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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I actually did that at work one day. I had to take a cart to all the registers to pick up the stuff customers didn't want. Even the customers thought it was funny. Bring out yer dead!
  2. 1.32 Million Jews Were Killed in Just Three Months During the Holocaust
  3. I'm one of the people who are at high risk so no I won't be helping you to profit off people's illnesses and deaths. Makes no difference to me if you cash out or not. It is still profiting from other people's misfortune. I put that in the same category as all the jerks who think they will be selling toilet paper and other necessities at a high profit to people who don't have that kind of money, which is most of us. Those who are intentionally trying to profit from Covid-19 should be hanged, drawn and quartered.
  4. I still have stuff from 2005 and up. Nope. Not trashing any of it. Did that already long ago.
  5. So that's where all my sanity has been going...
  6. I feel like I should stop posting since all I ever do is "chime in at every opportunity". Apparently my trying to help makes me an attention hound. Who knew. On top of that our internet connection is going loopy. Fug it. I'm taking my ball and going home.
  7. ok. So now my trying to be helpful and clarify something is just me chiming in for the fun of it and I have no clue wtf I'm doing. No wonder I've become so jaded, cynical and misanthropic.
  8. /me screencaps and files away as more evidence you're all just figments of my imagination.
  9. Annnnnnd our internet just dropped on us and took it's time coming back up. Fortunately he wasn't on a call right then.
  10. I have allergies. It's allergy season. Stop looking at me with murder in your eyes when I cough (I smoke) or sneeze. It's freaking pollen not novel coronavirus!
  11. I did read the article. lol I can't put anything over my face that way. Wearing a knit cap makes my forehead itch like crazy. Material makes no difference. If it touches the skin of my face it will cause a rash if left in place. I can't even allow a scarf wrapped around my neck to touch so when I do try to cover my nose to breathe in extreme (for me) cold I have to do it in such a way that it doesn't touch the skin and that defeats the whole purpose of covering my nose. Which is why I love my old naval flight jacket (surplus). There is a drawstring that you use to close up the hole without it touching your face and leaves just enough room for snow goggles. But it doesn't cover the nose. And I hate to ruin the coyote fur by spraying it with Lysol and stuff. Only difference between this one and mine is mine is navy blue with the orange lining instead of olive drab with whatever color lining they used for the olive drab.
  12. I wonder who will pays for masks for those of us who don't have any and can't afford to buy them even if they were available in the stores. What will they do about those of us who can not wear them to begin with? Damn things give me a rash on top of making it harder for me to breathe. Guess I'm just screwed again huh. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/cdc-considering-recommending-general-public-wear-face-coverings-in-public/ar-BB11W3xA?li=BBnb7Kz
  13. And that is what makes me so sad about it all. That and cloth has gotten so damned expensive. Yes, this sort of thing does bother me. A lot. It is painful to watch so many things that mean so much be tossed aside without a care. Remember when things like phones were considered luxuries... When I was little my mother made most of my clothes. She stopped because she no longer had time due to dealing with my oldest brother being such a dick and constantly getting in trouble or trouble with the law. That's when we both started having to do without. Her more so than me since whatever she would have spent for her own clothing, she would use to cloth me. I just had to hear my other brother bitching at me for getting new school clothes when he had already gotten his. I wasn't allowed to wear jeans to school until the last year or two of high school.
  14. Fun thing about needlepoint is you don't have to use your thumbs. When mine would get sore I'd switch to using the index and middle fingers to pull the needle through. You could also use hemostats or small round nosed (jewelers) pliers.
  15. All ISPs are experiencing higher than normal traffic so it's going to be sticky from time to time. I'm on FIOS and even we are having some minor issues during high peak times and he is having to work from home on the phone and computer. So I have to forego logging in until late in the afternoon SLT, usually when most people are logging out for dinner and tv or bed.
  16. There are some things that are worth "turning back the clock".
  17. Have you ever tried needlepoint? If you can hold a large needle and poke it through "ready made" holes then you might enjoy it. I used to love it and cross stitch and embroidery. I just can't afford to do them any more.
  18. You like living dangerously. lol I suppose I shouldn't talk since... well... long story short... when I got married he had a chest freezer full of venison, some of which had been in there over 5 years. We (kids, too) ate every bit of that meat and the only thing that was wrong with any of it was a tiny bit of freezer burn on one hind quarter. Knife took care of that. Oh man, was that some good eatin! When it's done correctly meat will keep in deep freeze almost indefinitely. Meat goes in ziplock bag, filled with cold water, zipped closed and in the freezer it goes. Five years later it was just as fresh as it was when it was frozen. I miss venison.
  19. Higher altitudes do require different "techniques" when baking. https://www.wheatmontana.com/content/high-altitude-baking-how-make-your-recipes-work-mountains https://www.bettycrocker.com/how-to/tipslibrary/baking-tips/baking-cooking-high-altitudes
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