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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Letting residents help build the foundation of a "new world" is how LL got into the mess SL is in now.
  2. Thing is we already have a display name... right underneath your user name over there on the left. You just have to make 500 posts to be able to change it.
  3. People with 'tudes like yours are the reason life sucks so much. The worst part is, you don't even know what you are talking about. You've only convinced yourself you do.
  4. ... dumps the bowl of feathers and fur resulting from an aftermath of some sort of altercation in Maddy's neck of the woods that I found on my windowsill into the fire
  5. Most of what I've been seeing on the MP looks like fads most wore in the 70s in high school. Before there were such strict dress codes. There were dress codes, just not so extreme and arbitrarily enforced. I didn't wear that fad back then. I won't wear it now.
  6. Thank you. I do try not to post images that would trigger seizures. Rule of thumb for me is, if it bothers me visually (TBI) even only mildly, I don't post it.
  7. Nothing wonky with the system. It's that particular group. I ended up leaving it and a couple of others some time back because of the constant flood of ads inworld. Which is the reason I don't have offlines sent to email. I get more than my fair share of "regular" junk mail in my email as it is without adding SL junk emails to it.
  8. Is it all gifs or just the "flashy" ones?
  9. I wish more LPs utilized the mover script. It takes a lot of the stress of tping off the tper because you don't have to worry about moving out of the way before you can even see where you are moving to!
  10. It's Monday. I'm out of bed and sort of dressed. What more do you want?
  11. Is everyone's definition of "reasonable amount of time" the same? I'm pretty sure it isn't. No one said there were hordes of angry shoppers. It's like the road trip with the one kid asking every five minutes, "Are we there yet?", it gets old really fast and you subconsciously press on the accelerator a little more. No one is being bullied. They're just reacting to the situation in a very human like manner.
  12. Some of the groups I am in, it's a daily occurrence for some people to ask "When is the next release?". Used to see it every day several times a day in the FS support group. Still do, especially when people know there will be a "next release". That's when the pressure is really on. Customers want you to hurry up and finish so they can buy the product so you feel pressured to get the project completed and released. That's also when you start making mistakes and forgetting to do things you don't normally forget to do.
  13. Tyche still publishes what data she does have on VVO. There is a thread dedicated for that. She's had that tread all the way back into the earlier days of the second coming of SLU. https://www.virtualverse.one/forums/threads/new-sl-regions-in-the-past-week.189/ ETA: Correction. It appears Tyche has stopped posting in the thread. https://www.virtualverse.one/forums/threads/new-sl-regions-in-the-past-week.189/page-5#post-81457 ETA2: oops Nope. She's still posting. Most recently: https://www.virtualverse.one/forums/threads/new-sl-regions-in-the-past-week.189/page-5#post-86654
  14. You aren't the first one to say it is possible by applying limits and you won't be the last. Even LL will tell you that it isn't something easily or quickly done, if it is even possible, because of the way SL is coded.
  15. The average consumer, both RL and SL, wants it now, not 6 months from now. Some would call that demand. Creators feel obligated to keep their customers happy so they churn things out as fast as possible. Some would call that supply. Well, lookie here. It's supply and demand. Whodathunkit.
  16. Frankly, they were attracted to someone that, in effect, did not exist. Like a character from a book. And that's where the trust issues start. There is a reason the truth hurts sometimes. That's how you know you need to do something about your own behavior.
  17. You mean they've actually changed it once since 2005? Wow!
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