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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Are they lizard people because they're actually lizard people, or because "no normal human would do that to other humans"? Ever read about the declassified stuff that went on in the 1960's? A Taylor Swift psy-op is kid gloves compared to what the CIA was up to back in the day.
  2. Considering that crazier and more dangerous conspiracies than that have turned out to be real, I'm surprised that one would upset anyone!
  3. It won't matter until SL has been around for at least 29 years. Then all the women will want it!
  4. No no, this thread was asking for examples of bad topics. Any thread with me as the topic would surely increase the intellectual, societal, and dare I say monetary value of the forum it was posted on!
  5. No, other similar words are. But since Thot isn't and clearly Simp isn't, Thot should be on the list of names. Fair's fair, after all. I want to make alts named Rich Simp and Audita Thot!
  6. I'm a little surprised that somebody gave the green light for Simp. What are the odds we'll see Thot as a last name? Camgirl (other relevant words are banned on the forums!)?
  7. Why would anyone donate to a charity in SL anyway? Even if you ignore everything else, the currency conversions alone make it a silly idea vs giving directly.
  8. I said "sick of hearing it all the time", "it" being compliments, and mentioned I got one 15 years ago. Everything about that is a comment about how often- frequency. And no, because now it'd just be suspicious!
  9. Context is irrelevant to what I was saying. I was just talking about the frequency at which men compliment women vs women complimenting men.
  10. Peeve: That women can complain they have to cringe and say thanks instead of delivering a feminist speech when they're complimented, because they're sick of hearing it all the time. I've been wearing the same style of watch for 15 years 'cause I remember that one time someone said nice watch.
  11. This sort of thing always makes me think somebody is pandering. Be interesting to see if they rotate things out and see which communities they wind up highlighting over time.
  12. I was making a comment about the word itself, since you both used it while quoting my post, that had nothing to do with gaslighting. Could adding some kind of "tethering distance" to auto-return be used for griefing? Sure, but no more than open rez/auto-return can be used for it already. Coming into the conversation worked up over griefing is an indicator that something else is going on, is all.
  13. Was gonna make a joke, but then I realized I don't think she'd be upset at all if I called her a toy.
  14. Speaking of words that have lost their meaning due to overuse. Perverse incentive is not "gaslighting".
  15. Is it possible that all your issues with all kinds of griefing and harassment in SL is a result of perverse incentive? Like the Streisand Effect? Streisand effect - Wikipedia
  16. Why would anyone even give to charity in SL? After transaction fees and typical skimming done by most of those organizations, anyone that actually needs the money would be getting a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what you actually donated. Give someone in need 50 cents directly, they'll make more than if you donate $100 through SL.
  17. Perfect opportunity to retell this one; 1. Those that can extrapolate from incomplete data.
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