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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Not to mention the few residents that LL does listen to when they do make all the wrong changes. Like last names.
  2. Go back to being grumpy, Grumpus. You don't do grouchy very well.
  3. Let the flippin clocks change. I'm done with the whole effed up mess that should have permanently ended decades ago, at the end of WWII. Thanks a lot Nixon and Bush. I'll look forward to getting good sleep when I'm dead which will be sooner rather than later thanks to things like DST screwing up my body's circadian rhythm permanently.
  4. While last I knew it was still more than half the grid that uses FS, that's still not everyone on the grid. Unless something changed recently I don't know about, the LL viewer does not have the built-in AO. Other TPVS may or may not have it.
  5. Yeah... nah. I'm one of those people that much prefer my own dance hud to any club hud. I don't care how good their anims are, they still don't fit me or my personality.
  6. Well... if you won't get your mind out of the gutter at least move it over a bit so mine can swim past.
  7. The same way gumball machines work. You put money in and no matter how many times you pull that handle, you never get the one you want. One armed bandits.
  8. No. What is on second. You're way out in left field wondering Why.
  9. Fixed it so they don't come back with "But I need your help!"
  10. Who's on first. What's on second. I don't know is on third. Why is way out in left field because center field. Tomorrow's pitcher is today's catcher. Shortstop doesn't care. So there, there, there, smartie Thought you were gonna have a party.
  11. This will not work for SL because SL is not a game. There is no story line. There is no story line because SL is not a game. LL needs to figure out how to streamline the process and Keep It Short and Simple. And if LL has restricted signups to being able to select "gender" only and not a specific avatar like what I've been seeing some people indicate, they need to put it back the way it used to be and allow new signups to select the avatar of their choice from the ones that are available (unbeknownst to newbies) in our inventories.
  12. My first house in SL was a Damani. Sheesh... was it really that long ago? *toddles off to find a scooter
  13. Oh so you mean fingers on both hands entwined with fingers on both hands. No one can type like that. Unless you take a really, really long time and use just one finger. My pinkies aren't that strong any more. I have arthritis in my fingers but they aren't fused to the other hand. I've seen people with really bad RA but I've never seen anyone whose hands/fingers were stuck together like that. I've got the feeling I'm either missing something or my imagination is working overtime.
  14. Ah! Left over right. Should I remind her I'm left handed?
  15. Since when? Full perm textures can be saved to your hard drive regardless of who the creator was. I've been doing it for more than a decade.
  16. Skidz is pretty good. They have mods that live on the region.
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