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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I never said to flush the durn things. I did specify blowing your nose I think, not wiping your butt. I wouldn't toss it in the loo anyway. That's what the plastic bags and the trash cans are for. Sometimes being broke all the time isn't such a bad thing because you learn about that kind of thing whether you want to or not.
  2. Think of it as that vacation at home you secretly (even to yourself) always wanted. Communication will be the key. The time to worry will be when no one responds on the forum and you're the only one logged into SL.
  3. I'm not worried. We're a First Nations and mixed couple surrounded by Mexicans in a town of... well, as of the census of 2010, there were 21,083 people. Almost too far away from the metro area to be growing. The people here are just now clearing the shelves in the stores... I'm sorry but toilet paper is about the worst substitute for kleenex you can find short of sandpaper. Paper towels are softer. And you can dampen the paper towel to make it even easier on your sore nose. And that was the Safeway. Didn't go to Wally World but a few days ago they were stocked up. So there are a few here starting to panic a little but people seem mostly calm. At least on the outside.
  4. See you when you get back. And you will get back! Because I say so! HA!
  5. True, but it is bloody hell when you are both. Once upon a time when I was a child, I was not an introvert or misanthropic. Let's just say I drew back a nub one time too many and I've been both ever since.
  6. Still no Closed Captioning. How are those of us who have hearing loss or complete deafness supposed to be able to watch the vids and actually get something out of them when you can't distinguish one word from the next?
  7. No, it isn't cool. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised that no one really gives a damn. It's all fun and games until someone you know dies.
  8. Oh no don't be scared. It's no worse than the flu! /sarcasm Sorry Matty. That's really not aimed at you, just all the others that don't give a damn if they are spreading a disease that kills. Many of whom are on this forum.
  9. Not just financially either. Young and unafraid of the pandemic? Good for you. Now stop killing people
  10. Yeah...nah. That isn't what I meant but who cares, we're all gonna die and we should just make fun of death and laugh at the people who are dying. That's not a world I want to live in. I'm out. Too many people that don't really give a damn about anyone but themselves in this thread.
  11. Those whose "presidential" office hasn't been unmanned/vacant for the past 3 years.
  12. In case you were not aware this is from yesterday: Coronavirus: COVID-19 Is Now Officially A Pandemic, WHO Says https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/03/11/814474930/coronavirus-covid-19-is-now-officially-a-pandemic-who-says
  13. If noone has ever told you, you are cold hearted, it's about time they did.
  14. Yes, I do know. I have been diagnosed. I've also been denied treatment by Medicaid. I don't have the $350 - $1500 it costs to have a will drawn up in Oregon. A joke is a display of humor. Covid-19 is not Chinese. Viruses do not have nationality.
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