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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. *eats all the brownies and cookies BURRRPP! oops
  2. Yeah... no. That's not how life works. People are different and require individual solutions.
  3. Cardboard cutout so you can move your arms and head, realistically... What?
  4. That is every day. And I would give my eyeteeth for the sideboard the tv is on.
  5. More commonly known as Indian time, as in First Nations, not India. *sighs and pokes at Hawai'i wondering what is causing the lag this time
  6. oooooooo Conspiracy theory! Covid-19 is a plot by LL to take all our money and give us all the things!
  7. I've never had groceries delivered. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *runs
  8. But... but... I want pink and purple polka dots with green and yellow stripes.
  9. Yep. That's the problem. They don't care. Which is why the most callous of them always land in my iggie bin, never to be seen or heard from again.
  10. Then you all have another 10 or 20 years to go. And if your lucky another 30 - 40 if I live to be 100.
  11. You call that being blunt? pfft. You ain't seen nothing. If it wouldn't get me banned from the forum I'd show you what being blunt is. Instead, I'm going to just walk away and pretend you weren't trying to tell me what to do. That will backfire on you. Every. Time.
  12. I've been watching it happen for the past 3 years. At this point all we can do is batten down the hatches and ride out the storm. It's going to be a bad blow before the clouds break.
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