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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Is it just me or is there just not enough "meat" to the left (her left) nostril? Most people's nostrils are symmetrical. This is why I will never own a LeLutka head. All of them have that asymmetrical nostril and it bugs the crap out of me because to me, it stands out quite glaringly.
  2. You can start here: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/login_fail and if none of those things work, file a support ticket with LL.
  3. For 16 years I have been trying to tell LL they need to stop being so inconsistent in all things. Maybe they will listen now? Yeah I know... wishful thinking.
  4. There are quite a few premiums who have several of the new Linden Homes, making sure that others can't get one because so many are being hogged. It's those premium residents who need to curtail their LH greed and allow others who want just one to be able to get one. The short supply is not LL's fault so much as it's the greedy premiums who insist on having 3 or more Linden Homes. I notice you aren't jumping on those premiums for creating a shorter supply than it would have been if everyone had limited themselves to just one or two Linden Homes.
  5. ...sets you on fire Oh wait. You're already on fire. ...adds fuel to the fire
  6. It can take me months to complete a relatively small project. Yes, months not weeks or days. You belong here as much as anyone else does. More so than me, in fact. I usually have two or three projects I work on simultaneously so I don't get bored or burned out on trying to complete just one. Variety helps. Take breaks to just enjoy SL. Don't be like me and get to the point where all you do is work on projects because the one person who does hang out with me doesn't have as much time to be on as I do... even if all you do is window shop. Window shopping is a great way to start planning the next project. If you aren't selling, projects don't need to be fully completed unless you intend to use them. Example: a chair that doesn't have animations or scripts in it isn't fully completed but the chair is still usable via AO or even the system sit. If you really want to complete a build then just tinker at it bit by bit. Don't try to do a whole lot all at once. And before you know it... you're done! Just stop watching that darn clock!
  7. Castaneda's books were works of fiction. The person described as Don Juan Matus of the Yaqui never existed. You are quoting a faker in a thread devoted to being there for others. You want to quote someone who actually was Yaqui, quote Ritchie Valens if you want to be taken seriously.
  8. LL did offer a one week trial way back in the day but they dropped it around 2005/6. One week wasn't long enough then for retainment purposes and it wouldn't be now. SL needs more than week to be able to determine if it works for you or not. A 30 day trial is a much more reasonable amount of time to be able to make an informed decision.
  9. Rubberbanding being called region handoff is the one that got me. Because it happens even when you aren't trying to cross into a different sim/region/sim.
  10. I grew up in Lousyana so... yeah. I like Oregon's weather better. Just wish I could hear thunder more often. Real thunderstorms are rare here. And some rain now and again in July and September would be nice.
  11. I think she needs to cake the makeup on a little bit heavier. Especially around the eyes. Oh and her nails should match her lipstick.
  12. Not hard to do when genocide succeeds. Or even almost succeeds as has been proven within the last 200 years, several times.
  13. Not complicated at all when I don't have to make it. He's the one that has to complicate things that are relatively simple.
  14. Nope. I see it all the time on Firestorm. And moments later it pops up again saying that "others can see me now!" \o/
  15. You should be coming up with the ideas for the vids while LL makes them. IMO, yours just needs a bit of spit and polish. Other than that, you nailed it. The spit and polish part is mostly where the voice over should be done in different languages by native speakers. Say, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian, Magyar, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and English, of course. Yeah, that's like right up there with professional quality for me.
  16. Did you know March is Women's History Month in the US? I didn't until I read this article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/causes-gender-equality/i-am-a-man-and-im-a-feminist-heres-why/ar-BB10xiqT?li=BBnb7Kz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women's_History_Month Why is it I never get these memos?* *rhetorical
  17. How about when you make an after dinner pot, pour it into the hot pot, expect there to be at least one cup left for in the morning, only to wake up to an empty hot pot! And to think he had been making a pot in the morning and leaving what he can't drink in the hot pot for me! Now, every morning I stumble to the kitchen wondering if there will be any coffee. Not a good way to start the day when, inevitably, there isn't any coffee! This morning? The first Monday after DST? After I got rid of the ants that went after the plate he left on the counter over night... grabbed my cup, added my sweet first, (like I have done for decades) then went to fill my cup only to get enough for about 2 sips of coffee. WHAT!?!?
  18. I'm with you on everything but the questions. Those need to be submitted days prior to the meeting, not the day of. About the only excpetion I can think of at the moment would be TPV meetings. Yes, the Lindens do hold regular meetings with the TPV devs and their teams. Pretty sure that hasn't ever stopped. Point being LL has meetings of different kinds they hold that, while they aren't exactly open to the public, they aren't exactly closed either. Most people just aren't aware the meetings exist.
  19. Screw that. No effing way. A customer base that apparently has more "disposable" income than "gamers" do. It's either that or the big name businesses in SL have been lying to us all these years. Or both.
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