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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Well. Considering the current quality is customers like you and I, you may be on to something there.
  2. That it doesn't is a massive oversight by Linden Lab. Which probably shocks no one.
  3. Not entirely. The Experience can only affect you on parcels where it's enabled, but if you leave and come back, it can resume affecting you. "Don't hang out on a parcel owned by someone that does things you don't like" is generally good advice with or without Experiences, though.
  4. Which "they"? The ones using terms like griefers, disinformation, asshats, or the "they" that are explaining what Experiences do, how to leave them, and how to contact LL to suggest changes to the system?
  5. That's exactly what I did, yes. If I said what I actually thought of some of these posts, I'd probably hurt some feelings.
  6. It seems to me that the only posts being belittled are the exaggerated, over the top posts claiming that Experiences are only made by griefers and trolls.
  7. Conversely; Paranoid, hyperbole filled posts like this are why people panic when they see an experience popup instead of reading and understanding what's going on.
  8. Experiences can't hurt you, can't affect you once you leave the parcel they're on, and you can easily leave them at any time. If you have a problem with them, file a JIRA with LL and ask for all the useful and harmless functions to be removed from behind them.
  9. I'll absolutely attend. Since I'll be taking the time out of work for it, who at LL should I send my consultation bill to?
  10. Yeah, but we're not talking about 4096, we're talking about parcels that are 8k or 16k or more. That's a huge chunk of the tier you're paying for that's not doing anything except costing you money, paying for that tier level instead of a lower one. And we see these flippers holding massive swaths of hundreds of thousands of sqm. There's no way LL's not collecting tier on that. You keep saying there's no ongoing costs, but there are- the cost is in using the higher tier level. Unless... Like I asked, there's increasing discounts after a certain point, not shown on the Land page us normies see.
  11. That's the part that gets me. Even if we assume the explanations in this thread are true- they're definitely plausible- the concept is so weird. A flipper that only flips some of their parcels is objectively making less money than a flipper that's flipping all of their parcels. Considering what people will pay for water parcels, that's a lot of money to not want.
  12. I'm looking at a parcel for sale next to mine. Ridiculous expensive. I made him an offer that's more reasonable but still really really high, and he turned me down to stick with the ridiculous six digit price. It's never going to sell. And we see this all the time, parcels on the mainland for sale for years with no activity. How is that sustainable if tier is being paid on it? Operating at a loss full time doesn't make sense. There's gotta be some other factor.
  13. I don't want to say "I told you so", but...
  14. Do the kids still say "take a chill pill" too?
  15. So, as a male, I fall into that common SL self-perpetuating loop; don't go shopping for stuff, so there's no stuff worth shopping for. Unfortunately my lady friend has decided she hates my face, as the kids used to say, and has suggested Evo X. I've already got a Jake body which is apparently fine. Anyway, apparently I have a free head I picked up late last year, so I said I'd give it a try. Unfortunately, every skin I find looks like it's trying to say "No, I'm not a sheltered male model, I have a little scar on my eyebrow, see? I'm tough!" Anybody got recommendations for male skins that'll fit on my combo and are a little less... Pretty, I guess?
  16. Every JIRA I've ever opened regarding the marketplace is instantly closed the reply is always to either attend the web meetings in world (the ones I'd have to take time off work to attend) or that they simply can't do it, it's beyond their abilities.
  17. I've long maintained that LL doesn't really hate (and may kind of like) scams and fraud on their platforms. Taking action against them would absolutely cut into the profits.
  18. If it's just youtube, just enable media on a prim.
  19. I don't recall that. Outsourcing rule enforcement means the rules get enforced inconsistently at best. You wind up with situations like this thread, or worse situations where a single person reports a single violation and nothing gets done, which gives the impression that for some people the rules don't apply. Or you see entire stores in violation and you don't want to spend the next two days taking time off from work to go through all the listings, knowing LL won't pay you for your time... The whole system is bad.
  20. They're shown in the page HTML code, and you can get browser addons to display them
  21. Jake got a big surge when they re-released it with mod permission, didn't they? That's what made me switch from Gianni, at least.
  22. Actually, it wasn't just a jab. Had LL been more proactive about this problem, this giant problem on their platform that they apparently put real effort into ignoring until they get multiple reports, then more people wouldn't be surprised by it later when something finally does get done.
  23. It's too bad they took this long to get to you.
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