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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. People say they want to find friends to explore with, but I figure I'll take it a step further. I'm putting together an actual group to do it together, including a headquarters location to help facilitate it. https://my.secondlife.com/groups/f9beb06d-36be-9a3a-b02e-0ab968d30685
  2. If I were going to randomly copy people's profiles just for laughs, this thread absolutely would make it worth it.
  3. You couldn't pay me enough to let any corporation implant anything in me. Wearables, though? That's more interesting.
  4. You post too fast and ruin all the fun. I was actually going to say that!
  5. I'm not going to mention them 'cause it'll just be deleted, but that 100% mirrors real world hot topic issues- people faced with a complex problem immediately go to easy solutions that they personally like, despite the solution coming with unintended consequences if they even have any effect at all.
  6. I imagine we'd have to start acknowledging International Women's Day or something. That does sound exhausting.
  7. What's the alternative, let you make your own decisions?
  8. Whatever do you mean? I've checked my notes and according to them, some old dude in a suit making decisions about female bodies has always worked perfectly fine and with no issues whatsoever.
  9. Yeah, but you can still rez out a cube next to yourself and get a general idea, because a 1 meter cube will be 1 meter.
  10. Everything being bigger makes everything bigger, it doesn't make a meter not a meter anymore. Several years ago I worked with the facilities department in the Reebok world headquarters. Most of the visitors there were pro Basketball players. Your standard 80 inch tall door was not going to work for those guys in most places. We didn't suddenly say that Reebok inches were different than the rest of the world's inches- we just added more inches.
  11. Yes it is. A meter is a fixed distance that we know exists. It's not a made up SL only word. It's not like "Linden Dollars" to "US dollars", or they'd be called "SL units" or "SL meters", not simply "meters".
  12. Official Statement from Brad Oberwager's best PR people. A whole lot of words to say almost nothing.
  13. Nope, wasn't that. However, interestingly, totally purging every trace of every viewer from my system and reinstalling seems to have alleviated the issue...
  14. Actually I haven't seriously tried any of my other accounts, so there's a chance it could be that.
  15. If you ever figure it out let me know. Gotta figure out how to get my Arma 3 group off life support.
  16. So, I've been back and forth with LL a lot and they're stumped on this one, as am I. Anyone have any guesses what would cause disconnects after teleporting into a location? Only one account struggles with the location, other people do not. Other locations are fine. And it's not a typical teleport failure, either. The teleport looks like it's completed and I can chat with people via IM (but not local) but can't move around or interact with anything, until eventually disconnected.
  17. Now nobody's gonna believe I'm your alt.
  18. Now that you say it, that's not bad advice. At least in SL.
  19. Should be letting those merchants know they're screwing up your ability to attach their stuff, I think.
  20. As previously noted, minimum/maximum price requirements can be ignored. The rest is probably on the level.
  21. I've always been of the mind that if you're using up that many attachment points, you're the reason for lag. Or at the very least, you're doing something very, very wrong- even if it's as simple as supporting too many "no mod" merchants.
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