. And most of them can really sing!
  15. It's ok Beth. We understood each other. That's the important part.
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