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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. There is! Weren't you complaining about people complaining about straw men last time I was here?
  2. You didn't know this forum has a ton of filters for words not allowed? There's a bunch that will get your post automoderated and/or words hidden. Bypassing the filters with special characters is evading the filters.
  3. That's something that probably is an actual feature request already, I think?
  4. I know, I can't help it, they just keep coming. Says the person literally bypassing the forum filters in order to continue?
  5. But not the posts that every single one of those quotes were a reply to? Or are you being selective for- uh oh- straw man effect? Let's face it, there were plenty of people that disliked the idea and said so in completely viable ways that were totally drowned out by posts that were irrational, hostile, and undermined the entire argument they were making, and they're what made this whole thing 20 pages long instead of a single page of "nope" posts that everyone would have lost interest in.
  6. Yeah. Although it's hard to dismiss reduced region performance as something that doesn't affect the client. Someone else said about derendering that it may solve the problem for the direct neighbor, but it doesn't help everyone else that passes by, and isn't practical for the volume of stuff out there. I think I agree with that.
  7. I said server, too. For example, if I have a bunch of breedables wandering around my parcel and you derender them, the physical collisions will still continue to bring the region's FPS down.
  8. No, I can't. I don't have a specific situation to apply this to- which is something I also said earlier. Again why it's a discussion, not a feature request. Absolutely correct. Of course, someone trying to convey that may fail when it gets lost behind a message so bad that a moderator has to step in. Good luck there.
  9. I made the discussion here, instead of as a feature request, because I actually agree that it wouldn't work in SL without being heavily modified. Theoretically the discussion would have been on the modifications. I completely expected people to not want it as a feature (again, which is why it's not a feature request). What's surprising is just how angry and irrational people got. There's always some, but this one really got people unhinged. On this I actually disagree. Scripts, collisions, rezzed objects and their texture, it does objectively add to server and client loads. Cleaning up stuff that isn't used anymore would be a benefit to the platform. Otherwise we wouldn't need autoreturn at all, I suspect.
  10. Unfortunately, systems like these would effectively be useless if they're opt in instead of opt out. See how easy that was? You could give people lessons.
  11. See, that's the kind of input that's valuable. Exactly the kind of exception that should be mentioned. Can I ask if it was mainland or a private region?
  12. I mean, unlike those other platforms, we already have auto return that can be timer controlled. This entire thought experiment is just expanding where the timer could apply. We're talking a last login of owner, and we're talking about years, even decades. I can't imagine even the most dedicated griefers would wait next to a parcel for ten years just to see if the timer comes up. That's an issue with coalesced objects in general that still to this day needs to be fixed. The issue with derendering, besides it being limited only to select viewers, is that scripts and collisions continue to take place on the region, using up resources. If we're going to clean up after people, we should actually clean up- not just hide it under the rug.
  13. Except for this part, you mean? Although to be fair, that also goes into hyperbole and mischaracterization, too. It's not all strawman. At least we left out insults, so you're doing better than some people, I'll give you that. Again I wonder why there's such a challenge to make that case without the aforementioned issues? Several people have done it. How come they were able to, but so many other posters aren't capable of it?
  14. In a debate, hyperbole, strawmen, and insults count as failures. One is even against the forum guidelines. So, if we're making this a win/lose contest then yes. I win, you lose.
  15. Correct. Other people made that up in order to argue against it. That's how it's handled in most platforms- and we can already do it with object encroachment. Auto return doesn't seem like that big a deal to me, personally. Plus if someone's willing to buy a nearby parcel and monitor that one for the decade or more we're talking about, well... I said admins because that's what most platform calls them. In our case, it would be both LL and estate owners. Decay is simply a timer from your last login. Not everything on a parcel will have the same owner. I was hoping to leave the process for exceptions up for discussion, yes. It was suggested later in the thread it could be as easy as a support ticket, or even the "lock" checkbox in the build itself. Reversal requests wouldn't necessarily be needed if you can just rez the stuff right back out from your inventory. Although a better way to place coalesced objects back in world would certainly be needed. The idea isn't immutable, that's the whole point of discussions. You're not dumb. I don't have to tell you that hyperbole, strawmen, and insults are not good replies.
  16. I'm not sure why that's funny, @Solar Legion Did you miss the warning? Should I link it for you?
  17. A trashy idea isn't the same as a trashy attitude. Of course, at this point there's only been a small selection of people with good replies to the thread. Everything else has been hyperbole, strawmen, and mischaracterization. To the point that we had to have a warning in the thread. So much so that when you filter for it, there's very little real opposition to the idea yet.
  18. Nothing bizarre about it. Neglecting features is completely on brand for LL.
  19. Perhaps. Although almost every single post is arguing against stuff that isn't part of the idea at all, so it's hard to tell how much negative feedback is real and how much of it is angry at the stuff they're making up in their own heads.
  20. For some residents, their trash isn't even just on their parcel, it's their entire attitude. But, the difference is they're active and participating on the platform.
  21. From the OP: Certain objects can of course be locked and protected by admins to bypass decay.
  22. In that case, again, you'd take advantage of the aforementioned preservation options. Why does almost every argument against the idea seem to boil down to "I didn't actually read it."? Select viewers only.
  23. I take issue with this mentality. The concept that you have to get in people's faces to fight for your rights, that is. There's a number of rights (in the US) I like to fight for. At least one, if I were to openly push it in SL, would see me banned from most places, which ironically would also be their right. Why do we expect the outcome to be different for gay rights?
  24. If they haven't logged in for decades, it certainly wouldn't be this feature that reduced their desire to participate. By the time this would kick in, they would have already shown they don't want to participate. Again... If they're not logging in, they've removed themselves. I'm simply wondering about cleaning up after them now that they're gone.
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