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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. You should post that in the "What are you listening to?" thread.
  2. Boil the sausage and cabbage together with some Italian seasoning with a bit of minced onion and dry minced garlic, no salt. Save the jam for breakfast toast. Of course the seasonings can be varied. Those are just three of the ones I keep on hand because I use them frequently.
  3. Second Life is not a role playing game. Never has been and never will be. Most of us who came here in the early days didn't come here for RP. We came to create and socialize. How I Did It: Philip Rosedale, CEO, Linden Lab
  4. Lima beans can be consumed in both their immature stage (fresh and green), as well as their mature (dried and beige) butterbean stage. Green = immature Beige = mature That's the difference other than flavor. Personally, I prefer the mature beans.
  5. Come Monday, we won't have to worry about toilet tissue. He ordered a couple of bidet toilet seats...
  6. lmao @ myself One of the ads was an image of earwax being removed... My first thought was wtf? someone is offering earwax for the gov? Oh, it's an ad. 🤪
  7. Mine's not quite a full city block away and open. They're all wearing gloves and masks and only allowing one customer per attendant in at a time. It's easy to do since there is a glass wall where you check in with your ID and they have to buzz you through. So yes since the dispensaries do fill legal prescriptions, they are open. Now my tobacco shop is a different story. I'll find out if they're open or not today. They do have a drive through... but who knows, it's a small town and the mayor might allow it since they also sell booze. Heck Colorado is allowing booze.
  8. I have never said any of those things, nor thought them. I'm telling you what others in the US think, not what I think ffs.
  9. Of course I can. I'm neither an idiot nor a child.
  10. Since everyone keeps twisting everything I say these days into what they want it to mean, not what it actually says, I'm done. I have never said to ignore sheltering in place or social distancing. If people can't distinguish between showing that in North America a particular term usually means something different from the rest of the world and saying don't shelter in place that's thier fugging problem, not mine. Thanks for kicking me when I about as down as I can get. I shouldn't have expected anything better than that from other humans.
  11. My people have been telling the rest of the world that for over 200 years. People aren't listening. They're too selfish and greedy to listen.
  12. A thought just occurred to me. Those who forced me to be isolated when I was growing up and made sure I would remain isolated my entire life, karma is now biting you in the @$$. Enjoy!
  13. lock·down /ˈläkdoun/ Learn to pronounce noun NORTH AMERICAN the confining of prisoners to their cells, typically after an escape or to regain control during a riot. a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure. "the university is on lockdown and nobody has been able to leave" Lockdown is a punishment.
  14. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/01/presidential-emergency-powers/576418/
  15. You go right ahead and put all your eggs in that basket. I refuse.
  16. Martial law has been declared in the US by the federal government several times. While nationwide martial law has never been declared, there is always a first time. Repugs have only themselves to blame for my extremely low opinion of them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martial_law_in_the_United_States
  17. We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you this special report from The WB Network. This has been a special report from The Weird Butt Network. We now return you to the program already in progress.
  18. Don't tell me what I said. I know what I said and I know what I meant. Every time I have said anything about it I've been saying they can not stop us from going to the grocery store because people have to eat. Full stop. What I worry about is @$$trumpet declaring martial law. If that happens, he and the repugs will do whatever they damn well please up to and including preventing people from getting food. Yes, they are that cruel and heartless. That is what worries me.
  19. I never said you couldn't. I'm saying they can NOT prevent people from buying food. If they do (and yes the Repugs would, if they could get away with it) they'll have more than riots to worry about. I swear, people neither really read what I type nor listen to the words I speak. It all goes in one ear and out the other if it even goes in one ear. Fug it. Not worth the hassle.
  20. Doesn't look like it to me. Unless this is a known alt. https://community.secondlife.com/profile/860479-blaccard-burks/content/
  21. No thank. I know how this story ends. Everyone dies and LL permabans all accounts (including alts) involved.
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