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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. It's a bit different when the patient is the one making the jokes and not everyone else that isn't at high risk. I know I would feel horrible if I made jokes about it and one of you died from it. Then again, I'm not like everyone else.
  2. Pfft. I don't get any wishes. I get real tired of having to go to the store all the time. There's nothing wrong with stocking up on staple foods and other necessities in case of week long (or longer) power outages. It's a good idea to keep enough on hand to last a month. You never know what our mother, the Earth, is going to throw at us next. At least I do have some dried peas and beans for protein that will get us through 3 or 4 days.
  3. My mom always did try to keep the pantry well stocked. She even made my dad build cabinets in the laundry room for canned goods and such. It wasn't rationing so much as hurricane country.
  4. I wish I could stockpile. I can't afford to and don't have room to store it any way.
  5. It goes back to WWII and rationing. While my parents and grandparents weren't like that, my great grandparents were. During the war UK soldiers were issued 3 sheets per day while american soldiers were rationed 22 sheets per day. And of course there was rationing for the general public as well. Older people are afraid of rationing with good reason and they can pass that influence on to their kids and grandkids.
  6. Covid-19 IS on my doorstep. I am in Oregon, where, as of yesterday, there are 19 reported cases and who knows how many unreported. This is not the time to be making jokes to people you associate/communicate with who may die from it. Just north of Oregon is Washington where 29 people have already died of Covid-19. I don't find people dying funny at all.
  7. As someone who is at risk because of age and compromised immune system and would likely die from Covid-19, I agree.
  8. I never had the luxury of being able to take chemistry.
  9. Or maybe grandma was just trying to get her to stand up for herself. Children and grandchildren don't come with instruction manuals any more than parents and grandparents do.
  10. I was wondering wtf moles had to with anything. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mole_(unit) My eyes glazed over after that.
  11. About 99% of the time I'm alone. No, I don't like it. It's just how it is and there's nothing I can do to change it. Apparently, I scare people, but noone has ever been able to tell me why. At 5' 4", 120lbs, I'm hardly intimidating.
  12. In 16 years, it has never happened that way. It's always been some jerk wanting what he isn't going to get. Always.
  13. Nope. Still not buying premium even on a trial basis. When you've had 45 plus years of constant complaints and demands, it's no longer a rewarding challenge. Welcome to the Rat Race. It's all yours.
  14. You're forgetting about basic accounts. Any one not paying for a sub at the end of the trial period simply reverts to basic without losing any inventory. Why would you want to put such a heavy burden on LL employees that are already overloaded with resident demands? Or did you miss the announcement about the layoffs just before the "Sansar is for sale" announcement? There is no reason to take inventory away from customers. Do that and you will ensure they don't stick around.
  15. A trial period allows customers to view/use protected content for free. That is its whole purpose, allowing prospective customers to "test drive" the product before paying for a sub. If the things you buy in SL, regardless of payment method, are just going to be taken away again after the trial period is over, there is no point in even offering a free trial. That is what is being discussed here. Free trials.
  16. Just because "most" do something doesn't make it right. If I go to the trouble of shopping for something and then pay for it with a gift card, you're damn right I expect to be able to keep it even if I don't continue with a subscription. If you were to give someone a gift card for them to purchase a gift for themselves since you don't really know what they like or need, would you later on take that gift they purchased with the gift card away from them simply because you all you got in return was a thank you? Warnings and grace periods wouldn't be needed because retention wouldn't just be in the toilet, it would be flushed.
  17. Maybe, just maybe, between the threads that were on SLU and the ones here over the years, "they" finally got the message. . . . Nah. That would be too much of a good thing.
  18. I'm sorry. At least we aren't alone now?
  19. You had me up until this part. They don't take back the LL premium gifts, items purchased via a gift card that is a gift to begin with, shouldn't be any different. Losing the land and the Linden Home has been a part of the deal for a long time so one wouldn't expect that to change. But for LL to start taking back gifted items? That makes LL look really crappy. If I were a noob and that happened to me, no way in hell would I ever log in again.
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