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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. I love threads like this. Someone comes along and says "Why does this game run so terrible? I have a ton of horsepower, the software should be trying to use it to render all this crap." And the replies are always "It's not a game, you can't compare it to an MMO, it's supposed to be a miserable experience visually!" Penny's the only voice of reason around here.
  2. Don't even get me started on "gun crime" (guns don't commit crimes), there's so much wrong with those statistics and how people use them...
  3. While video games have taken the spotlight for this sort of thing lately, addictions have killed people since the beginning of time. Nobody ever wants to take responsibility, or place it where it's due. It's always Call of Duty's fault, or World of Warcraft, or sometimes it was Marylin Manson, he did it. Nobody ever says "Here's a person that had problems and should have sought help, or whose friends/family should have intervened." Instead they say "Dungeons and Dragons is witchcraft!"
  4. Now see, that's almost identical to what I'd tried myself. Except I'd used 270 instead of -90, and I had put the correction in the timer instead of state_entry. Didn't work when I'd done it that way.
  5. What Dora provided looks almost identical to what I had written- except I'd been trying to use llRot2Euler and back to do the correction (which everyone I talked to also suggested). I'll try it with llRotBetween and see if that makes a difference, and update this thread. EDIT: Tested Dora's script. That does it. I wonder why nobody I talked to clued me into llRotBetween...
  6. Now see, that says to use llEuler2Rot and make the change there. Which is something I did, adding- <0.0, 270.0^DEGREE_TO_RAD, 0.0> and it still didn't do it. I'm not asking for hints, I'm way beyond that point. That is not helpful. I'm asking if anyone has managed to do what I'm trying or if what I'm doing is simply impossible with LSL (wouldn't be the first time- link hierarchy comes to mind).
  7. So, I have a child prim with a projected light. I want it to look where the camera is looking, using llGetCameraRot. Unfortunately, projected lights use the bottom of the prim instead of the X axis, and as far as I can tell, there's no way to rotate that child prim up 90 degrees?
  8. As far as I know, there are no tools on the MP that work with any DJ software. Unless you mean like shoutcast boards and things- and if so, VDJ works with all of those, just like any other parcel audio. I'm not sure what you mean by what kind of ways. You can stream direct or use a shoutcast server, if that's what you mean. VDJ, SAMs, or internet radio, they're all the same once they're in world. The SL platform doesn't care what the source is. Now, if you're asking how it differs from the alternatives, that's easy. Other software like SAM or WinAmp (ugh) is just streaming software. VDJ gives the entire DJ experience. It virtualizes all the hardware a DJ normally has to buy, like mixers and controllers.
  9. Phil Deakins wrote: Tari Landar wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Tari Landar wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Your premise isn't quite right. For instance, I sometimes correct people who call SL a game, but calling it a game doesn't offend me in the slightest. How does the fact that you do not get offended make Gadget's premise incorrect? Because he asked, "Why get offended when SL is called a game?" It assumes that people get offended. Therefore, it's an incorrect premise. It's not incorrect, people do get offended. You might not, but some do. I accept that what he wrote could have been meant that way, but he didn'r ask why some people get offended. He asked why get offended, which appears to imply (to me), that all people get offended. That's why I wrote that his premise is wrong. It does appear to be wrong to me. Since he hasn't responded to my post, we can't be sure which way he meant it. However, to the best of my knowledge, his premise is wrong anyway. Does anyone actually get offended? Does anyone actually take offense when SL is called a game? His question assumes that they do, but I haven't seen any of it. All I've seen is people, including me, correcting the statement, which doesn't mean that any offence was taken. I did too. It was my first reply. I said "You may not, but I have seen people that do."
  10. Some good points brought up in the thread. And I noticed a couple people couldn't help but to chime in and say "Because it's not a game!" although not in those words. That's pretty telling, too. Perrie Juran wrote: Tagging my own post here: If This Person is for real, would they be the epitome of someone who does not consider SL a "game?" I like that thread, Perrie. I had to add the perfect response to it.
  11. Phil Deakins wrote: Your premise isn't quite right. For instance, I sometimes correct people who call SL a game, but calling it a game doesn't offend me in the slightest. Well, I didn't mean you. I have seen people get offended at it, though.
  12. So, I was replying to another thread, and in that thread, I compared SL to a video game like an MMO. I was gonna start rambling on there, but I decided it needed a new thread. We already know that SL isn't a game by the standard definition. SL isn't a game like WoW or SWTOR or BF4 is a game. Most of us know that. Here's what I always find interesting, though. Whenever someone does call SL a game, somebody around here always pops up and acts REALLY offended by that title. Whenever I see that, I can only ever think that those people have never played any good MMOs, or they'd be able to see the similarities. Any time I describe SL to a non-technical person, I do call it a "sort of a game, kinda like WoW" (because everybody's freakin' heard of World of Warcraft). It's easier for them to understand. Computer, internet, 3D world, virtual economy, etc. Just like WoW. So I suppose the topic for discusion here is "Why get offended when SL is called a game?"
  13. I've never had an issue crossing RL and SL. I'm a gamer, and a lot of the people I play games with, even though we've never met in RL, we call each other by universal or RL names that extend across all platforms/games. We talk RL casually- I don't think any of us give it a second thought like you see here in SL. So when I came to SL, I did the same thing. It's actually sort of interesting sometimes, seeing people react to RL the way they do here in SL, compared to that. That said, I'm also an adult male that owns firearms; I'm the scary thing people hide their RL identities from, so I have no issues sharing mine.
  14. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Shadowfox394 wrote: So I have been founding videos of other members being *harassed* not trolled trolling is having a fun time or being an ass troll other known as verbal harassment towards other members in the TOS. There is no difference between trolling and harrassing except in the mind of the perp - the troll feels justified in making others feel bad because they find harming people funny, and the harrasser feels power in making others feel bad. Well, that's not true at all. With trolling, you put it out there and let your victims come to you. Like fishing. See who takes the bait. Harrassing is targeted and specific. Bad trolls sometimes can become harrassers, but that doesn't make them the same thing.
  15. I lost a ton of animations in my AO's too- No email. Has anyone heard any updates on this?
  16. Paul Hexem


    Sent you a message in-world.
  17. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: I can say from experience that if you argue enough, they will tell you what you did wrong. You mean they actually reply to you? ...Dres *must be doing something wrong* I PM'ed the **bleep** out of them and came back with alt accounts.
  18. I can say from experience that if you argue enough, they will tell you what you did wrong.
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