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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. You've just declared that you know many people with disabilities are offended by that word. So why have you chosen to use it??? I'm only going to quote this section, though you are splitting hairs like a mad barber through your entire comment. I'm going to have to presume, rightly or wrongly, that English is not your first language or you are simply not understanding the context I try to describe. I believe that I make it clear that there is a specific difference of when a word is used for informational or discussion purposes and when it is used in a malicious way. Knee-jerk reaction of the former is where I roll my eyes at people. Please try to understand the difference. My position of the general subject should be pretty well-known by now, just as yours is, we aren't going to change each others' minds about it, so the dead horse is now beginning to fall apart from so much beating. Feel free to give it a few more whacks, I'm done now.
  2. I *believe* the "on-hold" part only applies to logging into SL grid, that they should still be able to log into the Web Dashboard, where they can go to their billing page, update the billing method, then pay the amount owed. I could be misremembering all this or they may have changed the methods, in which case what Rolig says is the way to go about it.
  3. The way land works is that an actual manual interaction must happen for any change in it, including ownership. Based on my experience owning estates and other land over many years, land properties cannot be changed autonomously via scripts or code, so there is no way to make land changes based on a timer, such as when your premium subscription actually expires. This is why you must abandon or sell any land you own whatsoever before you can downgrade your subscription; there is no way for the system to do it automatically. Other than this, there also would be the possibility of your subscription ending and all (mixed copy/no-copy) stuff is all returned in one big lump of coalesced object that you'll have to go to a sandbox to sort out and other aspects and so on.
  4. Oooh, cannot be in-world - so thank you for this (very important) update! ~rubs hands in eager anticipation~ Maybe we get lucky for this week?
  5. Retardation simply means to "slow down" in a simple definition, I get it. Sure, you could have chosen a better set of words to describe it. Some feel I am "defending" use of the word and that is not the case at all, but rather I am scolding others for calling you out on it as though you intended to sling malice. And this is the entire point of all my comments in this thread. Using a word as a descriptive (by its definition) or as a means to discuss the word itself is what I will do. Including hate-filled words such as the dreaded n. i.g.g word (Too many N-words to use that ridiculous description) - however, using *any* word as a hate word and slinging it is where the emotional-effect is justified. In your case it was just a typical knee-jerk reaction, which is why I proclaimed people should "own your own mind" about it, enough with the knee-jerk nonsense. I never use the word "disabled" to describe another person, that is insulting. It's not a hate words, but is a demeaning word. Physically-challenged may be more appropriate, perhaps? Handicap also would be a very appropriate word by definition, yet many handicapped people take offense to that word. This is why, in my purview, if anything I say offends you then it's your problem, not mine. I speak frankly and as clearly as I'm able. If you cannot understand the context of my words the way I intend them, then you should sue your school for leaving you with a simple education, or stop being impatient when reading the words of others and never pull meaning from a phrase other than what it actually says. No one here in the forums writes better than I do. However, I did not say that I write better than anyone else, either. But while reading the above sentence you, dear reader, rolled your eyes and prepared to plonk me hard in a reply, didn't you? Then reading the the first sentence of this paragraph is when actual understanding happened. See how that works?
  6. It's the textures. I discovered while trying on an old system-based outfit that had only four prims - the usual loin-cloth pieces (to create a dress) and two armlets and the render cost was 650k. I couldn't figure it out, until I experimented and wore each piece one-at-a-time. Armlets: Simple hollow cylinder = 370k each. Made copy, set to "blank" texture, new score = 120 (or something). Wow. So, many times it is just bad texturing.
  7. Awesome. Didn't know you have intimate inside knowledge. Though it's really a moot point and my comment still applies. 👍
  8. Yes - as a Preset I call "Crowds" - I set max RC to absolutely minimum and all graphics (including basic shaders) to off and LOD to Maximum for shopping events. Such a breeze when I do that LOL I think (positive, but could be wrong) LL default is also 250k, Firestorm I know is 350k. I leave mine at default or even turn it down to maybe 200K? I don't remember. I do know that I do not turn it up past the default. And when I say "default", I am meaning :out-of-the-box default - settings after a fresh installation and before changing anything.
  9. I think this second message happens when the person who had you jellydolled leaves the area, not because you changed anything. **My autocorrect wants to change jellydolled to jellydoll education real bad. 😆 To answer the question, I do try to keep my complexity under 100k and am usually able to come in under 40k including jewelry, hair and accessories like drinks or purses. I was told by a techno-nerd that this is exactly the case (or they manually rendered you) - but yet I can get both messages when I am ALONE IN THE REGION* and no adjoining regions. So, ummm... LOL?
  10. Unlikely you'll find one other than what Casper is. Though you can easily buy hosting that has everything you need, what you're really asking for is a link from SL into that system. Unless you build it yourself, the next best bet may be to hire a scripter to build it for you (in the Wanted or other similar forum).
