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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. I said "sick of hearing it all the time", "it" being compliments, and mentioned I got one 15 years ago. Everything about that is a comment about how often- frequency. And no, because now it'd just be suspicious!
  2. Context is irrelevant to what I was saying. I was just talking about the frequency at which men compliment women vs women complimenting men.
  3. Peeve: That women can complain they have to cringe and say thanks instead of delivering a feminist speech when they're complimented, because they're sick of hearing it all the time. I've been wearing the same style of watch for 15 years 'cause I remember that one time someone said nice watch.
  4. This sort of thing always makes me think somebody is pandering. Be interesting to see if they rotate things out and see which communities they wind up highlighting over time.
  5. I was making a comment about the word itself, since you both used it while quoting my post, that had nothing to do with gaslighting. Could adding some kind of "tethering distance" to auto-return be used for griefing? Sure, but no more than open rez/auto-return can be used for it already. Coming into the conversation worked up over griefing is an indicator that something else is going on, is all.
  6. Was gonna make a joke, but then I realized I don't think she'd be upset at all if I called her a toy.
  7. Speaking of words that have lost their meaning due to overuse. Perverse incentive is not "gaslighting".
  8. Is it possible that all your issues with all kinds of griefing and harassment in SL is a result of perverse incentive? Like the Streisand Effect? Streisand effect - Wikipedia
  9. Why would anyone even give to charity in SL? After transaction fees and typical skimming done by most of those organizations, anyone that actually needs the money would be getting a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what you actually donated. Give someone in need 50 cents directly, they'll make more than if you donate $100 through SL.
  10. Perfect opportunity to retell this one; 1. Those that can extrapolate from incomplete data.
  11. Upscale luxury, no. Premium entertainment? Now that's a discussion to have. SL itself can be free, but the requirements to access is where the cost is.
  12. Which still suggests that there's an overall savings going on and that the "but it's more expensive" claim is a lie.
  13. I still think some lying went on there. LL's incompetent in a lot of ways, but I seriously doubt they'd look at something that works worse and is more expensive than what they were doing and say "That seems like a good idea, let's do that."
  14. I used to have a friend and for the longest time I thought she had really lopsided boobs. Then one day she stuck a straw down there and I figured it out.
  15. People that pay attention (especially asking questions) when you talk about something, even if they don't understand or aren't typically interested in whatever the topic is. That's a lost art.
  16. When I searched "love torpedo" and "lady cave" on the MP, the results were not what I expected.
  17. Look around in a couple of the other sub forums. It's exactly what's going on.
  18. So you changed the policy from a year ago due to declining business and bumped an old thread to try to get your name out there again?
  19. It was asked which privacy standards are in place, and the answer was "sure, we got standards". On top of grammar mistakes and a lack of follow up to previous "surveys", it's not a good look.
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