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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Both Cindy and Solar are correct. Cindy for reporting how ever she could to actually get through to someone and Solar for pointing out that all CS (aka Live Chat) can do is pass it on to the appropriate department.
  2. About as many as there are ones that learned how to sew. Two things that were huge parts of my life are now obsolete. That's been in the last 20 years. No, I don't like it because it means humans are no longer self sufficient. Think about what that means for the future. All the knowledge necessary for survival in a nontech world lost because people got lazy thanks to huge corporations. If things really go south, the vast majority of people don't have the first clue how to garden/farm, bake, sew, do carpentry, all the things that we used to learn as part of our daily lives and that is when society and civilization starts breaking down at breakneck speed. Yeah, us old people are useless.
  3. @Boogadey Kuu There is a section for advertising on the forum. General Discussion is not it.
  4. Well... looks like Sam the Spammer had a reason for crowing "Victory!" last night. Too bad it was a very short lived victory. I could use some entertaining, ridiculously stupid it's funny drama. But it needs to be someone new. Sam has gotten repetitively boring. I haven't seen a troll with new and refreshing ideas in years.
  5. Since 32 bit is being phased out worldwide seems to me it would be wise to go with the 64 bit unless your pc isn't capable of running 64 bit. Just be glad you didn't grow up with my two older brothers. Not sure what is confusing about this: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_system_requirements As a former member of the FS support team I highly recommend joining the inworld support group in the language of your choice. https://www.firestormviewer.org/support/
  6. No, the universe won't last forever, but I think it has a few trillion more years to go. Humans, not so much. If we don't use up all our resources before we can colonize Mars as a species (united we stand, divided we fall) humans might have a chance to figure out how to survive outside our solar system so we can travel to the stars and maybe be around for more than a few more million years.
  7. That post was made 4 years ago... in case you hadn't noticed.
  8. /me whispers pssst.. You forgot the asking for a fiend friend part.
  9. I've always known you were all just figments of my imagination. ~Electric Sheep
  10. You mean you don't use duct tape to remove butt hair? Gee, I thought everybody but me did.
  11. @Love Zhaoying We lost Odin. 😢 https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/game-of-thrones-direwolf-dog-dies-following-cancer-battle/ar-BB11OlhB
  12. Fanny is a shortened version of the feminine Francis. My grandmother's name was Francis yet everyone called her Fanny.
  13. There's also powdered milk that comes in boxes and large resealable bags. Great for cooking and ok in coffee as a half n half sub but horrid on cereal. A cereal killer. Holay. I do miss him and the rest of the "gang" in NAC. I wonder where everyone went. 💡
  14. Do I have to go through the whole routine again? Meh. Tomorrow I'll search for the post and link. If I don't forget. /me wanders off muttering "Who is on first, what's on second, whatshisface is still way out in left field..."
  15. Dude! It's a trap! Don't you see the wire going down into the storm drain?! Touch that balloon and you'll go boom! The roll is just a layover to catch meddlers. Oh wait... if you move the balloon then the grate will float, triggering... oh nevermind. Just grab the roll and run!
  16. You can find the answers to your questions via Google. To give you one answer so you can go find the info you need for yourself, yes, a dirty ac/heating unit can make you sick. So can dirty air ducts. https://acaai.org/allergies/allergy-treatment/air-filters
  17. @Tari Landar If it helps, you can tell your friend that she is not alone in her reactions. Her story is almost identical to mine that has played out both in SL and RL. I can only hope she doesn't end up as jaded, cynical and misanthropic as I have become because of it even though I desperately need human contact outside of the SO. I keep trying to give up forever but I keep needing other humans. It never works and like a moth to a flame... round and round. Yeah, I know. And I'm no help either really. Just keep doing what you're doing Tari. It's all anyone can do. As long as she has one friend she can believe in, she'll be ok. Not happy or content just ok. I think that's about all she and I can really hope for. ETA: None of that came out quite like I meant it to but I hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to say without offending or making it look like I have it worse when that is not the case at all. I lost my sounding board when my mother died in 2005.
  18. Oh good! Whew! Thought I'd lost a day for a while there.
  19. Nowhere does it say clearing cache is a last resort. I don't think you even bothered to read the page. Oh well. You do you. I only spent over 5 years on the support team helping people fix that problem without ever needing to file a ticket.
  20. Have you done any of the recommended things to try to fix that? https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_missing_inventory
  21. I tried to in one of the already existing threads and got shot down.
  22. Cruise's biggest flaw is Scientology. Other than that, yeah. He sucked big time at playing Lestat. His only redeeming role is that of Captain Nathan Algren. Minority Report gets a pass since it was based on Philip K Dick's scifi short story, giving him "manual" to study.
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