  11. I don't have any issues with data-bots, they provide a useful service and even Linden Lab uses them. The true scourge are the traffic-booster camper-bots.
  12. Asians are embracing the term "Yellow" (Not just in that movie, it's true.) Hey, GOLD is yellow and Silver is white, So there!
  13. This is true, and why I specifically pointed to context. Whatever so-called offensive or insult word you use, if the context is to demean another then it is offensive, insulting, demeaning and all the rest. However, if the context is for informational purposes, etc., then any charged emotion is being projected into it where there shouldn't be. Could the OP have used a better description? Yes. Though I'm not sure there is good reason to call them out on it. This is how drama percolates to a boil. And, thus, I will stick to my own principal, just as all of you should stick you yours; we will not change each others' minds. As is always my practice of leaving a toxic scenario, all you can take the last word on it and eventually this will all die and IBL.
  14. It was not misspelled and neither did autocorrect changed. The filters are what they are, which is why I did not try to circumvent them by an intentional changing of spelling. Go ahead: give it a go and you'll see.
  15. I have already used the better, proper term (cognitive handicap) - calling it a disability may be offensive to the person with it (I know "disabled" people they they hate the label) and calling it a difficulty is outright unfair (insulting?); a person born without fingers may have better, more beautiful and graceful handwriting than you or I. I believe it comes down to either doing it correctly or doing it emotionally. If it comes down to these two, I prefer the correct over the emotion, albeit I try to be more tactful about it. if this gives reason for people to despise me, then they will despise me, though I believe it will be for the wrong reasons because the words we choose to express anything does not define the entirety of who we are.
  16. Autocorrupt slaps my booty ALL THE TIME. Ugh. hahaha!
  17. Ahah! I knew it was something like that, thank you for setting me straight and not with a slap-in-the-face. Hahahaha! (And thank you for allowing me to spend the last 40 minutes of my day with you guys yesterday, I enjoyed it a lot) .
  18. Theoretically, yes, but it cannot happen because you are not allowed to deed an LL home to a group. Though if you could, and this is the theory, then both premiums could donate the tier to the group and if they both had an LL home in the same region then all that LI is available to the group to use on either parcel they choose (for example: all on one parcel). However, because you are not allowed to deed the parcel to a group, you cannot do this.
  19. This is true. The mantra "Trust but verify" definitely applies here (and most of SL in general, heck: the Internet as a whole). I have found the best way to interract with cognitively-handicapped people is to just treat them the same way as though there were no handicap, perhaps scale intellect downward a touch, as you speaking to someone yoinger and still learning, but still just as frankly or otherwise normally as you would anyone else. Retardation, by definition, is what it is. If you or anyone else takes offense at or find using a proper term to describe a particular aspect of a subject to be insulting, then that is your issue, not the speaker or writer. Not using words or substituting silly pseudo-words for real words is how the language gets dumbed-down to stupid levels. Have you ever used the "N-word" I have, all the time and I call it to people's faces when it applies: "You nitwit"; "you nincompoop"; "You numb-scull. Huh, all "N" words"... By using "N-word" to substitute for a real word because you are too squeamish to use it because someone else will feel offended is no excuse to shy away from properly communicating your message. Own your own mind for a change. If it's in the dictionary and the definition applies then use the word, but use it in the proper context. To which, I believe the OP did just that. Don't be *****rdly with the language. OH NO! Another N-word!!!
  20. I have my settings to render others set to 250k or less (and I refuse to render them, unless a friend or we are in a *good* chat. For myself I set three firm levels, and I tend to really decorate myself up with attention-to-detail things like earrings, bracelets, anklets, thighlets, armlets... LOL: 50K or below: DOES THAT HAPPY DANCE "You go, girl!" 100K threshold is broken: "O-Man, this is okay, but we could prolly do better." 150K threshold reached: Definitely conscious now, *might* push it to 155k, but absolutely feel horribly-vain above that. If I see someone who is a JellyDoll I just ignore them and don't even bother telling them (unless friend, because friends don't let friends reach JellyDoll status.) As for those with super-high RC, like 600k+ - I just don't have the heart to tell them that *no-one* can see them. LOL Highest I have ever seen: 1.2 Million. Yes. really. But only once ever. I suspect it was an experiment on their part because there is just no other explanation for that. 🧐
  21. Another way is to use a sensor-based rezzer. I use a scene version of this (though it's not available any more, sad): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Rezz-On-Sensor-Auto-rezz-on-avatar-presence/17901082 So there are two ways, depending on how one wishes to create the general visitation experience.
  22. Yeah, when your GPU literally physically falls apart after only a year or two and they take zero responsibility for it then I would be wary of doing business with them again, also. However, as an external GPU it shouldn;t be an issue because it will come with macOS drivers in the box and nVidia is pretty aggressive at keeping their drivers up-to-date.
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