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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. SL doesn't really work like that. Products created in SL don't have the up front costs that go into manufacturing and shipping like in RL.
  2. The bulk of what I do is actually custom work, by request. Very little winds up in my store. That said, I generally only take projects that will be fun for me, since this is just my hobby and not my job. Maybe they just don't like pastels.
  3. Some people have children. That's just like having an angry pet monkey.
  4. No, the point is it's not worth botting it because "100L's an hour" is pennies, and not worth turning a computer on for. Real companies paying real cash, that's worth turning the computer on.
  5. Bad idea is bad and you should feel bad. Read up on how bots and IPs work and you'll see why. Also, L$9. Seriously.
  6. ... Good edit. I'm curious. What would you define as more diversity in SL? I'm going to try very hard not to guess.
  7. Klan rally, that's where we're going with this, really? I don't know what kind of Klan rallies you go to, but the ones I attend don't have nearly as many LGBT or furries as I see on a single day in SL. This thread is so gonna get locked...
  8. My favorite part of SL is people that buy the most common prefab structure, put it on a parcel, and think they've just created the most unique thing in SL ever.
  9. I agree with this. As I said in the other thread though, if we start seeing loot box laws becoming a widespread thing, LL may be forced to make a larger policy change.
  10. I didn't say we had to like it or agree with it. I said I suspect the laws made for loot boxes would likely affect gatcha if many start cropping up. Most politicians that make laws don't know anything about what they're regulating other than that they want to regulate it.
  11. Actually, that's not true. Many loot boxes in games cost only a couple dollars USD, and operate exactly like a gatcha- you have a chance of getting rare, uncommon, or common loot. Often entirely cosmetic. Further, most loot box contents can't be resold and turned into real cash like we can here in SL. If this starts to become a mainstream thing for lawmakers, gatcha policy will definitely have to change.
  12. That would be a rustic unfinished support column, of course.
  13. Like, anatomically correct quality bento avatars, or old sculpted ones? The distinction is important.
  14. Psh. Organization is for people that don't know how to abuse the Search function.
  15. As someone that's done it for years, I could never go back to steering my avatar with the keyboard. It's so much more precise, fluid, and responsive. Not to mention the highly sought after skill of running away and jump-spinning to shoot a gun at the person chasing you, only to land in a run again so you don't lose your forward momentum. An MMO classic.
  16. That depends on who you ask and what you watch. I still firmly believe that the country and people in it are much more moderate than political TV would have us believe. This gets forgotten all too often. That's what's fun about SL, everyone brings in a little of their own culture, geography, and beliefs. I can go to a nature sim, sailing sim, combat sim (that's definitely not Californian), an Asian sim, a redneck sim, and more, without ever leaving SL.
  17. It's one of the few gaming standards that LL got right, yes. Including some form of mouse steering, that is. Most games use right click for it.
  18. Phil likes it when you take control. ... Probably.
  19. If you have a qualifying nvidia card, Share/Shadowplay will do it even better than OBS.
  20. I've always used group land, for that bonus. It's amazing how many people, including residents that have been in SL for years and years, don't know about it.
  21. I suspect there's a language barrier here, because I'm reading this and I have to ask- you want to make it so when you block someone, they get locked in place and can't move? Again, the land owner can do that. If the land owner won't do that for you, you simply leave, and the block is complete.
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