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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Lost. Alone. Unneeded. Unwanted. Permanently isolated from the rest of humanity. I keep asking myself why I keep trying when the past 60 years have proved, beyond all doubt, I'm hopeless.
  2. It was not intended to be political. I'm just trying to keep myself sane like everyone else. I apologize. I won't do it again.
  3. You can start here: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_empty_friends_list
  4. Sometimes it's necessary to go over the plant manager's head to their boss or someone higher. I doubt the plant manager bothered to let his superiors know he deliberately endangered lives.
  5. @Beth Macbain Well.. at least those of you who are into BDSM should be prepared for grocery shopping...
  6. I could use one of those checks myself since the IRS hasn't sent my PIN yet so I can't file my tax returns and I haven't been able to work in over a year now. *sigh* Stop the merry-go-round. I want off before it's too late.
  7. All I can say is, I hope Medicaid will cover it otherwise I'm not only up Sheet Creek without a paddle, I won't have a canoe either. I don't have $100 let alone be able to pay for all the testing. Why the hell did I have to pick this planet to be born on.
  8. Since I'm more than half way through my life, each year is more precious than the last, so I'm not willing to give up any of the ones I have left. I still have a lot of living left to do even if I am somewhat less active than I once was and in spite of things like Covid-19.
  9. My first job was in retail. In 60 years, this is the first time I have ever gone to the store on a daily basis, 7 days in a row for one item only to find the shelves bare. Thankfully, soap doesn't expire and I do have 5 bars of Olay that I bought a few years ago. Hopefully, people won't get really stupid and we'll keep power and water. I'm still waiting to hear people have been shot/killed over t-tissue. It will happen if people don't stop being so damn selfish and uncaring.
  10. You're preaching to the choir here. The indigenous people of this country have been screaming at the people of the US for more than 200 years about it. Maybe the rest of the world should have listened, not just heard, instead of slaughtering us and stealing our land.
  11. Lived most of the first 40 years of my life in Lousyana. Even before/during/after Camille and Katrina people didn't buy up all the t-tissue to sell online for $100 per roll. We bought what we needed to get us through so there was enough for everyone to have what they needed. Granted, we usually didn't need supplies for more than a week but when power is out for that week you can't store perishables (no power, no ice). It's one thing to be prepared, it's something else to try to capitalize off those who just can't afford to stockpile (and/or have room to store) and leave nothing for those who do have room and can afford to buy a little extra to get them through. I'll use rags before I even think of paying an outrageous amount for t-tissue. At least those can be washed and reused.
  12. I'm sorry but I don't care to starve to death before dying from Covid-19. Not everyone has the room to store a lot of food and supplies, much less have the extra cash to do so. We have to be able to get to the grocery stores if nothing else. If the US does go into a full lockdown... well... if there is an afterlife, I'll see you all there. I probably should warn you, I'm going to be so angry you'll think the devil has invaded heaven. And I'm going to haunt whoever is left alive forever. 😈
  13. Here, take this and look at it every time something like this happens. Who doesn't love Andre the Giant!
  14. I don't think they can legally do that since if a fire breaks out no one can get out. Check with the Fire Marshall. Let him know what is going on.
  15. Until the next one that comes along and the same thing happens. Only next time, it will be a highly contagious, rapid, silent killer that leaves no human untouched and millions dead. We've altered our environment to the point that nature is fighting back and in the end humans will lose because they're too selfish and uncaring about others.
  16. Funny that. I happen to have been re-reading the series (again and again and...). I'm currently half way through Chapter House.
  17. We've been trying to get toilet tissue for a week now. Seeing people panicking like spooked cattle stampeding buying up t-tissue (and other necessities) to sell on E-bay and Amazon for pennies a roll only to charge you ridiculously high delivery fees is only serving to deepen my misanthropy. Especially when I see crap like this (referring to the fight not Davis' words). Order online? Yeah, ok. If I could just remember where I hid those piles of $100 bills that never existed. What really gets me is, the next time it happens (and it will happen again) people will do the same damn thing, only worse. I know who I blame for all of it. He should never have disbanded the NSC pandemic unit and he should have gotten off his fat butt and reacted immediately instead of denying Covid-19's existence. Every American's death due to Covid-19 is on his head. It won't bother him though. He does not care how many of us he murders as long as he can fill his pockets with our hard earned cash. Right now I am far more angry than I am scared and I'm scared that if what I had last month wasn't Covid-19 (which both the SO and I are 99.9% positive it was based on symptoms) that I will end up with it and pneumonia, so it will likely kill me. And these idiots are fighting over toilet tissue when there is plenty to go around (patience!) and no one need do without.
  18. It's a bit late for SL. And no, humans eliminating all in person social contact is not a good thing. Humans need to be able to come in contact with others physically. Babies are not the only ones that require human touch. Adults do as well. Of course, there will always be those few who have a revulsion to being touched. I'm not including them since that isn't exactly the "norm'. No, I think I will keep my human trait of needing occasional physical contact. It keeps me human. So if I reach out and put my hand on your arm while I am talking to you, don't freak out. I'm just making that contact we all need even if we don't like it. Don't be like that one guy I had to work with and literally flip out over it. A simple, "Please, don't touch me. It bothers me." is sufficient. You don't need to keep repeating "DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T TOUCH ME!" over and over. Give people a moment to process and understand. Yeah, been there done that. I refused the t-shirt.
  19. A person doesn't have to be even partially immersed in order to be able to enjoy spending time with family and friends doing and learning things... You never know just how bored they might be.
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